relativePosition Property


Gets or sets the position of the paraxial slice on the curve relative to the total polygon's length.

Object.defineProperty(ParaxialSlice.prototype, 'relativePosition', 
	get: function(), 
	set: function(value) 
relativePosition: number; 

Property Value

Value that represents the position of the paraxial slice on the curve relative to the total polygon's length.


A description follows on the meaning and usage of the polygon's length.

  • Setting the relativePosition value to 50, calculates the position of the paraxial slice to 50 pixel aways from the first polygon point.

  • The relativePosition value should not exceed the length of the polygon.

  • To get the length of the parent polygon use Length.

To move the paraxial slice manually, click on the paraxial slice line and drag it.


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