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ReferencedNonImageCompositeSequenceRow Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by ReferencedNonImageCompositeSequenceRow.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method IsOrderNumberNull Gets a value that indicates whether the ReferencedNonImageCompositeSequenceDataTable.OrderNumberColumn contains a null value.
Public Method SetOrderNumberNull Sets the value of the ReferencedNonImageCompositeSequenceDataTable.OrderNumberColumn to a null value.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property MPPSSOPInstanceUID Gets or sets the MPPS SOP Instance UID.
Public Property OrderNumber Gets or sets the Order Number.
Public Property PerformedSeriesSequenceRowParent Gets or sets the parent PerformedSeriesSequenceRow for this ReferencedNonImageCompositeSequenceRow
Public Property ReferencedSOPClassUID Gets or sets the Referenced SOP Class UID.
Public Property ReferencedSOPInstanceUID Gets or sets the Referenced SOP Instance UID.
Public Property SeriesInstanceUID Gets or sets the Series Instance UID.

See Also

ReferencedNonImageCompositeSequenceRow Class

Leadtools.Medical.Worklist.DataAccessLayer Namespace

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