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EditableContent Class Methods


For a list of all members of this type, see EditableContent members

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method deleteAt Deletes the portion of a piece located at the provided EditPosition from a document.
Public Method deleteMoveAt Deletes the portion of a piece located at the provided EditPosition from a document.
Public Method deleteRange Deletes a range of pieces from a document.
Public Method deleteTable Deletes a table from the structure.
Public Method formatAt Format the portion of a piece located at the provided EditPosition in a document.
Public Method formatRange Formats all pieces in an EditRange with the provided attribute data.
Public Method getRange Returns all pieces that are located in a given EditRange.
Public Method getString Retrieves the sub-string of a TextPiece based off the range.
Public Method getStringFromRange Retrieves the sub-string of a TextPiece based off the range
Public Method insertBlock Inserts a block piece into the structure.
Public Method insertObject Inserts an ObjectPiece into the structure.
Public Method insertPiece Inserts a piece into the piece structure.
Public Method insertTable Inserts a table into the structure.
Public Method insertText Inserts a text piece into the structure.
Public Method optimizeRange Optimizes the range by joining similar text pieces:- Must be part of the same buffer, and be continuous.- Must have same attributes.

See Also

EditableContent Class

Leadtools.Document.Editor Namespace

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Leadtools.Document.Editor Assembly
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