AnalogVideoDecoder Property

Gets the AnalogVideoDecoder object that contains information about the analog-to-digital conversion process in a video capture filter.
public virtual AnalogVideoDecoder AnalogVideoDecoder { get; } 
Public Overridable ReadOnly Property AnalogVideoDecoder As AnalogVideoDecoder 
virtual property AnalogVideoDecoder^ AnalogVideoDecoder { 
   AnalogVideoDecoder^ get(); 

Property Value

An AnalogVideoDecoder object.


The AnalogVideoDecoder object contains a number of properties. Some of these properties are read-only and updated with information about specific analog video decoders. Other properties can be used to change the settings of a specific analog video decoder. For more information on these properties, refer to the AnalogVideoDecoder object.

using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Multimedia; 
using LeadtoolsMultimediaExamples.Fixtures; 
public bool _result = false; 
public CaptureCtrlForm _form = new CaptureCtrlForm(); 
public void AvailableTVFormatsExample() 
      // reference the forms capture control 
      CaptureCtrl capturectrl = _form.CaptureCtrl; 
      string outFile = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.MediaDir, "AnalogVideoDecoder_AvailableTVFormatsExample.avi"); 
      int lines = 0; 
      bool allResults = true; 
      // select the first device with the word "analog" in its name 
      // Replace "Analog" with the name of your tuner device 
      if (capturectrl.VideoDevices["Analog"] == null) 
         throw new Exception("No analog video capture device available"); 
      capturectrl.VideoDevices["Analog"].Selected = true; 
      AnalogVideoDecoder analogvideodecoder = capturectrl.AnalogVideoDecoder; 
      AnalogVideoStandard availableFormats = analogvideodecoder.AvailableTVFormats; 
      AnalogVideoStandard tvFormat = analogvideodecoder.TVFormat; 
      // check whether the format is NTSC and set it if not 
      if (tvFormat != AnalogVideoStandard.NTSC_M_J 
         && (availableFormats & AnalogVideoStandard.NTSC_M_J) == AnalogVideoStandard.NTSC_M_J) 
         // set the analog video decoder TV format 
         analogvideodecoder.TVFormat = AnalogVideoStandard.NTSC_M_J; 
         // check the changed format 
         allResults &= (analogvideodecoder.TVFormat == AnalogVideoStandard.NTSC_M_J); 
      // check whether Horizontal Locked is enabled 
      bool vLocked = capturectrl.AnalogVideoDecoder.HorizontalLocked; 
      // Some video device's Analog Decoder implementations do not 
      // support the following properties, so we wrap these property  
      // accesses with a special try block to catch possible exceptions 
         // check whether VCR Horizontal Sync locking is enabled and set it if not 
         bool vcrLocked = capturectrl.AnalogVideoDecoder.VCRHorizontalLocking; 
         if (!vcrLocked) 
            // set VCR horzontal sync locking 
            capturectrl.AnalogVideoDecoder.VCRHorizontalLocking = true; 
            // include this as one of our checks 
            allResults &= capturectrl.AnalogVideoDecoder.VCRHorizontalLocking; 
         // check whether output enabled is set and set it if not 
         bool outputEnabled = capturectrl.AnalogVideoDecoder.OutputEnable; 
         if (!outputEnabled) 
            // enable output 
            capturectrl.AnalogVideoDecoder.OutputEnable = true; 
            // include this as one of our checks 
            allResults &= capturectrl.AnalogVideoDecoder.OutputEnable; 
      catch (COMException cex) 
         // if the device does not support the properties above 
         // skip it and do not fail 
         if (cex.ErrorCode != (int)ErrorCode.E_PROP_ID_UNSUPPORTED 
            && cex.ErrorCode != (int)ErrorCode.E_PROP_SET_UNSUPPORTED) 
            throw cex; 
      int tries = 0; 
      // check scan line count a few times  
      // initial frames may differ from format spec, until frame data  
      // has propogated through the capture graph 
      while (lines != 525 && tries++ < 10) 
         // get the number of scan lines in the output format 
         lines = capturectrl.AnalogVideoDecoder.NumberOfLines; 
         System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("TV Format: " 
                                            + analogvideodecoder.TVFormat.ToString() 
                                            + ", Scan Lines: " 
                                            + lines.ToString()); 
      // include the line count check 
      allResults &= (lines == 525 && tries < 10); 
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Tries: " + tries.ToString()); 
      // test results 
      _result = allResults; 
   catch (Exception) 
      _result = false; 
static class LEAD_VARS 
   public const string MediaDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS21\Media"; 
Imports Leadtools 
Imports Leadtools.Multimedia 
Imports LeadtoolsMultimediaExamples.Fixtures 
Public _result As Boolean = False 
Public _form As CaptureCtrlForm = New CaptureCtrlForm() 
Public Sub AvailableTVFormatsExample() 
      ' reference the forms capture control 
      Dim capturectrl As CaptureCtrl = _form.CaptureCtrl 
      Dim outFile As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.MediaDir, "AnalogVideoDecoder_AvailableTVFormatsExample.avi") 
      Dim lines As Integer = 0 
      Dim allResults As Boolean = True 
      ' select the first device with analog in it's name 
      ' Replace "Analog" with your tuner device name 
      If capturectrl.VideoDevices("Analog") Is Nothing Then 
         Throw New Exception("No analog video capture device available") 
      End If 
      capturectrl.VideoDevices("Analog").Selected = True 
      Dim analogvideodecoder As AnalogVideoDecoder = capturectrl.AnalogVideoDecoder 
      Dim availableFormats As AnalogVideoStandard = analogvideodecoder.AvailableTVFormats 
      Dim tvFormat As AnalogVideoStandard = analogvideodecoder.TVFormat 
      ' Check if format is NTSC and set it if not 
      If tvFormat <> AnalogVideoStandard.NTSC_M_J AndAlso (availableFormats And 
                                                           AnalogVideoStandard.NTSC_M_J) = 
                                                           AnalogVideoStandard.NTSC_M_J Then 
         ' set the analog video decoder TV format 
         analogvideodecoder.TVFormat = AnalogVideoStandard.NTSC_M_J 
         ' check the changed format 
         allResults = allResults And (analogvideodecoder.TVFormat = AnalogVideoStandard.NTSC_M_J) 
      End If 
      ' Check if Horizontal Locked is enabled 
      Dim vLocked As Boolean = capturectrl.AnalogVideoDecoder.HorizontalLocked 
      ' Some video device's Analog Decoder implementations do not 
      ' support the following properties, so we wrap these property  
      ' accesses with a special try block to catch possible exceptions 
         ' Check if VCR Horizontal Sync locking is enabled and set if not 
         Dim vcrLocked As Boolean = capturectrl.AnalogVideoDecoder.VCRHorizontalLocking 
         If (Not vcrLocked) Then 
            ' set VCR horzontal sync locking 
            capturectrl.AnalogVideoDecoder.VCRHorizontalLocking = True 
            ' include this as one of our checks 
            allResults = allResults And capturectrl.AnalogVideoDecoder.VCRHorizontalLocking 
         End If 
         ' Check if output enabled is set and set if not 
         Dim outputEnabled As Boolean = capturectrl.AnalogVideoDecoder.OutputEnable 
         If (Not outputEnabled) Then 
            ' enable output 
            capturectrl.AnalogVideoDecoder.OutputEnable = True 
            ' include this as one of our checks 
            allResults = allResults And capturectrl.AnalogVideoDecoder.OutputEnable 
         End If 
      Catch cex As COMException 
         ' if the device does not support the properties above 
         ' skip it and dont fail 
         If cex.ErrorCode <> CInt(ErrorCode.E_PROP_ID_UNSUPPORTED) AndAlso cex.ErrorCode <> CInt(ErrorCode.E_PROP_SET_UNSUPPORTED) Then 
            Throw cex 
         End If 
      End Try 
      Dim tries As Integer = 0 
      ' check scan line count a few times  
      ' initial frames may differ from format spec, until frame data  
      ' has propogated through the capture graph 
      Do While lines <> 525 AndAlso tries < 10 
         ' get the number of scan lines in the output format 
         lines = capturectrl.AnalogVideoDecoder.NumberOfLines 
         System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("TV Format: " & analogvideodecoder.TVFormat.ToString() & ", Scan Lines: " & lines.ToString()) 
         tries += 1 
      ' include the line count check 
      allResults = allResults And (lines = 525 AndAlso tries < 10) 
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Tries: " & tries.ToString()) 
      ' test results 
      _result = allResults 
   Catch e1 As Exception 
      _result = False 
   End Try 
End Sub 
Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS 
   Public Const MediaDir As String = "C:\LEADTOOLS21\Media" 
End Class 

Target Platforms

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