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StoreScu Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by StoreScu.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor DicomConnection Initializes a new instance of the DicomConnection class. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Constructor StoreScu Initializes a new instance of the StoreScu class.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method AbortRequest Aborts the current connection. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Method Cancel Causes the DicomConnection to immediately stop processing. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Method CancelRequest Cancels the current action. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Method Release Sends a release request to the peer member of a DICOM connection. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Method StopListener Stops the SCU DICOM Listener.
Public Method StorageCommit Sends a storage commit request message to a peer member of a connection defined by SCP.
Public Method Store Sends a C-STORE-REQ message to a peer member of a connection defined by Scp.
Public Method Verify Verifies the specified SCP. (Inherited from DicomConnection)

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method BuildAssociation Builds the association. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Method Connect Connects the specified SCP. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Method Dispose Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Method GetPresentationContexts Gets the presentation contexts. Should be overridden in derived classes.
Protected Method Log(DicomDataSet,string,object[]) Logs the specified message to a text file and saves the dataset. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Method Log(string,object[]) Logs the specified message to a text file. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Method LogSendAssociateRequest Logs the SendAssociateRequest message. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Method LogSendCGetRequest Logs the C-GET-REQ message (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Method LogSendCMoveRequest Logs the C-MOVE-REQ message. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Method OnAfterAssociateRequest Fires the AfterAssociateRequest event. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Method OnAfterClose Fires the AfterClose event. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Method OnBeforeAssociateAccept Called before an associate accept is accepted by the SCU. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Method OnBeforeAssociateRequest Fires the BeforeAssociateRequest event. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Method OnBeforeClose Fires the BeforeClose event. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Method OnClose Notifies a member of a connection that the connection was closed. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Method OnConnect Notifies the SCU that the connection attempt is complete. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Method OnPrivateKeyPassword Invokes the private PrivateKeyPassword event. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Method OnReceive Notifies a connection that data was received. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Method OnReceiveAssociateAccept Notifies a connection that an Associate Accept message was received. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Method OnReceiveAssociateReject Notifies a connection that an Associate Reject message was received. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Method OnReceiveAssociateRequest Called when an associate request is received.
Protected Method OnReceiveCEchoResponse Notifies a connection that a C-ECHO-RSP command was received. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Method OnReceiveCStoreResponse Notifies a connection that a C-STORE-RSP command was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveData Notifies a connection when a Data message was received. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Method OnReceiveNActionResponse Notifies a connection that an N-ACTION-RSP command was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveNReportRequest Notifies a connection that an N-EVENT-REPORT-REQ command was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveReleaseRequest Notifies a connection that a Release Request message was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveReleaseResponse Notifies a connection that a Release Response message was received. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Method OnSecureLinkReady This method is called when an ISCL or TLS secured connection is successfully established. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Method OnVerify Invokes the VerifyCertificate event. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Method Wait Waits for the DICOM communication to finish. (Inherited from DicomConnection)

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property AETitle Gets or sets the AE title. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Property Compression Gets or sets the compression to use when storing DICOM files.
Public Property CurrentScp Gets the current SCP this is connected to. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Property DebugLogFilename Gets or sets the debug log filename. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Property EnableDebugLog Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable the DICOM debug log. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Property HostAddress Gets or sets the host address. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Property HostPort Gets or sets the host port. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Property ImplementationClass Gets or sets the implementation class. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Property ImplementationVersionName The Implementation Version Name. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Property MaxLength The Maximum Length for data transfer. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Property ProtocolVersion Gets or sets the protocol version. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Property Rejected Gets a value indicating whether this DicomConnection connection association has been rejected. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Property RejectReason Gets a descriptive string of the reason for associate rejection. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Property SecureHandshakeTimeout Gets or sets the number of seconds to wait for a secure handshake notification before timing out. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Property Status Internal value to hold the status of the last DICOM operation associated with this connection. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Property Tag Gets or sets the object that contains extra information about this connection. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Property TemporaryDirectory Gets or sets the temporary directory. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Property Timeout Gets or sets the connection timeout. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Property WaitOptions Options that affect the performance of the store sub-operations on a C-MOVE-REQ.

Public Events

Name Description
Public Event AfterAssociateRequest Occurs after receiving an associate response from the SCP. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Event AfterClose Occurs after a close response is received from the scp. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Event AfterConnect Occurs after connecting to the SCP. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Event AfterCStore Occurs after receiving a C-STORE-RSP.
Public Event AfterNAction Occurs after receiving an N-ACTION-RSP.
Public Event AfterReleaseRequest Occurs after release response received from scp. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Event AfterSecureLinkReady Occurs after TLS secured connection to SCP is established. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Event BeforeAssociateAccept Occurs before an associate is accepted by the SCU. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Event BeforeAssociateRequest Occurs when an associate request is sent to the SCP. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Event BeforeClose Occurs before a close request is sent to the scp. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Event BeforeConnect Occurs before connecting to the SCP. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Event BeforeCStore Occurs before a C-STORE-REQ is sent to the server.
Public Event BeforeNAction Occurs before an N-ACTION-REQ is sent to the server.
Public Event BeforeReleaseRequest Occurs before a release request is sent to the scp. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Event PrivateKeyPassword Occurs when a private key password is needed. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Event ReceiveBuffer Occurs when connections received buffered data. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Event StorageCommitmentResult Occurs after receiving a storage commitment response.
Public Event StorageCommitmentWait This event is fired while waiting to recieve the Storage Commit results.
Public Event VerifyCertificate Occurs during the certificate exchange/verification phase of TLS DICOM Security negotiation and optionally controls the verification process. (Inherited from DicomConnection)

Public Fields

Name Description
Public Field ActiveScp The current peer connection associated with this connection. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Public Field StorageCommitOptions Enumeration listing the different options available for storage commitment.

Protected Fields

Name Description
Protected Field cancelEvent Cancel event. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Field CurrentMessageId Current message id. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Field CurrentPid Current presentation context id. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Field dicomEventRequest DICOM message event used when receiving DICOM requests (i.e N-Report-REQ). (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Field dicomEventResponse DICOM message event used when receiving DICOM responses (i.e. N-ECHO-RSP, C-Find-RSP, C-MOVE-RSP) (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Field parameters Internal variable to hold that information associated with DICOM commands. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Field timeoutEvent Timeout event. (Inherited from DicomConnection)
Protected Field waitHandles Event wait handle. (Inherited from DicomConnection)

See Also

StoreScu Class

Leadtools.Dicom.Scu Namespace

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