ILMFVRotate Interface

This is the interface for the LEAD Video Rotation Transform.


Type Name Description
VARIANT_BOOL Reverse Sets or gets reverse option, set to TRUE to enable the reverse option.
VARIANT_BOOL Flip Sets or gets Flip option, set to TRUE to enable the flip option.
long RotationAngle Sets or gets the rotation angle, it should be a multiple of right angle (90). Unit of angle is degree.
VARIANT_BOOL DefaultReverse Default Reverse status.Original value is FALSE.
VARIANT_BOOL DefaultFlip Default Flip status.Original value is FALSE.
long DefaultRotationAngle Default Rotation Angle.Original value is zero.
long InWidth Read only; the input stream width.
long InHeight Read only; the input stream height.
long OutWidth Read only; the output stream width.
long OutHeight Read only; the output stream height.
long InBits Read only; the input stream bits per pixel.
long OutBits Read only; the output stream bits per pixel.


HRESULT ResetToDefaults()




Reset the rotation option values to the default values.

HRESULT LoadAttributes()




Loads transform settings from the registry. The Media Foundation transforms import the settings from the registry only at creation time. This method will force the transform to re-load its settings from the registry. If the transform has no settings to load from the registry, E_NOTIMPL is returned.


S_OK if successful, S_FALSE otherwise.

HRESULT SaveAttributes()




Writes transform settings to the registry. This method will force the transform to save its settings to the registry before its released.

If the transform has no settings to write to the registry, E_NOTIMPL is returned.


S_OK if successful, S_FALSE otherwise.


Changes that affect the video frame dimensions cannot be performed while the media session is active, as a result these changes will be reverted. You must close the currently open media, change the properties, and then re-open the media.

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