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An enumeration used to specify the database tables will have orphan records removed.
public enum OrphanTables
enum class OrphanTables sealed
Value | Member | Description |
0x00000000 | None | None |
0x00000001 | Patient | Removes orphaned Patient table records |
0x00000002 | Study | Removes orphaned Study table records |
0x00000004 | Series | Removes orphaned Series table records |
0x00000007 | All | Removes orphaned Patient, Study, and Series table records |
The OrphanTables enumeration is used with the following methods to specify which tables will have orphan records removed.
This is a flags enumeration, so the members of the enumeration can be "or-ed" together.
using Leadtools.Dicom;
using Leadtools.DicomDemos;
using Leadtools.Medical.DataAccessLayer;
using Leadtools.Medical.DataAccessLayer.Catalog;
using Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer;
using Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer.Configuration;
public static IStorageDataAccessAgent7 GetStorageDataAccessAgent7()
// Before running this sample, follow these steps:
// 1. Run CSPacsDatabaseConfigurationDemo.exe to create the databases
// 2. Run CSPACSConfigDemo.exe to create the DICOM services
// 3. Set 'serviceDirectory' to the DICOM service folder
string serviceDirectory = @"d:\LEADTOOLS22\Bin\Dotnet4\x64\L22_PACS_SCP64";
string productName = "StorageServer";
string serviceName = "L22_PACS_SCP64";
System.Configuration.Configuration configuration = DicomDemoSettingsManager.GetGlobalPacsAddinsConfiguration(serviceDirectory);
StorageDataAccessConfigurationView view = new StorageDataAccessConfigurationView(configuration, productName, serviceName);
IStorageDataAccessAgent7 agent = DataAccessFactory.GetInstance(view).CreateDataAccessAgent<IStorageDataAccessAgent7>();
return agent;
public static void InsertDicomFile(IStorageDataAccessAgent7 agent, string filename)
using (DicomDataSet ds = new DicomDataSet())
ds.Load(filename, DicomDataSetLoadFlags.None);
agent.StoreDicom(ds, filename, string.Empty, null, true, true, true, true);
public static void RemoveInstance(IStorageDataAccessAgent7 agent, string sopInstanceUid, bool removeOrphanedRecords)
ICatalogEntity instanceEntity = RegisteredEntities.GetInstanceEntity(sopInstanceUid);
MatchingParameterCollection mpc = new MatchingParameterCollection();
MatchingParameterList mpl = new MatchingParameterList();
agent.DeleteInstance(mpc, removeOrphanedRecords);
public static void AddDicomImages(IStorageDataAccessAgent7 agent)
// Clear the database
// Add four DICOM Images, all the same Patient, Study, and Series
InsertDicomFile(agent, @"D:\LEADTOOLS22\Resources\Images\DICOM\MG\mg1.dcm");
InsertDicomFile(agent, @"D:\LEADTOOLS22\Resources\Images\DICOM\MG\mg2.dcm");
InsertDicomFile(agent, @"D:\LEADTOOLS22\Resources\Images\DICOM\MG\mg3.dcm");
InsertDicomFile(agent, @"D:\LEADTOOLS22\Resources\Images\DICOM\MG\mg4.dcm");
// Add another image that will not have orphans
InsertDicomFile(agent, @"D:\LEADTOOLS22\Resources\Images\DICOM\image2.dcm");
public static void CreatePatientStudySeriesOrphan(IStorageDataAccessAgent7 agent)
MatchingParameterCollection mc = new MatchingParameterCollection();
DataSet ds = agent.QueryPatients(mc);
// Remove the four SOPInstanceUID without removing orphans
bool removeOrphanedRecords = false;
RemoveInstance(agent, "1.2.840.114257.1.9.1245.56421.20124.5464751.12465.120.3", removeOrphanedRecords);
RemoveInstance(agent, "1.2.840.114257.1.9.1245.56421.52314.14567.124.2124", removeOrphanedRecords);
RemoveInstance(agent, "1.2.840.114257.1.9.1245.56421.52314.5647.124.2124.1", removeOrphanedRecords);
RemoveInstance(agent, "1.2.840.114257.1.9.1245.56421.7124.1245.1245.9542.1245", removeOrphanedRecords);
public static void StorageDatAccessOrphanExample()
IStorageDataAccessAgent7 agent = GetStorageDataAccessAgent7();
// This creates orphans:
// 1 Patient orphan
// 1 Study orphan
// 1 Series orphan
// 1 Instance orphan
// Test 1
// Remove all orphans in the database
agent.RemoveOrphanRecords(null, OrphanTables.All);
// Create the 3 orphans again
// Test 2
// This time remove only orphan records for a particular patient
MatchingParameterCollection mc = new MatchingParameterCollection();
MatchingParameterList mpl = new MatchingParameterList();
string patientId = "656421";
ICatalogEntity patientEntity = RegisteredEntities.GetPatientEntity(patientId);
// Set diagnostic level to 1 to see debug messages in an application like DebugView
agent.DiagnosticLevel = 1;
agent.RemoveOrphanRecords(mc, OrphanTables.Series);
agent.RemoveOrphanRecords(mc, OrphanTables.Study);
agent.RemoveOrphanRecords(mc, OrphanTables.Patient);
// Set diagnostic level back to 0 to stop showing debug messages
agent.DiagnosticLevel = 0;
// Test 3
// Add DICOM images, and then delete instances, studies, patients while removing orphans
agent.DeleteInstance(null, true);
// Test 4
// Add DICOM images, delete series removing all orphans.
agent.DeleteSeries(null, true);
// Test 5
// Add DICOM images. delete study removing all orphans.
agent.DeleteStudy(null, true);
Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer Namespace
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