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PatientDataTable Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see PatientDataTable members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property AdditionalPatientHistoryColumn Gets the Additional Patient History Column.
Public Property ConfidentialityConstraintonPatientDataDescriptionColumn Gets the Confidentiality Constrainton Patient Data Description Column.
Public Property Count Gets the total number of PatientRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Public Property EthnicGroupColumn Gets the Ethnic Group Column.
Public Property IssuerOfPatientIDColumn Gets the Issuer Of Patient ID Column.
Public Property Item Gets the PatientRow at the specified index.
Public Property LastMenstrualDateColumn Gets the Last Menstrual Date Column.
Public Property PatientBirthDateColumn Gets the Patient Birth Date Column.
Public Property PatientCommentsColumn Gets the Patient Comments Column.
Public Property PatientIDColumn Gets the Patient ID Column.
Public Property PatientNameFamilyNameColumn Gets the Patient Name Family Name Column.
Public Property PatientNameGivenNameColumn Gets the Patient Name Given Name Column.
Public Property PatientNameMiddleNameColumn Gets the Patient Name Middle Name Column.
Public Property PatientNamePrefixColumn Gets the Patient Name Prefix Column.
Public Property PatientNameSuffixColumn Gets the Patient Name Suffix Column.
Public Property PatientSexColumn Gets the Patient Sex Column.
Public Property PatientStateColumn Gets the Patient State Column.
Public Property PatientWeightColumn Gets the Patient Weight Column.
Public Property PregnancyStatusColumn Gets the Pregnancy Status Column.
Public Property SpecialNeedsColumn Gets the Special Needs Column.

See Also

PatientDataTable Class

Leadtools.Medical.Worklist.DataAccessLayer Namespace

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