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VCRControl Class Methods


For a list of all members of this type, see VCRControl members

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method FastestForward Sets the Mode property to VCRControlMode.FastestForward.
Public Method FastestReverse Sets the Mode property to VCRControlMode.FastestReverse.
Public Method FastForward Sets the Mode property to VCRControlMode.FastForward.
Public Method Pause Sets the Mode property to VCRControlMode.Pause.
Public Method PauseRecording Sets the Mode property to VCRControlMode.PauseRecording.
Public Method Play Sets the Mode property to VCRControlMode.Play.
Public Method ReadTimecode This method reads the time code.
Public Method Record Sets the Mode property to VCRControlMode.Record.
Public Method Rewind Sets the Mode property to VCRControlMode.Rewind.
Public Method SeekTimecode Seeks the specified time code.
Public Method SlowestForward Sets the Mode property to VCRControlMode.SlowestForward.
Public Method SlowestReverse Sets the Mode property to VCRControlMode.SlowestReverse.
Public Method StepBackward Sets the Mode property to VCRControlMode.StepBackward.
Public Method StepForward Sets the Mode property to VCRControlMode.StepForward.
Public Method Stop Sets the Mode property to VCRControlMode.Stop.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method Dispose Releases internal control object and related object references.
Protected Method Finalize This member overrides System.Object.Finalize

See Also


VCRControl Class

Leadtools.Multimedia Namespace

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