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Leadtools.Document.Editor Classes


Overview and description of Leadtools Document Editor classes.


Class Description
Class Attribute Represents a single instance of an attribute.
Class Attributes Defines an Attribute collection.
Class BlockPiece Represents a significant structural component such as paragraphs, tables, or any other block piece element.
Class Cell Represents an instance of a cell.
Class ChordBinding Represents a chord binding, a series of bindings that must be executed in a particular order.
Class ContextModule This module is responsible for presenting contextual data about the current state of the Document Editor. This entails returning styling information for Runs.
Class DocumentEditor Provides support for editing Documents in a browser
Class DocumentSearch Defines a DocumentSearch object.
Class EditableContent Represents an instance of the editable content in the current editor.
Class EditableDocument Defines the data for the document that is editable.
Class EditingEngine Defines the engine instance to use for document editing.
Class EditingModule Defines a disposable editing module.
Class EditPosition An EditPosition describes a specific location in a document.
Class EditRange An EditRange describes a range of positions in a document. The location is only valid in context with the current state of the document at the time.
Class EngineModule The EngineModule is responsible for interoping with the EditingEngine to apply operations to the document.
Class EngineOptions Represents the options needed to handle the history tracking and records.
Class HistoryManager A class represents the functionality to handle redo and undo operations occurred.
Class HistoryModule Extends the EditingModule with additional fields and methods.
Class HistoryRecord Holds all information pertaining to a single History entry.
Class ImageEngine Defines the properties and methods of the ImageEngine Object.
Class ImagePiece Defines the ImagePiece object which extends the ObjectPiece class.
Class InternalImage Defines an InternalImage collection which implements ObjectLineContent.
Class KeyboardModule Defines a KeyboardModule collection.
Class LayoutService Defines a LayoutService collection.
Class List Defines a List collection that implements Attributor.
Class ListLevel Defines a ListLevel collection that implements Attributor.
Class ListManager Defines a List Manager collection.
Class Marginal Represents an editable portion of content that is situated in the margin, such as headers and footers.
Class MarginalManager Handles marginal information for the current EditingEngine context.
Class Marginals Holds all marginal objects pertaining to the document , obtained from the MarginalManager Object.
Class MovementModule Handles cursor movement and selection in the DocumentEditor Object.
Class ObjectPiece Represents an external resource that is present in the document.
Class OutputImage Represents an image with a ContentType type and an ObjectContractType objectType.
Class OutputLine Represents the line that an OutputImage will be on.
Class OutputParagraph Defines an OutputParagraph collection.
Class ParagraphBlock Defines a BlockPiece collection.
Class Piece The base class of all piece objects.
Class PieceManager Manages the keys for a Piece object's validators.
Class PieceStructure Controls the number, order, and position of all the Piece objects within a document.
Class PrintingModule Allows the DocumentEditor to print its current document.
Class QueryManager Searches for and retrieves the data of blocks, paragraphs, and sections from the document.
Class QueryOptions Determines which data populates the QueryResults object.
Class RecordOperation Records an operation performed in a document.
Class StandardBinding Represents a simple keybinding. This consists of modifier keys, for example: ctrl, shift, alt, meta + a keycode.
Class StandardKeyboardEvent Extends the IKeyboardEvent interface with additional properties and fields.
Class TableBlock Extends BlockPiece adding more properties and methods.
Class TableEngine Defines an engine for editing tables, rows, columns, and cells in a document.
Class TextBuffer Holds all of the text content of a document along with any text added after the document is opened.
Class TextEngine Defines the methods and properties for the TextEngine object.
Class TextPiece Defines a text piece in the editor's content.
Class TreeNode Defines a tree structure of nodes for this editor.
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Leadtools.Document.Editor Assembly
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