Bitrate Property

Gets or sets the stream's bit rate in bits per second.
public int Bitrate { get; set; } 
Public Property Bitrate As Integer 
property int Bitrate { 
   int get(); 
   void set (    int ); 

Property Value

The stream's bit rate in bits per second.


Gets or sets the stream's bit rate in bits per second. Call the WMProfile.ReconfigStream method to have the new bit rate take effect. For more information, refer to the Microsoft documentation for IWMStreamConfig.GetBitrate.

using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Multimedia; 
using LeadtoolsMultimediaExamples.Fixtures; 
public bool _result = false; 
public CaptureCtrlForm _form = new CaptureCtrlForm(); 
public void StreamTypeExample() 
   // reference the capture control 
   CaptureCtrl capturectrl = _form.CaptureCtrl; 
   string inFile = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.MediaDir, "CaptureCtrl_Source.avi"); 
      // reference the profile if available 
      WMProfile CurrentProfile = capturectrl.WMProfile; 
      // if we have a profile display the info 
      if (CurrentProfile != null) 
         MessageBox.Show(GetStreamInfo(CurrentProfile), "Stream Info", MessageBoxButtons.OK); 
   catch (Exception) 
      _result = false; 
   // we'll loop on the state and pump messages for this example. 
   // but you should not need to if running from a Windows Forms application. 
   while (capturectrl.State == CaptureState.Running) 
// discovering streams  
private string GetStreamInfo(WMProfile Profile) 
   WMStreamConfig streamConfig; 
   string streamInfo = string.Empty; 
   // show all the information regarding the streams 
   for (int i = 0; i < Profile.StreamCount - 1; i++) 
      streamConfig = Profile.GetStream(0); 
      streamInfo += "[[ Stream " + (i + 1).ToString() + " ]]"; 
      // get the major type of the stream 
      streamInfo += "\n type: " + streamConfig.StreamType; 
      // get Stream number 
      streamInfo += "\n number: " + streamConfig.StreamNumber.ToString(); 
      // get Stream name 
      streamInfo += "\n name: " + streamConfig.StreamName; 
      // get connection name 
      streamInfo += "\n connection name: " + streamConfig.ConnectionName; 
      // get Bitrate 
      streamInfo += "\n bitrate: " + streamConfig.Bitrate.ToString(); 
      // get the maximum latency (time in milliseconds) between stream reception and display 
      streamInfo += "\n buffer window: " + streamConfig.BufferWindow.ToString(); 
      // get the major type of the media in the stream 
      streamInfo += "\n majortype: " + streamConfig.Type; 
      // get the maximum key frame time interval (in 100-nano seconds)  
      streamInfo += "\n max keyframe spacing: " + streamConfig.MaxKeyFrameSpacing.ToString(); 
      // get the Quality, range from 0 to 100 
      // where zero denotes maximum frame rate and 100 denotes maximum quality.  
      streamInfo += "\n stream quality: "; 
      if (streamConfig.Quality > -1) 
         streamInfo += streamConfig.Quality.ToString(); 
         streamInfo += "(unknown)"; 
   return streamInfo; 
static class LEAD_VARS 
   public const string MediaDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS21\Media"; 
Imports Leadtools 
Imports Leadtools.Multimedia 
Imports LeadtoolsMultimediaExamples.Fixtures 
Public _result As Boolean = False 
Public _form As CaptureCtrlForm = New CaptureCtrlForm() 
Public Sub StreamTypeExample() 
   ' reference the capture control 
   Dim capturectrl As CaptureCtrl = _form.CaptureCtrl 
   Dim inFile As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.MediaDir, "CaptureCtrl_Source.avi") 
      ' reference the profile if available 
      Dim CurrentProfile As WMProfile = capturectrl.WMProfile 
      ' if we have a profile display the info 
      If Not CurrentProfile Is Nothing Then 
         MessageBox.Show(GetStreamInfo(CurrentProfile), "Stream Info", MessageBoxButtons.OK) 
      End If 
   Catch e1 As Exception 
      _result = False 
   End Try 
   ' we'll loop on the state and pump messages for this example. 
   ' but you should not need to if running from a Windows Forms application. 
   Do While capturectrl.State = CaptureState.Running 
End Sub 
' discovering streams  
Private Function GetStreamInfo(ByVal Profile As WMProfile) As String 
   Dim streamConfig As WMStreamConfig 
   Dim streamInfo As String = String.Empty 
   ' show all the information regarding the streams 
   Dim i As Integer = 0 
   Do While i < Profile.StreamCount - 1 
      streamConfig = Profile.GetStream(0) 
      streamInfo &= "[[ Stream " & (i + 1).ToString() & " ]]" 
      ' get the major type of the stream 
      streamInfo &= Microsoft.VisualBasic.Constants.vbLf & " type: " & streamConfig.StreamType 
      ' get Stream number 
      streamInfo &= Microsoft.VisualBasic.Constants.vbLf & " number: " & streamConfig.StreamNumber.ToString() 
      ' get Stream name 
      streamInfo &= Microsoft.VisualBasic.Constants.vbLf & " name: " & streamConfig.StreamName 
      ' get connection name 
      streamInfo &= Microsoft.VisualBasic.Constants.vbLf & " connection name: " & streamConfig.ConnectionName 
      ' get Bitrate 
      streamInfo &= Microsoft.VisualBasic.Constants.vbLf & " bitrate: " & streamConfig.Bitrate.ToString() 
      ' get the maximum latency (time in milliseconds) between stream reception and display 
      streamInfo &= Microsoft.VisualBasic.Constants.vbLf & " buffer window: " & streamConfig.BufferWindow.ToString() 
      ' get the major type of the media in the stream 
      streamInfo &= Microsoft.VisualBasic.Constants.vbLf & " majortype: " & streamConfig.Type 
      ' get the maximum key frame time interval (in 100-nano seconds)  
      streamInfo &= Microsoft.VisualBasic.Constants.vbLf & " max keyframe spacing: " & streamConfig.MaxKeyFrameSpacing.ToString() 
      ' get the Quality, range from 0 to 100 
      ' where zero denotes maximum frame rate and 100 denotes maximum quality.  
      streamInfo &= Microsoft.VisualBasic.Constants.vbLf & " stream quality: " 
      If streamConfig.Quality > -1 Then 
         streamInfo &= streamConfig.Quality.ToString() 
         streamInfo &= "(unknown)" 
      End If 
      i += 1 
   Return streamInfo 
End Function 
Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS 
   Public Const MediaDir As String = "C:\LEADTOOLS21\Media" 
End Class 

Target Platforms

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