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MWLDataset Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by MWLDataset.

Protected Constructors

Name Description
Protected Constructor MWLDataset Initializes a new instance of the MWLDatasetDataSet class.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method AddImagingServiceRequestRow Adds a new ImagingServiceRequestRow to the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Public Method AddPatientRow Adds a new PatientRow to the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Public Method AddScheduledProcedureStepRow Adds a new ScheduledProcedureStepRow to the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Public Method Clone Copies the structure of the MWLDataset, including all DataTable schemas, relations, and constraints. Does not copy any data.
Public Method ContrastAllergiesRowChangeEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ContrastAllergiesRowChanged, ContrastAllergiesRowChanging, ContrastAllergiesRowDeleting, and ContrastAllergiesRowDeleted events of a ContrastAllergiesDataTable.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB GetTypedDataSetSchema This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public Method ImagingServiceRequestRowChangeEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ImagingServiceRequestRowChanged, ImagingServiceRequestRowChanging, ImagingServiceRequestRowDeleting, and ImagingServiceRequestRowDeleted events of an ImagingServiceRequestDataTable.
Public Method MedicalAlertsRowChangeEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the MedicalAlertsRowChanged, MedicalAlertsRowChanging, MedicalAlertsRowDeleting, and MedicalAlertsRowDeleted events of a MedicalAlertsDataTable.
Public Method NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRowChangeEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRowChanged, NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRowChanging, NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRowDeleting, and NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRowDeleted events of a NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsDataTable.
Public Method OtherPatientIDsRowChangeEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the OtherPatientIDsRowChanged, OtherPatientIDsRowChanging, OtherPatientIDsRowDeleting, and OtherPatientIDsRowDeleted events of an OtherPatientIDsDataTable.
Public Method PatientRowChangeEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the PatientRowChanged, PatientRowChanging, PatientRowDeleting, and PatientRowDeleted events of a PatientDataTable.
Public Method ReferencedPatientSequenceRowChangeEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ReferencedPatientSequenceRowChanged, ReferencedPatientSequenceRowChanging, ReferencedPatientSequenceRowDeleting, and ReferencedPatientSequenceRowDeleted events of a ReferencedPatientSequenceDataTable.
Public Method ReferencedStudySequenceRowChangeEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ReferencedStudySequenceRowChanged, ReferencedStudySequenceRowChanging, ReferencedStudySequenceRowDeleting, and ReferencedStudySequenceRowDeleted events of a ReferencedStudySequenceDataTable.
Public Method RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRowChangeEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRowChanged, RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRowChanging, RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRowDeleting, and RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRowDeleted events of a RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceDataTable.
Public Method RequestedProcedureRowChangeEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the RequestedProcedureRowChanged, RequestedProcedureRowChanging, RequestedProcedureRowDeleting, and RequestedProcedureRowDeleted events of a RequestedProcedureDataTable.
Public Method ScheduledProcedureStepRowChangeEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ScheduledProcedureStepRowChanged, ScheduledProcedureStepRowChanging, ScheduledProcedureStepRowDeleting, and ScheduledProcedureStepRowDeleted events of a ScheduledProcedureStepDataTable.
Public Method ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRowChangeEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRowChanged, ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRowChanging, ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRowDeleting, and ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRowDeleted events of a ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceDataTable.
Public Method ScheduledStationAETitlesRowChangeEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ScheduledStationAETitlesRowChanged, ScheduledStationAETitlesRowChanging, ScheduledStationAETitlesRowDeleting, and ScheduledStationAETitlesRowDeleted events of a ScheduledStationAETitlesDataTable.
Public Method ScheduledStationNamesRowChangeEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ScheduledStationNamesRowChanged, ScheduledStationNamesRowChanging, ScheduledStationNamesRowDeleting, and ScheduledStationNamesRowDeleted events of a ScheduledStationNamesDataTable.
Public Method VisitRowChangeEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the VisitRowChanged, VisitRowChanging, VisitRowDeleting, and VisitRowDeleted events of a VisitDataTable.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method GetSchemaSerializable This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Protected Method InitializeDerivedDataSet This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Protected Method ReadXmlSerializable This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Protected Method ShouldSerializeRelations Gets a value indicating whether Relations property should be persisted.
Protected Method ShouldSerializeTables Gets a value indicating whether Tables property should be persisted.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property ContrastAllergies Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Contrast Allergies' table.
Public Property ImagingServiceRequest Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Imaging Service Request' table.
Public Property MedicalAlerts Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Medical Alerts' table.
Public Property NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResults Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Names Of Intended Recipients Of Results' table.
Public Property OtherPatientIDs Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Other Patient IDs' table.
Public Property Patient Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Patient' table.
Public Property ReferencedPatientSequence Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Referenced Patient Sequence' table.
Public Property ReferencedStudySequence Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Referenced Study Sequence' table.
Public Property Relations Get the collection of relations that link tables and allow navigation from parent tables to child tables.
Public Property RequestedProcedure Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Requested Procedure' table.
Public Property RequestedProcedureCodeSequence Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Requested Procedure Code Sequence' table.
Public Property ScheduledProcedureStep Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Scheduled Procedure Step' table.
Public Property ScheduledProtocolCodeSequence Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Scheduled Protocol Code Sequence' table.
Public Property ScheduledStationAETitles Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Scheduled Station AE Titles' table.
Public Property ScheduledStationNames Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Scheduled Station Names' table.
Public Property SchemaSerializationMode Gets or sets a SchemaSerializationMode for this MWLDataset.
Public Property Tables Gets the collection of tables contained in the MWLDataset.
Public Property Visit Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Visit' table.

Nested Classes

Name Description
Nested Class ContrastAllergiesDataTable Represents one table of in-memory 'Contrast Allergies' data.
Nested Class ContrastAllergiesRow Represents a row of Contrast Allergies data in a ContrastAllergiesRow.
Nested Class ContrastAllergiesRowChangeEvent Provides data for the ContrastAllergiesRowChanged, ContrastAllergiesRowChanging, ContrastAllergiesRowDeleting, and ContrastAllergiesRowDeleted events.
Nested Class ImagingServiceRequestDataTable Represents one table of in-memory 'Imaging Service Request' data.
Nested Class ImagingServiceRequestRow Represents a row of Imaging Service Request data in an ImagingServiceRequestRow.
Nested Class ImagingServiceRequestRowChangeEvent Provides data for the ImagingServiceRequestRowChanged, ImagingServiceRequestRowChanging, ImagingServiceRequestRowDeleting, and ImagingServiceRequestRowDeleted events.
Nested Class MedicalAlertsDataTable Represents one table of in-memory 'Medical Alerts' data.
Nested Class MedicalAlertsRow Represents a row of Medical Alerts data in a MedicalAlertsRow.
Nested Class MedicalAlertsRowChangeEvent Provides data for the MedicalAlertsRowChanged, MedicalAlertsRowChanging, MedicalAlertsRowDeleting, and MedicalAlertsRowDeleted events.
Nested Class NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsDataTable Represents one table of in-memory 'Names Of Intended Recipients Of Results' data.
Nested Class NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRow Represents a row of Names Of Intended Recipients Of Results data in a NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRow.
Nested Class NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRowChangeEvent Provides data for the NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRowChanged, NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRowChanging, NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRowDeleting, and NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRowDeleted events.
Nested Class OtherPatientIDsDataTable Represents one table of in-memory 'Other Patient IDs' data.
Nested Class OtherPatientIDsRow Represents a row of Other Patient IDs data in an OtherPatientIDsRow.
Nested Class OtherPatientIDsRowChangeEvent Provides data for the OtherPatientIDsRowChanged, OtherPatientIDsRowChanging, OtherPatientIDsRowDeleting, and OtherPatientIDsRowDeleted events.
Nested Class PatientDataTable Represents one table of in-memory 'Patient' data.
Nested Class PatientRow Represents a row of Patient data in a PatientRow.
Nested Class PatientRowChangeEvent Provides data for the PatientRowChanged, PatientRowChanging, PatientRowDeleting, and PatientRowDeleted events.
Nested Class ReferencedPatientSequenceDataTable Represents one table of in-memory 'Referenced Patient Sequence' data.
Nested Class ReferencedPatientSequenceRow Represents a row of Referenced Patient Sequence data in a ReferencedPatientSequenceRow.
Nested Class ReferencedPatientSequenceRowChangeEvent Provides data for the ReferencedPatientSequenceRowChanged, ReferencedPatientSequenceRowChanging, ReferencedPatientSequenceRowDeleting, and ReferencedPatientSequenceRowDeleted events.
Nested Class ReferencedStudySequenceDataTable Represents one table of in-memory 'Referenced Study Sequence' data.
Nested Class ReferencedStudySequenceRow Represents a row of Referenced Study Sequence data in a ReferencedStudySequenceRow.
Nested Class ReferencedStudySequenceRowChangeEvent Provides data for the ReferencedStudySequenceRowChanged, ReferencedStudySequenceRowChanging, ReferencedStudySequenceRowDeleting, and ReferencedStudySequenceRowDeleted events.
Nested Class RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceDataTable Represents one table of in-memory 'Requested Procedure Code Sequence' data.
Nested Class RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRow Represents a row of Requested Procedure Code Sequence data in a RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRow.
Nested Class RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRowChangeEvent Provides data for the RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRowChanged, RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRowChanging, RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRowDeleting, and RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRowDeleted events.
Nested Class RequestedProcedureDataTable Represents one table of in-memory 'Requested Procedure' data.
Nested Class RequestedProcedureRow Represents a row of Requested Procedure data in a RequestedProcedureRow.
Nested Class RequestedProcedureRowChangeEvent Provides data for the RequestedProcedureRowChanged, RequestedProcedureRowChanging, RequestedProcedureRowDeleting, and RequestedProcedureRowDeleted events.
Nested Class ScheduledProcedureStepDataTable Represents one table of in-memory 'Scheduled Procedure Step' data.
Nested Class ScheduledProcedureStepRow Represents a row of Scheduled Procedure Step data in a ScheduledProcedureStepRow.
Nested Class ScheduledProcedureStepRowChangeEvent Provides data for the ScheduledProcedureStepRowChanged, ScheduledProcedureStepRowChanging, ScheduledProcedureStepRowDeleting, and ScheduledProcedureStepRowDeleted events.
Nested Class ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceDataTable Represents one table of in-memory 'Scheduled Protocol Code Sequence' data.
Nested Class ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRow Represents a row of Scheduled Protocol Code Sequence data in a ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRow.
Nested Class ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRowChangeEvent Provides data for the ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRowChanged, ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRowChanging, ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRowDeleting, and ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRowDeleted events.
Nested Class ScheduledStationAETitlesDataTable Represents one table of in-memory 'Scheduled Station AE Titles' data.
Nested Class ScheduledStationAETitlesRow Represents a row of Scheduled Station AE Titles data in a ScheduledStationAETitlesRow.
Nested Class ScheduledStationAETitlesRowChangeEvent Provides data for the ScheduledStationAETitlesRowChanged, ScheduledStationAETitlesRowChanging, ScheduledStationAETitlesRowDeleting, and ScheduledStationAETitlesRowDeleted events.
Nested Class ScheduledStationNamesDataTable Represents one table of in-memory 'Scheduled Station Names' data.
Nested Class ScheduledStationNamesRow Represents a row of Scheduled Station Names data in a ScheduledStationNamesRow.
Nested Class ScheduledStationNamesRowChangeEvent Provides data for the ScheduledStationNamesRowChanged, ScheduledStationNamesRowChanging, ScheduledStationNamesRowDeleting, and ScheduledStationNamesRowDeleted events.
Nested Class VisitDataTable Represents one table of in-memory 'Visit' data.
Nested Class VisitRow Represents a row of Visit data in a VisitRow.
Nested Class VisitRowChangeEvent Provides data for the VisitRowChanged, VisitRowChanging, VisitRowDeleting, and VisitRowDeleted events.

See Also

MWLDataset Class

Leadtools.Medical.Worklist.DataAccessLayer Namespace

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Leadtools.Medical.Worklist.DataAccessLayer Assembly
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