The following tables list the members exposed by CaptureCtrl.
Public Constructors
Name | Description | |
CaptureCtrl | Constructs a new CaptureCtrl control object. |
Public Methods
Name | Description | |
AllocTarget | Pre-allocates the capture target to the specified size. | |
CanSaveObjectSettings | Determines whether the specified settings can be saved. | |
CaptureDIB | Captures a device independent bitmap. | |
CaptureFrame | Captures a single frame during a CaptureMode.ManualFrames mode capture. | |
CaptureImage | Captures a video image to a System.Drawing.Image object. | |
CopyTarget | Copies the valid media data from the target to the specified file. | |
EditGraph | Registers the current graph and runs the DirectShow GraphEdit utility. | |
EnterEdit | Enters editing mode by preventing the capture object from rebuilding the graph while devices are being selected. | |
EstimateOutputBitRate | Gets the estimated capture output bit rate, in bits per second. | |
EstimateOutputSize | Gets the estimated capturing output size for the specified duration, in bytes. | |
GetPreferredFilter | Retrieves the preferred filter's Display Name set using the SetPreferredFilter method. | |
GetStillDIB | Gets a device independent bitmap (DIB) during a CaptureMode.Still capture. | |
GetStillImage | Gets a System.Drawing.Image object during a CaptureMode.Still capture. | |
GetSubObject | Gets the specified graph sub-object. | |
HasDialog | Checks whether the specified property dialog is available. | |
IsModeAvailable | Specifies whether the specified capture mode is available. | |
IsPreviewTapSupported | Determines whether a specific preview tap for the preview source is available. | |
LeaveEdit | Leaves editing mode. | |
LoadSettingsFromFile | Loads settings from a file. | |
LoadSettingsFromStream | Loads settings from a stream. | |
PauseCapture | Pauses the capture control. | |
ReadyCapture | Prepares the capture graph for running. | |
ResetTarget | Resets the media target. | |
RunCapture | Runs the capture graph. | |
SaveSettingsToFile | Saves some or all of the capture object settings to a file. SaveSettingsToFile provides a convenient mechanism to save settings that can be retrieved at a later time. |
SaveSettingsToStream | Saves some or all of the capture object settings to a stream. | |
SaveStillBitmap | Saves a snapshot from the running stream to a file as a bitmap. | |
SaveStillDIB | Saves a snapshot from the running stream to a file as a device-independent bitmap(DIB). | |
SetPreferredFilter | Sets a preferred filter (decoder or demultiplexer) | |
SetVideoWindowPos | Sets the position and size of the video window. | |
ShowDialog | Shows a specified property dialog. | |
StartCapture | Starts capturing data. | |
StopCapture | Stops capturing data. | |
ToggleClosedCaptioning | Switches the state of the close captioning mode on or off. | |
ToggleFullScreenMode | Switches the state of the full screen mode on or off. | |
TogglePreview | Switches the state of the preview mode on or off. |
Protected Methods
Name | Description | |
AttachInterfaces | Internal method to attach interfaces to the underlying control object. | |
CreateSink | Internal method to create the event sink for the underlying control object. | |
DetachSink | Internal method to detach the event sink for the underlying control object. | |
Dispose | Releases internal control object and related object references. |
Public Properties
Name | Description | |
AnalogVideoDecoder | Gets the AnalogVideoDecoder object that contains information about the analog-to-digital conversion process in a video capture filter. | |
Appearance | Gets or sets a value determining the appearance of the control. | |
AudioBufferSize | Gets or sets the audio capture buffer size, in seconds. | |
AudioCaptureFormats | Gets the AudioFormats object that contains all the audio formats available for the current capture device. | |
AudioCompressors | Gets the registered audio compressor collection object. | |
AudioDevices | Gets the audio device collection object. | |
AudioInputs | Gets an AudioInputs object reference to the audio inputs collection. | |
AudioProcessors | Gets the registered audio processor collection object. | |
AudioRenderers | Gets the registered audio renderer collection object. | |
AutoSize | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control is automatically resized. | |
AverageFrameSize | Gets the average size of the frames that have been captured. | |
BackColor | Gets or sets the background color for the control. | |
Balance | Gets or sets the balance value of the audio stream for the preview output. | |
BorderStyle | Gets or sets the border style of the control. | |
CameraControl | Gets the camera control object exposed by the video input device. | |
CaptureStillDelay | Gets or sets the time delay, in milliseconds, before capturing a DIB or a Picture. | |
CaptureTime | Gets the amount of time the capture has been running, in seconds. | |
CaptureVCRControl | Gets the video capture VCR control object. | |
ClosedCaptionAvailable | Gets the closed captioning availability state. | |
ClosedCaptioning | Gets a value that indicates whether closed captioning is enabled. | |
DeliveredFrames | Gets the total number of frames that have been delivered during capture. | |
DroppedFrames | Gets the total number of frames that have been dropped during capture. | |
DVDecoderResolution | Gets or sets a DVResolution constant that represents the currently set DV Decoder resolution. | |
Enabled | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control can respond to user interaction. | |
FrameDelay | Gets or sets the auto frames capture mode frame delay in seconds. | |
FrameRate | Gets or sets the user defined frame rate in frames per second. | |
FullScreenMode | Gets the video renderer full-screen mode state. | |
IndexMode | Gets or sets the enabled state for WMV stream capture time indexing. | |
InterleaveMode | Gets or sets the current interleave mode when writing the target file. | |
MasterStream | Gets or sets the master stream that other streams must synchronize to after the file is written. | |
Mode | Gets the current capture mode. | |
Mute | Gets or sets the audio stream mute state for the preview output. | |
PreferredVideoRenderer | Gets or sets the preferred VideoRendererType object. | |
Preview | Gets or sets the preview enabled state. | |
PreviewAudioProcessors | Gets the selected preview audio processor collection object. | |
PreviewingClosedCaption | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether closed captioning is previewed. | |
PreviewSource | Gets or sets the preview source setting. | |
PreviewTap | Gets or sets the tap location from which the preview output originates. | |
PreviewVideoProcessors | Gets the selected preview video processor collection object. | |
ScaleHeight | Gets or sets the height of the client area of the control. | |
ScaleLeft | Specifies the X coordinate of the origin in a custom coordinate system for the client area. | |
ScaleMode | Specifies the unit of measure for the control. | |
ScaleTop | Specifies the Y coordinate of the origin in a custom coordinate system for the client area. | |
ScaleWidth | Specifies the width of the client area of the control. | |
SelectedAudioProcessors | Gets the selected audio processor collection object. | |
SelectedVideoProcessors | Gets the selected video processor collection object. | |
ShowDialogPreview | Gets or sets the option to continue to display the preview during a call to the ShowDialog method. | |
State | Gets the current state of the capture control. | |
StillTap | Gets or sets the a value that indicates where in the stream still images are tapped from. | |
TargetDevices | Gets or sets the target device collection object. | |
TargetFile | Gets or sets the filename for the media target file. | |
TargetFormat | Gets or sets the target format for the media file. | |
TargetFormats | Gets the target format collection object. | |
TargetObject | Gets or sets the media target object. | |
TargetStream | Gets or sets a reference to the media target stream. | |
TargetType | Gets and sets the media target type. | |
TargetVCRControl | Gets the target VCR control object. | |
TimeLimit | Gets or sets the capture time limit in seconds. | |
TVTuner | Gets a TVTuner object. | |
UseFrameRate | Gets or sets the option to use the frame rate specified in the FrameRate property. | |
UseTimeLimit | Gets or sets the option to use the time limit specified by the TimeLimit property. | |
UseVideoDeviceAudio | Gets or sets the option to use the audio source in the current video device. | |
UsingDVDecoder | Gets a value that indicates whether the state of the DV Decoder is in use. | |
VideoCaptureFormats | Gets the VideoCaptureFormats object that contains all the video formats available for the current capture device. | |
VideoCaptureSizes | Gets the video capture sizes collection object. | |
VideoCaptureStreamType | Gets the capture stream type. | |
VideoCaptureSubTypes | Gets the video device's capture subtypes collection object. | |
VideoCompressors | Gets the registered video compressor collection object. | |
VideoDevices | Gets the video device collection object. | |
VideoHeight | Gets the current video height. | |
VideoInputs | Gets the video input collection object. | |
VideoProcAmp | Gets a VideoProcAmp object which enables the user to adjust the qualities of an incoming video signal. | |
VideoProcessors | Gets the registered video processor collection object. | |
VideoWidth | Gets the current video width. | |
VideoWindow | Gets the handle to the current video window. | |
VideoWindowHeight | Gets the height of the video window. | |
VideoWindowLeft | Gets the left position of the video window. | |
VideoWindowSizeMode | Gets or sets the size mode for the current video window. | |
VideoWindowTop | Gets the top position of the video window. | |
VideoWindowWidth | Gets the width of the video window. | |
Volume | Gets or sets the volume level of the audio stream for the preview output. | |
Window | Gets the handle to the control's window. | |
WMCertificate | Gets or sets the user assigned windows media certificate. | |
WMProfile | Gets or sets the WMProfile object associated with this capture object. | |
WMScripter | Provides a way to get the WMScript object. |
Public Events
Name | Description | |
Click | Occurs when the control is clicked. | |
Complete | Occurs when the operation in progress has completed. | |
DoubleClick | Occurs when the control is double-clicked. | |
ErrorAbort | Occurs when an error has caused an operation abort. | |
KeyDown | Occurs when the control has detected a KeyDown event. | |
KeyPress | Occurs when the control has detected a KeyPress event. | |
KeyUp | Occurs when the control has detected a KeyUp event. | |
MediaEvent | Occurs when the control has detected a media event. | |
MouseDown | Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is pressed. | |
MouseEnter | Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control. | |
MouseHover | Occurs when the mouse pointer rests on the control. | |
MouseLeave | Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control. | |
MouseMove | Occurs when the mouse pointer is moved over the control. | |
MouseUp | Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is released. | |
Progress | Occurs periodically during a capture operation to notify of capture progress. | |
Resize | Occurs when the control is resized. | |
RestartApplication | Occurs when settings changes on the capture device requires an application restart. | |
Started | Occurs when a capture operation has started. |
See Also