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VerifyCertificateEventArgs Class


Provides data for the VerifyCertificate event.

public class VerifyCertificateEventArgs : BaseEventArgs 
   ref class VerifyCertificateEventArgs : BaseEventArgs 

TLS Secure DICOM communications between an SCP and an SCU has a handshake process where the SCP and SCU verify each others provided certificates.

The VerifyCertificate event is called once for each certificate in a certificate chain, and provides information about the verification process.

This is useful for determining why a TLS DICOM Secure communication failed to be established.

The VerifyCertificateEventArgs.CertificateString provides information about a certificate, including:

  • Subject Name
  • Issuer Name
  • Valid To Date
  • Valid From Date
  • Serial Number
  • Basic Constraints (i.e. is this a Certificate Authority?)
  • Certificate purposes list

For example, if an SCU is providing a certificate that is created without SSL Server and SSL Client purposes, the VerifyCertificateEventArgs.ErrorException property will have a value of DicomSecurityCertificateExceptionCode.InvalidPurpose, and show the problem in the Certificate Purposes section of the VerifyCertificateEventArgs.CertificateString.

An example VerifyCertificateEventArgs.CertificateString corresponding to a DicomSecurityCertificateExceptionCode value of InvalidPurpose error is shown below:

Subject Name: CN = Test Client, C = US, ST = Nebraska, L = Omaha, O = Test Client Organization 
Issuer Name: CN = LEAD CA, L = Charlotte, ST = North Carolina, C = US, emailAddress = support@leadtools.com, O = "LEAD Technologies, Inc." 
Valid From: Jun  1 21:31:35 2020 GMT 
Valid To: May 30 21:31:35 2030 GMT 
Serial Number:             ae:8a:75:37:56:03:c4:45 
Basic Constraints:Not a CA (Certificate Authority) 
Certificate purposes: 
	SSL client : No 
	SSL client CA : No 
	SSL server : No 
	SSL server CA : No 
	Netscape SSL server : No 
	Netscape SSL server CA : No 
	S/MIME signing : No 
	S/MIME signing CA : No 
	S/MIME encryption : No 
	S/MIME encryption CA : No 
	CRL signing : No 
	CRL signing CA : No 
	Any Purpose : Yes 
	Any Purpose CA : Yes 
	OCSP helper : Yes 
	OCSP helper CA : No 
	Time Stamp signing : No 

The VerifyCertificateEventArgs.ErrorException property is a DicomSecurityCertificateException exception that indicates success or an error.

The VerifyCertificateEventArgs.Ok property determines the verification behavior.

Set VerifyCertificateEventArgs.Ok to 0 to stop the verification process with a "verification failed" state. If the DicomConnection(string,dicomnetsecuritymode,dicomopensslcontextcreationsettings) constructor is used and DicomOpenSslVerificationFlags.Peer is passed via the DicomOpenSslContextCreationSettings argument, a verification failure alert is sent to the SCU and the TLS/SSL handshake is terminated.

Set VerifyCertificateEventArgs.Ok to 1 to continue the verification process. If VerifyCertificateEventArgs.Ok is always set to 1, the TLS/SSL handshake will not be terminated with respect to verification failures and the connection will be established.

Leave VerifyCertificateEventArgs.Ok unchanged to get the default verification behavior.

using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Dicom.Scu; 
using Leadtools.Dicom.Scu.Common; 
using Leadtools.Dicom; 
using Leadtools.Dicom.Common.DataTypes; 
using Leadtools.Dicom.Common.DataTypes.Status; 
public void MoveSeriesSecure() 
   QueryRetrieveScu retrieveSeriesSecure = new QueryRetrieveScu(); 
   FindQuery query = new FindQuery(); 
   DicomScp scp = new DicomScp(); 
   // Change these parameters to reflect the calling AETitle. 
   retrieveSeriesSecure.AETitle = "T20_CLIENT64"; 
   retrieveSeriesSecure.HostPort = 1030; 
   retrieveSeriesSecure.HostAddress = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList.FirstOrDefault(ip => ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork); 
   retrieveSeriesSecure.UseSecureHost = true;   // SCU host is secure 
   retrieveSeriesSecure.SecureHostSettings = new DicomOpenSslContextCreationSettings(DicomSslMethodType.SslV23, @"C:\Certificates\ca.pem", DicomOpenSslVerificationFlags.None, 9, DicomOpenSslOptionsFlags.AllBugWorkarounds); 
   // Change these parameters to reflect the called AETitle (server). 
   scp.AETitle = "L20_PACS_SCP64"; 
   scp.Port = 534; 
   scp.Timeout = 60; 
   scp.PeerAddress = IPAddress.Parse(""); 
   scp.Secure = false;     // SCP is unsecure 
   retrieveSeriesSecure.BeforeCMove += new BeforeCMoveDelegate(retrieveSeriesSecure_BeforeCMove); 
   retrieveSeriesSecure.Moved += new MovedDelegate(retrieveSeriesSecure_Moved); 
   retrieveSeriesSecure.AfterCMove += new AfterCMoveDelegate(retrieveSeriesSecure_AfterCMove); 
   retrieveSeriesSecure.HostReady += RetrieveSeriesSecure_HostReady; 
   retrieveSeriesSecure.AfterSecureLinkReady += RetrieveSeriesSecure_AfterSecureLinkReady; 
   retrieveSeriesSecure.Move(scp, string.Empty, "1.2.840.114257.", "1.2.840.114257."); 
   retrieveSeriesSecure.VerifyCertificate += RetrieveSeriesSecure_VerifyCertificate; 
private void RetrieveSeriesSecure_VerifyCertificate(object sender, VerifyCertificateEventArgs e) 
   if (e != null) 
      Console.WriteLine("VerifyCertificate\n", e.CertificateString); 
      if (e.ErrorException.Code != DicomSecurityCertificateExceptionCode.Success) 
private void RetrieveSeriesSecure_AfterSecureLinkReady(object sender, AfterSecureLinkReadyEventArgs e) 
   DicomNet net = (DicomNet)sender; 
   if (net != null) 
      if (e.Error != DicomExceptionCode.Success) 
         ClientSecureLinkReadyException exception = new ClientSecureLinkReadyException("Secure handshake (TLS) failed.", e.Error); 
         Console.WriteLine("Secure handshake (TLS) failed: code{0}", exception.Code); 
         throw exception; 
private void RetrieveSeriesSecure_HostReady(object sender, HostReadyEventArgs e) 
   DicomConnection host = e.ScpHost; 
   if (host != null) 
      Console.WriteLine("HostReady: Host AETitle:{0} Host Port:{1}", e.ScpHost.AETitle, e.ScpHost.HostPort); 
      if (host.SecurityMode == DicomNetSecurityMode.Tls) 
         host.PrivateKeyPassword += Host_PrivateKeyPassword; 
         host.SetTlsClientCertificate(@"C:\Certificates\client.pem", DicomTlsCertificateType.Pem, @"C:\Certificates\client.pem"); 
         host.PrivateKeyPassword -= Host_PrivateKeyPassword; 
         host.SetTlsCipherSuiteByIndex(0, 0); 
         host.SetTlsCipherSuiteByIndex(0, DicomTlsCipherSuiteType.DheRsaWithDesCbcSha); 
         host.SetTlsCipherSuiteByIndex(1, DicomTlsCipherSuiteType.DheRsaWith3DesEdeCbcSha); 
         host.SetTlsCipherSuiteByIndex(2, DicomTlsCipherSuiteType.DheRsaAes256Sha); 
         host.SetTlsCipherSuiteByIndex(3, DicomTlsCipherSuiteType.RsaWithAes128CbcSha); 
         host.SetTlsCipherSuiteByIndex(4, DicomTlsCipherSuiteType.RsaWith3DesEdeCbcSha); 
         host.SetTlsCipherSuiteByIndex(5, DicomTlsCipherSuiteType.DheRsaWithAes128GcmSha256); 
         host.SetTlsCipherSuiteByIndex(6, DicomTlsCipherSuiteType.EcdheRsaWithAes128GcmSha256); 
         host.SetTlsCipherSuiteByIndex(7, DicomTlsCipherSuiteType.DheRsaWithAes256GcmSha384); 
         host.SetTlsCipherSuiteByIndex(8, DicomTlsCipherSuiteType.EcdheRsaWithAes256GcmSha384); 
private void Host_PrivateKeyPassword(object sender, PrivateKeyPasswordEventArgs e) 
   e.PrivateKeyPassword = "test"; 
void retrieveSeriesSecure_BeforeCMove(object sender, BeforeCMoveEventArgs e) 
   Console.WriteLine("Before CMove"); 
void retrieveSeriesSecure_Moved(object sender, MovedEventArgs e) 
void retrieveSeriesSecure_AfterCMove(object sender, AfterCMoveEventArgs e) 
   Console.WriteLine("After CMove"); 
   Console.WriteLine("\t{0} Completed", e.Completed); 
   Console.WriteLine("\t{0} Failed", e.Failed); 
   Console.WriteLine("\t{0} Warning", e.Warning); 
   Console.WriteLine("\tStatus: {0}", e.Status); 
   if (e.Status != DicomCommandStatusType.Success) 
      string statusAllString = e.StatusAll.ToString(StatusFormatFlags.IgnoreStatus, "\n", "\t"); 

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