
#include "ltdoc2.h"

L_LTDOC2_API L_INT EXT_FUNCTION L_Doc2UpdateZone(hDoc, nPageIndex, nZoneIndex, pZoneData)

Updates the zone data of a single zone in the zone list.


L_HDOC2 hDoc

Handle to the OCR document.

L_INT nPageIndex

Index of the page that contains the zone to be updated. This is a zero-based index.

L_INT nZoneIndex

Index of the zone to be updated. This is a zero-based index.

pZONEDATA2 pZoneData

Pointer to the ZONEDATA2 structure that contains information used to update the zone.


Value Meaning
SUCCESS The function was successful.
< 1 An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


When adding a zone, the application should directly initialize the following members of ZONEDATA2 structure, since these members do not take default values:


The Type member of the ZONEDATA2 structure should be one of the following values:

The index of the first zone in the zone list is zero (0).

To update only the zone area, call the L_Doc2Zone / L_Doc2ZoneExt function.

For OCR zones (zones that detected by calling the L_Doc2FindZones / L_Doc2FindZonesExt function), the following members cannot be changed:

ZONEDATA2.rcArea, ZONEDATA2.Type, ZONEDATA2.pfnCallback.

But, you can update all ZONEDATA2 members for user zones.

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