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CodecsTxtLoadOptions Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see CodecsTxtLoadOptions members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property AntiAliasing Indicates whether anti-aliasing should be used when rendering text.
Public Property BackColor Gets or sets the text background color.
Public Property Bold Indicates whether the text font should be bold.
Public Property DefaultEncoding Indicates which encoding should be used when loading text files that do not contain a byte-order mark (BOM).
Public Property Enabled Enables or disables the LEADTOOLS Txt codec.
Public Property FaceName Gets or sets the text font face name.
Public Property FontColor Gets or sets the text font color.
Public Property FontSize Gets or sets the text font size in points.
Public Property Highlight Gets or sets the text highlight color.
Public Property Italic Indicates whether the text font should be italic.
Public Property MinimumPageHeight Allows the user to specify a minimum page height to use when VariableHeight is enabled.
Public Property MinimumPageWidth Allows the user to specify a minimum page width to use when VariableWidth is enabled.
Public Property Strikethrough Indicates whether the text font should use strikethrough style.
Public Property TabSize Gets or sets the text font size in points.
Public Property Underline Indicates whether the text font should be underlined.
Public Property VariableHeight Indicates whether the height of the output should be variable or equal to CodecsRasterizeDocumentLoadOptions.PageHeight.
Public Property VariableWidth Indicates whether the width of the output should be variable or equal to CodecsRasterizeDocumentLoadOptions.PageWidth.
Public Property Wrap Indicates whether long lines of text should be split into multiple lines when rendering text files.

See Also

CodecsTxtLoadOptions Class

Leadtools.Codecs Namespace

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