
#include "ltivw.h"

L_LTIVW_API L_INT L_DispContainerStartAnimation(hCellWnd, nStartFrame, nFrameCount, bAnimateAllSubCells, uFlags)

Starts an animation in the specific cell(s).


L_HWND hCellWnd

A handle to the window that represents the cell on which the function's effect will be applied.

L_INT nStartFrame

Value that represents the initial frame to start animation from.

L_INT nFrameCount

Value that represents the number of frames that the animation will go through.

L_BOOL bAnimateAllSubCells

Flag that indicates whether to animate all sub-cells (If the cell layout shows more than one frame at a time). Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE Animate all sub-cells.
FALSE Do not animate all sub-cells

L_UINT uFlags

Reserved for future use. Pass 0.


Value Meaning
SUCCESS The function was successful.
< 1 An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


The cell(s) must contain multiple frames.

Required DLLs and Libraries

See Also




This function starts an animation for the pass nCellIndex, we assumed that the cell with index (nCellIndex) contains multiple frames.

L_INT DispContainerStartAnimationExample(HDISPCONTAINER hCon, L_INT nCellIndex) 
   DISPANIMATIONPROPS DispAnimationProps; 
   HBITMAPLIST        hBitmapList; 
   L_INT              nCount; 
   if (nCellIndex < 0 || nCellIndex > L_DispContainerGetCellCount(hCon, 0)) 
      return ERROR_INV_PARAMETER; 
   HWND hCellWnd = L_DispContainerGetCellWindowHandle(hCon, nCellIndex, 0); 
   L_DispContainerGetAnimationProperties(hCellWnd, &DispAnimationProps, 0); 
   DispAnimationProps.uInterval = 100; 
   L_DispContainerSetAnimationProperties(hCellWnd, &DispAnimationProps, 0); 
   L_DispContainerGetCellBitmapList(hCellWnd, &hBitmapList, 0); 
   L_GetBitmapListCount(hBitmapList, (L_UINT*)&nCount); 
   if (!L_DispContainerIsCellAnimated(hCellWnd, 0)) 
      L_DispContainerStartAnimation(hCellWnd, 0, nCount, TRUE, 0); 
   return SUCCESS; 

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