Database Imaging C API

DLL LIB Header Examples Comments
Ltkrnu.dll (Win32), Ltkrnx.dll (x64) Ltkrn_u.lib (Win32), Ltkrn_x.lib (x64) LTKRN.H \Examples\FileFormats\CDLL\Redirect Provides low-level functions for redirecting the LEADTOOLS file input/output routines to user-defined input/output routines.
Ltfilu.dll (Win32), Ltfilx.dll (x64) Ltfil_u.lib (Win32), Ltfil_x.lib (x64) LTFIL.H \Examples\FileFormats\CDLL\SaveMemory Provides both low-level and high-level functions that can be used to load/save/convert image files. These functions make it possible to work with files in memory buffers or at offsets within disk files.

NOTE: The LEADTOOLS C API provides the lowest level of input/output support for working with databases, and provides many demos.

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