IAnnAutomationControl Interface Members


The following tables list the members exposed by IAnnAutomationControl.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method automationAttach A method called whenever Attach is called.
Public Method automationDetach A method called whenever Detach is called.
Public Method automationInvalidate Invalidates the specified region of the control.
Public Method onAutomationDoubleClick Must be called when the pointer (mouse or touch) is double clicked or tapped on the control.
Public Method onAutomationPointerDown Must be called when the pointer (mouse or touch) is pressed down or tapped on the control.
Public Method onAutomationPointerMove Must be called when the pointer (mouse or touch) is moving or dragging on the control.
Public Method onAutomationPointerUp Must be called when the pointer (mouse or touch) is released up from the control.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property automationAntiAlias Gets or sets a value that indicate whether anti-aliasing should be used during rendering.
Public Property automationContainerIndex Gets or sets the active container index.
Public Property automationDataProvider Gets or sets the data provider to use for getting and setting image data.
Public Property automationDpiX Gets the horizontal resolution of the screen.
Public Property automationDpiY Gets the horizontal resolution of the image.
Public Property automationEnabled Gets a value that indicates whether the automation control is enabled.
Public Property automationGetContainersCallback Gets or sets the callback that is used to obtain the collection of annotation containers used by the automation.
Public Property automationObject Gets or sets the automation object.
Public Property automationRotateAngle The rotation angle of the viewer.
Public Property automationScaleFactor The scale factor of the viewer.
Public Property automationScrollOffset Gets the scroll offset being used by the control.
Public Property automationTransform Gets the matrix object that represents the current transformation for the annotations objects.
Public Property automationUseDpi Gets a value that indicate whether to use the resolution values when viewing an image.
Public Property automationXResolution Gets the horizontal resolution of the image.
Public Property automationYResolution Gets the vertical resolution of the image.
Public Property isAutomationEventsHooked Indicates that the events of this automation control have already been hooked.
Public Property renderingEngine Gets or sets the rendering engine associated with this control.

Public Events

Name Description
Public Event static  | Shared in VB automationDoubleClick Represents an event of that triggers when the pointer (mouse or touch) is double-clicked on the surface of the control.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB automationEnabledChanged Represents an event that triggers whenever the value of AutomationEnabled is changed.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB automationGotFocus Represents an event that triggers when the control receives the focus.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB automationLostFocus Represents an event that triggers when the control loses the focus.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB automationPointerDown Represents an event of that triggers when the pointer (mouse or touch) is down (clicked) on the surface of the control.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB automationPointerMove Represents an event of that triggers when the pointer (mouse or touch) is moved on the surface of the control.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB automationPointerUp Represents an event of that triggers when the pointer (mouse or touch) is up (released) from the surface of the control.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB automationSizeChanged Represents an event that triggers when the size of this control changes.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB automationTransformChanged Represents an event that must triggers whenever the value of AutomationTransform is changed.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB automationUseDpiChanged Represents an event that triggers whenever the value of AutomationUseDpi is changed.

See Also

IAnnAutomationControl Interface

Leadtools.Annotations.Engine Namespace

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