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#include "ltdic.h"
L_LTDIC_API L_INT L_DicomGetAbstractCount(hPDU, pszUID)
Returns the number of times that the abstract syntax occurs in the association.
A DICOM Associate handle.
Character string that contains the Abstract String to find. For a list of possible values, refer to Abstract Syntax Values. This parameter cannot exceed PDU_MAX_UID_SIZE + 1, including the null character at the end.
The number of times that the abstract syntax occurs in the association. Returns 0 if no presentation context is found that contains the abstract syntax.
This function returns the number of times that the abstract syntax occurs in the association, or equivalently, it returns the total number of unique presentation contexts where pszUID occurs. Note that a particular abstract syntax can occur in more than one presentation context, but only once per presentation context.
The Abstract Syntax provides information about the class type of the data that will be transferred across the DICOM Associate connection.
This function is valid only for DICOM Associate objects of type Associate Request.
To get the Abstract Syntax of a specific Presentation Context, call the L_DicomGetAbstract function.
To set the Abstract Syntax of a specific Presentation Context, call the L_DicomSetAbstract function.
Required DLLs and Libraries
Win32, x64, Linux.
For an example, refer to L_DicomFindNextAbstract.
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