LEAD Video Rotation Transform User Interface

Use the Rotation Video transformto flip, reverse, or rotate a video by 90, 180, or 270 degrees. The property page is shown in the figure below:

The Rotation property page provides a user interface for changing the transform's attributes.

Changes will be applied directly to the streaming media with the ability to set them permanently by selecting Apply or OK, or to abandon changes by selecting Cancel.

Changes that affect the video frame dimensions cannot be performed while the media session is active, as a result these changes will be reverted. You must close the currently open media, change the properties, and then re-open the media.

Positioning the mouse pointer over a control displays general information for that control.

Rotation Settings

First Action group

Control Description
Flip check box If selected, flip the frame.
Reverse check box If selected, reverse the frame.

Second Action group

Control Description
No Rotation radio button Do not rotate.
90 Degrees radio button Rotate 90 degrees.
180 Degrees radio button Rotate 180 degrees.
270 Degrees radio button Rotate 270 degrees.
Help Version 23.0.2024.2.29
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