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MedicalViewer Class Methods


For a list of all members of this type, see MedicalViewer members

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method canMerge Checks whether the selected cells can be merged.
Public Method explode Explodes or implodes the specified cell.
Public Method invalidate Redraws the medical viewer.
Public Method layoutCells Refreshes the cell layout.
Public Method load Loads the metadata and parses it into series/frames based on the contents.
Public Method mergeSelected Merges the selected cells into one larger cell.
Public Method onAfterCellExploded Raises the AfterCellExploded event.
Public Method onBeforeCellExploded Raises the BeforeCellExploded event.
Public Method onDragCompleted Raises the DragCompleted event.
Public Method onDragDelta Raises the DragDelta event.
Public Method onDragStarted Raises the DragStarted event.
Public Method onSizeChanged Raises the SizeChanged event.
Public Method refreshReferenceLine Recalculates the reference line positions.
Public Method removeKey Removes the previously synchronized studies group.
Public Method renderViewer Repaints the viewer, in particular the grid splitters.
Public Method synchronizeSeries Synchronizes all the series that have the same FrameOfReferenceUID as the cell specified.
Public Method synchronizeStudies Optional delegate method for additional processing.
Public Method unload Clears and de-allocates the Medical Viewer of its Cells and the respective Cell Items.

See Also

MedicalViewer Class

Leadtools.Controls.Medical Namespace

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