Leadtools.Document Assembly Changes


Version Changes: 22 to 23

New Members (version 23)

The following members have been added:


Removed Members (version 23)

The following members have been removed:


Version Changes: 21 to 22

New Members (version 22)

The following members have been added:

Name Description
Leadtools.Barcode.BarcodeData Contains the data for a single barcode.
Leadtools.Barcode.BarcodeSymbology The barcode symbologies supported by LEADTOOLS
Leadtools.Document.AbortableJQueryPromise Defines the return type of the call to UploadFile or UploadFileDocument.
Leadtools.Document.Analytics.ActionSet Interface describing an action to be performed against a Document.
Leadtools.Document.Analytics.AnalysisResult The result of analysis on a document.
Leadtools.Document.Analytics.DocumentAnalyzer Provides support for analysis of Document objects.
Leadtools.Document.Analytics.DocumentAnalyzerRunOptions The options to use when analyzing a document.
Leadtools.Document.Analytics.RuleSet Interface describing a rule set that is used to analyze documents.
Leadtools.Document.Analytics.TextAnalysisResult Text-based results of analysis on a document.
Leadtools.Document.AnnotationsRedactionOptions.clone Returns an exact clone of this object.
Leadtools.Document.AnnotationsRedactionOptions.equals Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
Leadtools.Document.CacheInfo Information and properties of a document in the cache.
Leadtools.Document.Compare.CompareJobData Data for a status compare job.
Leadtools.Document.Compare.CompareJobRunner Runs compare jobs with status updates.
Leadtools.Document.Compare.CompareRasterPageOptions Options to use when comparing DocumentPages as raster content.
Leadtools.Document.Compare.CompareStatus The status for a compare job.
Leadtools.Document.Compare.Difference Abstract object describing the difference between two compared objects.
Leadtools.Document.Compare.DifferenceLocation Holds the positional information for a Difference object.
Leadtools.Document.Compare.DifferenceOperation The operation that was performed on a Difference region.
Leadtools.Document.Compare.DocumentCompareOptions The options to be used with the Document Comparer.
Leadtools.Document.Compare.DocumentComparer Object used to run compare operations.
Leadtools.Document.Compare.DocumentDifference Holds the result set for positional text-based comparisons.
Leadtools.Document.Compare.MarkdownReportOptions Options to be used in conjunction with DocumentDifference.GenerateMarkdownReport.
Leadtools.Document.Compare.PageCharacter Holds additional information about DocumentCharacter, such as the page number, wordmap index, and character index.
Leadtools.Document.Compare.PageCharactersDifference Holds PageCharacter difference information.
Leadtools.Document.Compare.ReportOptions The base options that are used when generating a report.
Leadtools.Document.Compare.RunCompareJobResult Object containing the results for a CompareJobRunner.runCompareJob.
Leadtools.Document.Compare.ServiceCompareJobData Data for the Document Service about a compare operation.
Leadtools.Document.Compare.TextDifference Object for holding text-comparison information.
Leadtools.Document.Converter.DocumentConverterJobStatus Job status.
Leadtools.Document.Converter.RunConvertJobResult Result of running a status conversion job.
Leadtools.Document.Converter.StatusJobData Data for a status conversion job.
Leadtools.Document.Converter.StatusJobDataRunner Runs a conversion job with status update.
Leadtools.Document.ConvertItem Properties of a conversion output file.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentAnnotations.getAnnotations Gets an array of annotations container objects for all pages with a single call.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentAnnotations.modifiedContainers Collection of annotation containers to be saved into the cache.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentAnnotations.setAnnotations Updates the annotations container objects for one or more pages with a single call.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentAttachments.#ctor Initializes a new instance of DocumentAttachments.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentAttachments.dispose Deletes this DocumentAttachments object.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentAttachments.insertItem Overrides LeadCollection.insertItem.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentAttachments.moveItem Overrides LeadCollection.moveItem.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentAttachments.removeItem Overrides LeadCollection.removeItem.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentAttachments.setItem Overrides LeadCollection.setItem.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentBookmark.#ctor Initializes a new instance of DocumentBookmark
Leadtools.Document.DocumentBookmark.clone Returns an exact clone of this object.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentButtonFormField Defines a Button Form Field object.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentCharacter.#ctor Initializes a new DocumentCharacter object.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentCharacter.isEndOfParagraph Indicates if this is the last character in a paragraph.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentCharacter.spaceWidth The width, in pixels, of a space character.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentCharacter.toJSON Converts this object to a JSON string.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentChoiceFormField Defines a Choice Form Field object.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentConverterAnnotationsMode Annotation conversion options.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentConverterEmptyPageMode Controls how empty pages are treated during the conversion.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentConverterJobData Data for a document converter job.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentConverterJobErrorMode Controls how the engine handles errors that may occur during conversion.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentConverterSvgImagesRecognitionMode Determines how image elements inside SVG documents are treated during SVG conversion.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentConvertResult Result of a successful document conversion.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentDataType.0 The document is created but has not been saved to the cache yet.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentDataType.1 The document data is saved in the cache.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentDataType.2 The document is virtual.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentDocuments.insertItem Overrides LeadCollection.InsertItem.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentDocuments.moveItem Overrides LeadCollection.MoveItem.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentDocuments.removeItem Overrides LeadCollection.RemoveItem.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentDocuments.setItem Overrides LeadCollection.SetItem.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.abortUploadDocument Informs the cache to stop allowing uploads of the document to this uri.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.beginUpload Starts uploading a document to the cache.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.beginUploadDocument Starts uploading a document to the cache.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.buildUrlProxy Helper method to build the final URL with current proxy settings.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.cancelFromPrepareAjax Raises a prepareAjax event and returns whether the AJAX should be cancelled.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.checkCacheInfo Retrieves information for a document in the cache using its ID.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.create Creates a new, empty virtual document.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.deleteFromCache Deletes the specified Document from the cache.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.downloadDocumentData Downloads the document data from the cache.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.endUpload Finishes uploading a document to the cache.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.getLeadCacheData Helper method to get the data part from a LEAD cache URI.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.isLeadCacheScheme Helper method to determine whether a string value contains a valid LEAD cache URI.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.isUploadDocumentUri Indicates whether the URL points to a special LEAD cache scheme.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.loadDocumentAttachment Loads an attachment as a LEADDocument object.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.loadFromCache Retrieves the document matching the given documentId string from the cache.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.loadFromFile Loads a document from a Blob object.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.loadFromUri Loads a document from existing data stored in a remote URL.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.localProxyUrlTemplate The path to the proxy api of the service used to load local documents.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.logErrors Indicates whether errors should be logged to the console.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.makeLeadCacheUri Constructs a LEAD cache URI from a document ID.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.prepareAjax Event that occurs before any AJAX request is made to the server to allow the user to examine or modify the parameters passed.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.saveAttachmentToCache Saves an attachment to the cache.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.saveToCache Saves the document to the cache.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.serviceApiPath The path to the api endpoints of the service.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.serviceHost The LEADTOOLS Document Service host location.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.servicePath The path from the host to the application root.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.serviceUri Gets the full URL of the service.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.serviceUserData User data to be passed to the service with the next Document Service call.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.uploadBlobChunkSize Maximum size of the chunk of data to use when uploading data to the service.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.uploadDocument Uploads raw data to the cache.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.uploadDocumentBlob Uploads data in a JavaScript Blob/File to the cache.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.uploadFile Uploads a new document to the server in one shot.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.uploadFileDocument Uploads a new document with options to the server in one shot.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.verifyService Makes a parameter-less call to the Document Service to verify a proper connection and obtain service information.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFormField Defines the base class for all form fields.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFormFieldBorderStyle Defines the document form field border style associated with the DocumentFormField.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFormFieldResources Contains form fields resources used by DocumentFormField objects.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFormFields Manages the form fields of the document.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFormFieldsContainer Represents a form fields container.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFormFieldTextStyle Defines the document form field text style associated with the DocumentFormField object.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentGetSvgOptions Options to use when getting an SVG document for a page.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentImages.elementAjaxMethod The request method type to use when loading an image via AJAX.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentImages.elementUrlMode The method to use for loading the image with an ImageLoader.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentImages.flipViewPerspective Helper method to flip a view perspective.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentImages.getThumbnailsGrid Gets an image that contains one or more page thumbnails.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentImages.getThumbnailsGridElement Gets a composite raster image of one or more page thumbnails.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentImages.getThumbnailsGridUrl Gets a URL to a composite image for one or more page thumbnails.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentImages.getViewPerspectiveTransform Helper method to calculate the matrix to use when applying a view perspective.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentImages.rotateViewPerspective Helper method to rotate a view perspective by the specified value.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentLink.#ctor Initializes a new instance of DocumentLink
Leadtools.Document.DocumentLinkTarget.#ctor Initializes a new instance of DocumentLinkTarget.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentLoadAttachmentsMode.asAttachments Read all attachments.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentLoadAttachmentsMode.none Do not read attachments.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentLoadFormFieldsMode Controls how to handle the form fields values found in the document during loading.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentLoadMode Load document mode.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPage.applyAnnotationsViewPerspective Applies the current transformation on the specified container.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPage.applyTextViewPerspective Applies the current transformation on the specified page text.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPage.getAnnotations Gets the annotations container of this page.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPage.getImageElement Gets an HTML Element representing the raster image for this page.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPage.getImageResized Gets this page as a raster image with the specified size.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPage.getImageResizedElement Gets the raster image of this page with a specified size. Aspect ratio is preserved.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPage.getImageResizedUrl Gets a URL to the raster image of this page with a specified size.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPage.getImageUrl Gets a URL to the raster image for this page.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPage.getSvg Gets a URL to this page as an SVG document with the specified options.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPage.getSvgBackImage Gets a raster image that represents contains only the image elements of the SVG document for this page.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPage.getSvgBackImageElement Gets an HTML Element representing the raster image for this page.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPage.getSvgBackImageUrl Gets a URL to a raster image that contains only the image elements of the SVG document for this page.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPage.getSvgElement Gets an SVG document for this page with the specified options.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPage.getSvgUrl Gets a URL to this page as an SVG document with the specified options.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPage.getThumbnailImageElement Gets an HTML Element representing a thumbnail raster image for this page.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPage.getThumbnailImageUrl Gets a URL to the thumbnail representation of this page.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPage.getViewPerspectiveTransform Helper method to calculate the matrix to use when applying a view perspective.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPage.readBarcodes Reads the barcodes found on this page.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPage.rotate Rotates this page by the specified angle.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPage.setAnnotations Replaces the annotations container for this page.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPages.createPage Creates a new DocumentPage.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPages.flip Flips the specified pages vertically.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPages.getTargetPageNumber Finds the page number in this document that corresponds to a page number in another source document.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPages.insertItem Overrides LeadCollection.InsertItem.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPages.moveItem Overrides LeadCollection.MoveItem.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPages.removeItem Overrides LeadCollection.RemoveItem.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPages.reverse Flips the specified pages horizontally.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPages.rotate Rotates the specified pages.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPages.setItem Overrides LeadCollection.SetItem.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPages.setViewPerspective Applies transformation on the specified pages.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPageText.clipText Creates a new DocumentPageText from a portion of this text data.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentPageText.parseLinks Parses the links found in this DocumentText.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentRedactionMode.0 Do not apply any annotations. Default behavior. All annotations are visible and live when viewing or converting.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentRedactionMode.1 Apply the annotations and keep SVG pages.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentRedactionMode.2 Apply the annotations then rasterize SVG pages.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentRedactionOptions.equals Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentSignature Defines the document signature form field resources.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentSignatureFormField Defines a Signature Form Field object.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentTextFormField Defines a Text Form Field object.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentTextImagesRecognitionMode.0 Use SVG engine unless the page is fully rastered.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentTextImagesRecognitionMode.1 Do not use OCR recognition for the image elements. Instead, the image elements are ignored.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentTextImagesRecognitionMode.2 Use OCR recognition on the image elements. The recognition data is added to the final document page text with the rest of the other SVG elements of the page. Requires a valid IOcrEngine instance.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentUploadProgress Encapsulates the state and progress of a document upload.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentUploadProgressState Specifies the state of the document upload.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentViewAnnotationsUserMode.0 Annotations.userModeDesign command
Leadtools.Document.DocumentViewAnnotationsUserMode.1 Annotations.userModeRun command
Leadtools.Document.DocumentViewAnnotationsUserMode.2 Annotations.userModeRender command
Leadtools.Document.DocumentViewItemType.0 ViewItemType with Image command
Leadtools.Document.DocumentViewItemType.1 ViewItemType with Svg command
Leadtools.Document.DocumentViewLayout.0 Layout.Single command
Leadtools.Document.DocumentViewLayout.1 Layout.Vertical command
Leadtools.Document.DocumentViewLayout.2 Layout.Double command
Leadtools.Document.DocumentViewLayout.3 Layout.Horizontal command
Leadtools.Document.DocumentViewSizeMode.0 Shows the actual size of the page in the view.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentViewSizeMode.1 Fits the page width in the view.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentViewSizeMode.2 Fits the page in the view.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentWord.#ctor Initializes a new DocumentWord object.
Leadtools.Document.LEADDocument.compare Compares a list of LEADDocument objects.
Leadtools.Document.LEADDocument.convert Converts this document to any supported format using SVG, OCR, and Raster technologies.
Leadtools.Document.LEADDocument.decrypt Decrypt this document using the specified password.
Leadtools.Document.LEADDocument.defaultResolution Default resolution in dots per inch of this document.
Leadtools.Document.LEADDocument.documentToPixels Converts a value from document units to pixels.
Leadtools.Document.LEADDocument.formFields Object that manages the form fields of the document.
Leadtools.Document.LEADDocument.getEditableContentUrl Gets the document editable content URL.
Leadtools.Document.LEADDocument.getRotateFlip Extracts the rotation and flips value of the specified view perspective of this page.
Leadtools.Document.LEADDocument.getViewPerspectiveTransform Helper method to calculate the matrix to use when applying a view perspective.
Leadtools.Document.LEADDocument.isUsingMemoryCache Indicates whether this LEADDocument is currently using memory cache.
Leadtools.Document.LEADDocument.loadDocumentOptions Options to use when loading this document.
Leadtools.Document.LEADDocument.pixelsToDocument Converts a value from pixels to document units.
Leadtools.Document.LEADDocument.pointToDocument Converts a point from pixels to document units.
Leadtools.Document.LEADDocument.pointToPixels Converts a point from document units to pixels.
Leadtools.Document.LEADDocument.rectToDocument Converts a rectangle from pixels to document units.
Leadtools.Document.LEADDocument.rectToPixels Converts a rectangle from document units to pixels.
Leadtools.Document.LEADDocument.serviceUserData User data to be passed to the service with the next Document Service call.
Leadtools.Document.LEADDocument.sizeToDocument Converts a size from pixels to document units.
Leadtools.Document.LEADDocument.sizeToPixels Converts a size from document units to pixels.
Leadtools.Document.LoadDocumentOptions.loadFormFieldsMode Controls how to handle the form fields found in the document during loading.
Leadtools.Document.LoadDocumentOptions.loadMode Load document mode to use.
Leadtools.Document.LoadDocumentOptions.resolution The resolution (dots per inch) to use when loading this document.
Leadtools.Document.OcrEngineStatus Status of the OCR engine on the server.
Leadtools.Document.PDFPrinter Class for generating printable PDFs.
Leadtools.Document.PDFPrinterOptions Options to use when generating a printable PDF.
Leadtools.Document.PDFPrintResult Resulting object generated from the PDFPrinter.asPrintablePDF method.
Leadtools.Document.PrepareAjaxEventArgs Data for the PrepareAjax event.
Leadtools.Document.RasterImageFormat Indicates the raster image file format.
Leadtools.Document.Service.ApplyActionsRequest The request object used when calling DocumentAnalyzer.applyActions.
Leadtools.Document.Service.Compare.GetColorPageRequest Request object parameters to use when calling Compare.DocumentComparer.getColorPage.
Leadtools.Document.Service.GetColorPageRequest Request object parameters to use when calling Compare.DocumentComparer.getColorPage.
Leadtools.Document.Service.SetFormFieldResourcesRequest Requests object parameters to use when calling setFormFields.
Leadtools.Document.ServiceError Encapsulates error information from a failed call to the Document Library Service.
Leadtools.Document.ServiceStatus Document service status.
Leadtools.Document.Writer.AltoXmlDocumentOptions Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the ALTO (Analyzed Layout and Text Object) format.
Leadtools.Document.Writer.AltoXmlMeasurementUnit Specifies the measurement unit.
Leadtools.Document.Writer.ColoredImageCompressionType Specifies the compression types for colored images.
Leadtools.Document.Writer.DocDocumentOptions Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the Microsoft Word 2003 document format (DOC) format.
Leadtools.Document.Writer.DocumentFontEmbedMode Specifies the font embedding mode used when saving a document.
Leadtools.Document.Writer.DocumentFormat Specifies the output document formats.
Leadtools.Document.Writer.DocumentImageOverTextMode Specifies the how the document writer converts the overlay image (image over text).
Leadtools.Document.Writer.DocumentImageOverTextSize Specifies the resize options for the overlay image (image over text).
Leadtools.Document.Writer.DocumentOptions Abstract base class that provides functionality common to all the format option classes in the LEADTOOLS Document Writers.
Leadtools.Document.Writer.DocumentTextMode Specifies the document text mode.
Leadtools.Document.Writer.DocxDocumentOptions Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the Microsoft Word format (DOCX).
Leadtools.Document.Writer.EditableDocumentConverterOptions Provides options when converting an EditableDocument object.
Leadtools.Document.Writer.EmfDocumentOptions Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the Windows Enhanced Meta File (EMF) format.
Leadtools.Document.Writer.HtmlDocumentOptions Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the HyperText Markup Language (HTML) format.
Leadtools.Document.Writer.LtdDocumentOptions Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the LEADTOOLS Temporary Document (LTD) format.
Leadtools.Document.Writer.MobDocumentOptions Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the Mobipocket e-book format (MOB) format.
Leadtools.Document.Writer.OneBitImageCompressionType Specifies the compression types for one bit per pixels images.
Leadtools.Document.Writer.PdfDocumentEncryptionMode Specifies the PDF document encryption mode.
Leadtools.Document.Writer.PdfDocumentOptions Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).
Leadtools.Document.Writer.PdfDocumentPageFitType Specifies the page fit option.
Leadtools.Document.Writer.PdfDocumentPageLayoutType Specifies the page layout option.
Leadtools.Document.Writer.PdfDocumentPageModeType Specifies the PDF initial view document page mode type.
Leadtools.Document.Writer.PdfDocumentType Specifies the PDF document type.
Leadtools.Document.Writer.PubDocumentOptions Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the eBooks Format (ePUB).
Leadtools.Document.Writer.RtfDocumentOptions Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the Rich Text Format (RTF).
Leadtools.Document.Writer.SvgDocumentOptions Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format.
Leadtools.Document.Writer.TextDocumentOptions Provides extra options to use when saving a document to a text file using the LEADTOOLS Document Writers.
Leadtools.Document.Writer.TextDocumentType Specifies the Text document type.
Leadtools.Document.Writer.XlsDocumentOptions Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the Microsoft Excel 2003 format (XLS).
Leadtools.Document.Writer.XpsDocumentOptions Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the Microsoft Open XML Paper Specification format (XPS).

Removed Members (version 22)

The following members have been removed:


Version Changes: 20 to 21

New Members (version 21)

The following members have been added:

Name Description
Leadtools.Document.Analytics.ActionSet Interface describing an action to be performed against a Document.
Leadtools.Document.Analytics.AnalysisResult The result of analysis on a document.
Leadtools.Document.Analytics.DocumentAnalyzer Provides support for analysis of Document objects.
Leadtools.Document.Analytics.DocumentAnalyzerRunOptions The options to use when analyzing a document.
Leadtools.Document.Analytics.RuleSet Interface describing a rule set that is used to analyze documents.
Leadtools.Document.Analytics.TextAnalysisResult Text-based results of analysis on a document.
Leadtools.Document.Compare.DocumentComparer.compareRasterPage Compares the raster content of two document pages.
Leadtools.Document.Compare.DocumentComparer.getColorPage Retrieves a colorized version of a page.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentAttachment Properties of an attachment in a LEADDocument.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentAttachments Represents a collection of DocumentAttachment objects.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.getLeadCacheData Helper method to get the data part from a LEAD cache URI.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.isLeadCacheScheme Helper method to determine whether a string value contains a valid LEAD cache URI.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.loadDocumentAttachment Loads an attachment as a LEADDocument object.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.makeLeadCacheUri Constructs a LEAD cache URI from a document ID.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentFactory.saveAttachmentToCache Saves an attachment to the cache.
Leadtools.Document.DocumentLoadAttachmentsMode Controls how to handle the embedded attachment found in the document during loading.
Leadtools.Document.LEADDocument.attachments Gets the Object that manages the attachments of the document.
Leadtools.Document.LEADDocument.autoDeleteAttachmentsFromCache Controls what happens to the external attachment documents when the owner document is deleted from the cache.
Leadtools.Document.LEADDocument.loadDocumentOptions Options to use when loading this document.
Leadtools.Document.LEADDocument.metadataKey_IsPortfolio "IsPortfolio" metadata key constant.
Leadtools.Document.LoadAttachmentOptions Options to use when loading an attachment.
Leadtools.Document.LoadDocumentOptions.loadAttachmentsMode Controls how to handle the embedded attachments found in the document during loading.
Leadtools.Document.SaveAttachmentToCacheOptions Options used to save an attachment to the cache.
Leadtools.Document.Service.ApplyActionsRequest The request object used when calling DocumentAnalyzer.applyActions.
Leadtools.Document.Service.Compare.GetColorPageRequest Request object parameters to use when calling Compare.DocumentComparer.getColorPage.
Leadtools.Document.Service.GetColorPageRequest Request object parameters to use when calling Compare.DocumentComparer.getColorPage.
Leadtools.Document.UploadDocumentOptions.clone Creates an exact copy of this object.

Removed Members (version 21)

The following members have been removed:


Version Changes: 19 to 20

Namespace Change

Leadtools.Document namespace in v20 replaces Leadtools.Documents in v19.

Help Version 23.0.2024.5.10
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