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Leadtools.Document.Editor Enumerations


Overview and description of Leadtools Document Editor enumerations.


Enumeration Description
Enumeration ActiveMarginalFlag Bitwise flag describing which page header and footer regions should be used for the document.
Enumeration ActiveRegion Describes the current region in the active document.
Enumeration AlignmentType Describes how the content should be aligned.
Enumeration AttributeType Defines the attribute type in the current editor. Used in ensuring an attribute collection is a specified type for typescript or consistency.
Enumeration BlockType Defines the block type in the document.
Enumeration BorderRegion Defines the border region to style.
Enumeration BorderStyle Defines the border style for the element.
Enumeration CellStatus Defines the cell status type in the current editor.
Enumeration ColumnLocation Defines the column location in the table.
Enumeration ContentType Defines the content type for this object.
Enumeration EditorEvent Defines the type of editor event.
Enumeration EditRegion Defines the edit region for the document.
Enumeration ImageStyle Defines the inline, breakText, and wrapText properties.
Enumeration KeyCode Virtual representation of key codes. This should help with cross browser/platform compatibility.
Enumeration ListBulletPresets Defines the list bullet presets in the current editor.
Enumeration MarginalPosition Represents which page the marginal should be used on.
Enumeration MarginalType Represents the Marginal type.
Enumeration ObjectContractType Represents what the type the object is, being either a table or an image.
Enumeration ObjectType Represents the type of an ObjectPiece object.
Enumeration Orientation Describes the orientation of the document.
Enumeration PieceType Defines the Piece type.
Enumeration RecordType Defines the operation type for a RecordOperation object.
Enumeration RowLocation Defines the row location relative to a specified cell for a TableBlock object's methods.
Enumeration ScriptType Describes the script type for the text.
Enumeration StrikethroughType Describes the type of strikethrough line that should be used.
Enumeration TableAlignment Describes the table alignment.
Enumeration TreeNodeColor Defines the color of the tree structure.
Enumeration UnderlineType Defines the underline type to use for the text.
Enumeration ViewMode Defines whether the editor allows content editing.
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Leadtools.Document.Editor Assembly
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