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MedicalViewerBaseCell Class Methods


For a list of all members of this type, see MedicalViewerBaseCell members

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method AddAction Adds a new action to the medical viewer.
Public Method AutomationAttach Called when AnnAutomation.Attach is called.
Public Method AutomationDetach Called when AnnAutomation.Detach is called.
Public Method AutomationInvalidate Invalidates the specified region of the control.
Public Method Calibrate Calibrates the cell along the specified axis based on information provided by the user. This allows the user to calibrate a cell without using an annotation ruler.
Public Method CalibrateRuler Changes the length of the selected annotation ruler according to the new value.
Public Method CanExecuteAction A method that is used to determine whether the action actionType can be executed in the Medical Viewer Cell.
Public Method DeclareActionAsAnnotation Declares the custom action sent as annotation action.
Public Method DeleteSelectedAnnotation This method deletes the selected annotation from the cell and active sub-cell annotation container.
Public Method DeleteTag Deletes the tag (overlay text) of a cell.
Public Method EditTag Edits the tag (overlay text) of cell.
Public Method FlipAnnotationContainer Flips all of the cell annotation containers.
Public Method FlipLabels Flips the label tags of an image in the cell with the specified parameters.
Public Method FlipOrientation Flips the orientation of an image in the cell with the specified parameters.
Public Method GetActionButton Retrieves the mouse button associated with the specified action.
Public Method GetActionFlags Retrieves the flags associated with the specified action.
Public Method GetActionProperties Gets the current properties for the specified action.
Public Method GetAnnotationContainer Gets the Leadtools.Annotations.Engine object which represents the annotation container.
Public Method GetCellRulerLength Gets or sets the value that represents the length of the specified ruler.
Public Method GetOffset Gets the current coordinates of the image.
Public Method GetSelectedAnnotationAttributes Retrieves the selected annotation attributes for the cell.
Public Method GetTag Retrieves the tag (overlay text) for a cell.
Public Method GetWindowLevelCenter Gets the window level center value for the image.
Public Method GetWindowLevelWidth Gets the window level width value for the image.
Public Method Invalidate Redraws the cell and causes a paint message to be sent to the Leadtools.MedicalViewer control that owns this cells.
Public Method IsActionAdded Determines whether the specified action has been added to the container (using the AddAction method).
Public Method IsValidForAction Determines whether the specified mouse button and applying operation can be set to the specified action.
Public Method LoadAnnotations Loads the annotation container(s) in a cell.
Public Method Match Matches the cell property specified by _action_ to _sourceCell_.
Public Method OnAutomationDoubleClick Must be called when the pointer (mouse or touch) is double clicked or tapped on the control.
Public Method OnAutomationPointerDown Must be called when the pointer (mouse or touch) is pressed down or tapped on the control.
Public Method OnAutomationPointerMove Must be called when the pointer (mouse or touch) is moving or dragging on the control.
Public Method OnAutomationPointerUp Must be called when the pointer (mouse or touch) is released up from the control.
Public Method RefreshAnnotation Repaints the annotations on the sub-cell or cell.
Public Method RemoveAction Removes the specified action from the medical viewer.
Public Method ResetWindowLevelValues Resets the image window level to its default values.
Public Method ReverseAnnotationContainer Reverses all of the cell annotation containers.
Public Method ReverseLabels Reverses the label tags of an image in the cell with the specified subCellIndex.
Public Method ReverseOrientation Reverses the orientation of an image in the cell with the specified subCellIndex.
Public Method RotateAnnotationContainer Rotates all the cell annotation containers by the specified amount.
Public Method RotateLabels Rotates the label tags of an image in the cell with the specified parameters.
Public Method RotateOrientation Rotates the orientation of an image in the cell with the specified parameters.
Public Method SaveAnnotations Saves the annotation container(s) of a cell to a file.
Public Method SetAction Assigns the action to a specific mouse button.
Public Method SetActionProperties Sets the current properties for the specified action.
Public Method SetAnnotationContainer Sets the Leadtools.Annotations.Engine.AnnContainer object which represents the annotation container.
Public Method SetDefaultWindowLevelValues Sets the default window level values for all the images in the cell.
Public Method SetOffset Translates the image position according to the provided X and Y values.
Public Method SetTag Adds a tag (overlay text) to the cell.
Public Method SetWindowLevel Sets the window level width and center values for the image.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method Dispose(Boolean) Releases all resources used by the MedicalViewerBaseCell.
Protected Method Finalize This member overrides Finalize.
Protected Method GetCellActionProperties Gets the current properties for the specified action.
Protected Method IsInputKey Overrides Control.IsInputKey.
Protected Method OnHandleCreated Overrides Control.OnHandleCreated.
Protected Method OnKeyDown Overrides Control.OnKeyDown.
Protected Method OnPropertyChanged Fires the PropertyChanged event.
Protected Method SetCellActionProperties Sets the current properties for the specified action.
Protected Method WndProc Processes Windows messages. Overrides WndProc.

See Also


MedicalViewerBaseCell Class

Leadtools.MedicalViewer Namespace

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