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public string AffectedClass { get; set; }
A System.String value that represents the affected class.
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Dicom.Scu;
using Leadtools.Dicom.Scu.Common;
using Leadtools.Dicom;
using Leadtools.Dicom.Common.DataTypes;
using Leadtools.Dicom.Common.DataTypes.Status;
public void QueryRetrieveScu_Get1()
// Change these parameters to reflect the calling AETitle.
QueryRetrieveScu getScu = new QueryRetrieveScu();
getScu.AETitle = "LEAD_CLIENT";
getScu.HostPort = 1000;
getScu.HostAddress = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList.FirstOrDefault(ip => ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork);
// Change these parameters to reflect the called AETitle (server).
DicomScp scp = new DicomScp();
scp.AETitle = "LEAD_GET_SCP";
scp.Port = 404;
scp.Timeout = 60;
scp.PeerAddress = IPAddress.Parse("");
getScu.BeforeCGet += new BeforeCGetDelegate(getStudy_BeforeCGet);
getScu.AfterCGet += new AfterCGetDelegate(getStudy_AfterCGet);
getScu.ReceivedStoreRequest += new ReceivedStoreRequestDelegate(getStudy_ReceivedStoreRequest);
// The C-GET must know the Media Storage SOP Class UID of the DICOM Datasets that you want to retrieve
// In this example, the five SMITH^TERRY instances are retrieved
// SOP Class UID of the instances is:
// MR Image Storage
// 1.2.840.10008.
// StudyInstanceUid of the study is:
// SeriesInstanceUid of the series is:
// SOPInstanceUid of one of the five instances is:
string studyInstanceUid = "";
string seriesInstanceUid = "";
string sopInstanceUid = "";
PresentationContext pc = new PresentationContext(DicomUidType.MRImageStorage);
// Alternatively, you can create the presentation context if you have a compatible DicomDataSet
// This is illustrated, but 'pc' will be used
PresentationContext pcAnotherWay;
string compatibleDicomName = @"D:\erase\dicom\compatible.dcm";
if (File.Exists(compatibleDicomName))
DicomDataSet dsCompatible = new DicomDataSet();
dsCompatible.Load(compatibleDicomName, DicomDataSetLoadFlags.None);
pcAnotherWay = QueryRetrieveScu.GetCompatiblePresentationContext(dsCompatible);
List<PresentationContext> pcList = new List<PresentationContext>();
// There are four overloads for Get
// This examples illustrates how to use three of the overloads (study leve, series level, instance level)
// Uncomment whichever overload you want to use
// StudyLevel -- retrieves five instances
// getStudy.Get(scp, studyInstanceUid, pcList);
// SeriesLevel -- retrieves three instances
// getStudy.Get(scp, studyInstanceUid, seriesInstanceUid, pcList);
// InstanceLevel -- retrieves one instance
getScu.Get(scp, studyInstanceUid, seriesInstanceUid, sopInstanceUid, pcList);
void getStudy_BeforeCGet(object sender, BeforeCGetEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("Before CGet");
void getStudy_ReceivedStoreRequest(object sender, ReceivedStoreRequestEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("Patient Name:\t{0}", e.Patient.Name.Full);
Console.WriteLine("SOPInstanceUID:\t{0}", e.Instance.SOPInstanceUID);
void getStudy_AfterCGet(object sender, AfterCGetEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("After CGet");
Console.WriteLine("\t{0} Completed", e.Completed);
Console.WriteLine("\t{0} Failed", e.Failed);
Console.WriteLine("\t{0} Warning", e.Warning);
Console.WriteLine("\tStatus: {0}", e.Status);
if (e.Status != DicomCommandStatusType.Success)
string statusAllString = e.StatusAll.ToString(StatusFormatFlags.IgnoreStatus, "\n", "\t");