Loading Encrypted Files Using the Document Library

Some document file types, such as PDF, support optional encryption and require being decrypted with a password before they can be used. PDF is an example of such documents.

When you use the LoadFromUri or LoadFromCache methods to load these documents, a LEADDocument object is created and returned as usual. It will, however, be encrypted and unusable until the correct password is applied to decrypt it. Unusable means only the information properties of the document are available (such as its DocumentId and MimeType), but the Pages collection will be empty and you cannot interact with the document by getting any more information from it.

There are two ways to pass the password phrase used to decrypt this document:

See Also

Document Library Features

Document Viewer Application

Loading Documents Using LEADTOOLS Document Library

Creating Documents with LEADTOOLS Document Library

Document Toolkit and Caching

Uploading Using the Document Library

Document Library Coordinate System

Parsing Text with the Document Library

Barcode processing with the Document Library

Using jQuery Promises in the Document Library

Loading Images in the Document Library

Document Page Transformation

Using LEADTOOLS Document Viewer

Status Document Job Converter

Document View and Convert Redaction

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