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GetDicomDataSets(MatchingParameterCollection) Method


Retrieves a list of DicomDataSet that matches query parameters specified in a MatchingParameterCollection from the storage source.

   List<DicomDataSet^>^ GetDicomDataSets( 
      MatchingParameterCollection^ matchingCollection 



A MatchingParameterCollection which includes the matching parameters for a query.

Return Value

A List of DicomDataSet that corresponds to the query parameters specified in MatchingParameterCollection.

If no such DicomDataSet exists, an empty List is returned.


The MatchingParameterCollection can contain one or more MatchingParameterList.

Each MatchingParameterList can contain one or more ICatalogEntity.

For example, to create a MatchingParameterCollection to search for all instances of a particular PatientID, do the following:

string patientId = "12341234"; 
MatchingParameterCollection matchingCollection = new MatchingParameterCollection(); 
MatchingParameterList matchingList = new MatchingParameterList(); 
ICatalogEntity patientEntity = RegisteredEntities.GetPatientEntity(patientId); 
using Leadtools.Dicom; 
using Leadtools.DicomDemos; 
using Leadtools.Medical.DataAccessLayer; 
using Leadtools.Medical.DataAccessLayer.Catalog; 
using Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer; 
using Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer.Configuration; 
public static IStorageDataAccessAgent5 GetStorageDataAccessAgent5() 
   // Before running this sample, follow these steps: 
   // 1. Run CSPacsDatabaseConfigurationDemo.exe to create the databases 
   // 2. Run CSPACSConfigDemo.exe to create the DICOM services 
   // 3. Set 'serviceDirectory' to the DICOM service folder 
   string serviceDirectory = @"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Bin\Dotnet4\x64\L22_PACS_SCP64"; 
   string productName = "StorageServer"; 
   string serviceName = "L22_PACS_SCP64"; 
   System.Configuration.Configuration configuration = DicomDemoSettingsManager.GetGlobalPacsAddinsConfiguration(serviceDirectory); 
   StorageDataAccessConfigurationView view = new StorageDataAccessConfigurationView(configuration, productName, serviceName); 
   IStorageDataAccessAgent5 agent = DataAccessFactory.GetInstance(view).CreateDataAccessAgent<IStorageDataAccessAgent5>(); 
   return agent; 
public static void GetDicomDataSetExample() 
   IStorageDataAccessAgent5 agent = GetStorageDataAccessAgent5(); 
   // The CSPacsDatabaseConfigurationDemo.exe stores the following two images: 
   // PatientID   LastName    FirstName   StudyInstanceUid                             SeriesInstanceUid                                        SopInstanceUid 
   // 12341234    JONES       JR          2.16.840.1.114151.4.862.39853.4041.912374    1.2.392.200036.9107.500.305.5577.557709021107405.121     1.2.392.200036.9107.500.305.5577.20090211.93715.105577 
   //                                                                                                                                           1.2.392.200036.9107.500.305.5577.20090211.93718.105577 
   string patientId = "12341234"; 
   string studyInstanceUid = "2.16.840.1.114151.4.862.39853.4041.912374"; 
   string sopInstanceUid1 = "1.2.392.200036.9107.500.305.5577.20090211.93715.105577"; 
   string sopInstanceUid2 = "1.2.392.200036.9107.500.305.5577.20090211.93718.105577"; 
   // ********* 
   // Example 1: 
   // Verify that the two instances exists 
   bool exists1 = agent.ExistsDicomDataSet(sopInstanceUid1); 
   bool exists2 = agent.ExistsDicomDataSet(sopInstanceUid2); 
   Debug.Assert(exists1 && exists2); 
   // ********* 
   // Example 2: 
   // Get a DicomDataSet from the data source based on SopInstanceUid 
   using (DicomDataSet ds = agent.GetDicomDataSet(sopInstanceUid1)) 
      string sID = ds.GetValue<string>(DicomTag.SOPInstanceUID, string.Empty); 
      Debug.Assert(sID == sopInstanceUid1); 
   // ********* 
   // Example 3: 
   // Get a DicomDataSet from the data source based on a DataSet 
   // Retrieve all DicomDataSets with PatientID == "12341234" 
   MatchingParameterCollection matchingCollection = new MatchingParameterCollection(); 
   MatchingParameterList matchingList = new MatchingParameterList(); 
   ICatalogEntity patientEntity = RegisteredEntities.GetPatientEntity(patientId); 
   DataSet result = agent.QueryCompositeInstances(matchingCollection); 
   List<DicomDataSet> dsList = new List<DicomDataSet>(); 
   if (result != null) 
      dsList = agent.GetDicomDataSets(result); 
      // There should be exactly two DicomDataSets 
      Debug.Assert(dsList.Count == 2); 
   // ********* 
   // Example 4: 
   // Retrieve all DicomDataSets from the same StudyInstanceUID -- there will be two 
   dsList = agent.GetDicomDataSets(string.Empty, studyInstanceUid, string.Empty, string.Empty); 
   // There should be exactly two DicomDataSets 
   Debug.Assert(dsList.Count == 2); 
   // ********* 
   // Example 5: 
   // Retrieve all DicomDataSets using a MatchingParameterCollection 
   matchingCollection = new MatchingParameterCollection(); 
   matchingList = new MatchingParameterList(); 
   ICatalogEntity instanceEntity = RegisteredEntities.GetInstanceEntity(sopInstanceUid2); 
   dsList = agent.GetDicomDataSets(matchingCollection); 
   // There should be exactly one DicomDataSets 
   Debug.Assert(dsList.Count == 1); 

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