LEADTOOLS JavaScript Image Processing

The main class for JavaScript image processing in LEADTOOLS is Leadtools.ImageProcessing. Refer to this class for more information on how to perform image processing on an HTML 5 ImageData object.

LEADTOOLS ships with the following image processing JavaScript files:


This file contains the following commands:


Fills the image with a color. Command parameters:

Member Values
ImageProcessing.Command "Fill"
ImageProcessing.Arguments "color": A number containing the color value in the AARRGGBB format, such as 0xFFFF0000 for red, 0xFF00FF00 for green and 0xFF0000FF for blue and so on.
ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs.Results Not used

Example to fill a canvas with solid blue.

const myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
const context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
const imageProcessing = new lt.ImageProcessing(); 
imageProcessing.jsFilePath = "Scripts/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Main.js"; 
imageProcessing.command = "Fill"; 
imageProcessing.arguments["color"] = 0xFF0000FF; 
imageProcessing.imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); 
imageProcessing.completed.add(function(sender, e) { 
   context.putImageData(e.imageData, 0, 0); 


Flips the image vertically. Command parameters:

Example to flip a canvas.

const myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
const context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
const imageProcessing = new lt.ImageProcessing(); 
imageProcessing.jsFilePath = "Scripts/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Main.js"; 
imageProcessing.command = "Flip"; 
imageProcessing.imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); 
imageProcessing.completed.add(function(sender, e) { 
   context.putImageData(e.imageData, 0, 0); 


Flips the image horizontally. Command parameters:

Example to reverse a canvas.

const myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
const context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
const imageProcessing = new lt.ImageProcessing(); 
imageProcessing.jsFilePath = "Scripts/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Main.js"; 
imageProcessing.command = "Reverse"; 
imageProcessing.imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); 
imageProcessing.completed.add(function(sender, e) { 
   context.putImageData(e.imageData, 0, 0); 


This file contains the following commands:


Performs adaptive contrast enhancement (ACE) to regions that are originally low in contrast. Command parameters:

Member Values
ImageProcessing.Command "AdaptiveContrast"
ImageProcessing.Arguments "dimension": The dimensions of the neighborhood used for filtering (dimension x dimension), in
pixels. Range is from 1 to infinity.
"amount": The adjustment factor value. Range is from 100 to infinity.
"type": The adjustment method. 1 for Exponential, or 2 for Linear.
ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs.Results Not used

Example to perform adaptive contrast enhancement (ACE) on the canvas.

const myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
const context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
const imageProcessing = new lt.ImageProcessing(); 
imageProcessing.jsFilePath = "Scripts/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color.js"; 
imageProcessing.command = "AdaptiveContrast"; 
imageProcessing.arguments["dimension"] = 3; 
imageProcessing.arguments["amount"] = 500; 
imageProcessing.arguments["type"] = 1; 
imageProcessing.imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); 
imageProcessing.completed.add(function(sender, e) { 
  context.putImageData(e.imageData, 0, 0); 


Applies one of several types of automatic color-leveling to an image. Command parameters:

Member Values
ImageProcessing.Command "AutoColorLevel"
ImageProcessing.Arguments "type": A value that indicates the type of leveling to perform. 1 for Level, or 2 for Contrast,
or 3 for Intensity
"flag": A flag that indicates whether the method will process the image. 0 for None, or 4 for
"blackClip": (Optional) value that represents the percentage of black pixels to clip from the
image, in hundredths of a percent. Range from 0 to 10000 (which represents 100%). The default
value is 50, which indicates to clip 0.5 of the black pixels.
"whiteClip": (Optional) value that represents the percentage of white pixels to clip from the
image, in hundredths of a percent. Range from 0 to 10000 (which represents 100%). The default
value is 50, which indicates to clip 0.5 of the white pixels.
ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs.Results "master": Object containing color-leveling information for the Master channel. Members are:
minInput, maxInput, minOutput, maxOutput, and gamma.
"red": Object containing color-leveling information for the Red channel. Members are: minInput,
maxInput, minOutput, maxOutput, and gamma.
"green": Object containing color-leveling information for the Green channel. Members are:
minInput, maxInput, minOutput, maxOutput, and gamma.
"blue": Object containing color-leveling information for the Blue channel. Members are: minInput,
maxInput, minOutput, maxOutput, and gamma.

Example to apply the AutoColorLevel command to the canvas.

const myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
const context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
const imageProcessing = new lt.ImageProcessing(); 
imageProcessing.jsFilePath = "Scripts/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color.js"; 
imageProcessing.command = "AutoColorLevel"; 
imageProcessing.arguments["type"] = 3; 
imageProcessing.arguments["flag"] = 0; 
imageProcessing.arguments["blackClip"] = 1000; 
imageProcessing.arguments["whiteClip"] = 1000; 
imageProcessing.imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); 
imageProcessing.completed.add(function(sender, e) { 
  context.putImageData(e.imageData, 0, 0); 
  const master = e.results.master; 
  if (master != null) { 
     alert("master:" + "\n" + 
        "MinInput: " + master.minInput + "\n" + 
        "MaxInput: " + master.maxInput + "\n" + 
        "MinOutput: " + master.minOutput + "\n" + 
        "MaxOutput: " + master.maxOutput + "\n" + 
        "Gamma: " + master.gamma + "\n"); 


Changes the Hue/Saturation/Intensity values of the image. Command parameters:

Member Values
ImageProcessing.Command "ChangeHueSaturationIntensity"
ImageProcessing.Arguments "hue": The hue value. Values range from-18000 to 18000
"saturation": The saturation value. Values range from -1000 to 1000
"intensity": The intensity value. Values range from -1000 to 1000
"hsiData": (Optional) array of Objects that provides information about the color ranges. Object
Members: hue (-18000 to 18000), saturation (-1000 to 1000), intensity(-1000 to 1000), innerLow
(-359 to 359), innerHigh (-359 to 359), outerLow (-359 to 359), and outerHigh (-359 to 359)
ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs.Results Not used

Example to change the Hue/Saturation/Intensity values of the canvas.

const myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
const context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
const imageProcessing = new lt.ImageProcessing(); 
imageProcessing.jsFilePath = "Scripts/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color.js"; 
imageProcessing.command = "ChangeHueSaturationIntensity"; 
imageProcessing.arguments["hue"] = 500; 
imageProcessing.arguments["saturation"] = 500; 
imageProcessing.arguments["intensity"] = 500; 
const hsiData = new Array(1); 
hsiData[0] = new Object(); 
hsiData[0].intensity = arguments["intensity"]; 
hsiData[0].saturation = arguments["saturation"]; 
hsiData[0].hue = arguments["hue"]; 
hsiData[0].outerLow = 0; 
hsiData[0].outerHigh = 359; 
hsiData[0].innerLow = 90; 
hsiData[0].innerHigh = 180; 
imageProcessing.arguments["hsiData"] = hsiData; 
imageProcessing.imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); 
imageProcessing.completed.add(function(sender, e) { 
  context.putImageData(e.imageData, 0, 0); 


Gets the number of unique colors in an image. The image data is not affected. Command parameters:

Member Values
ImageProcessing.Command "ColorCount"
ImageProcessing.Arguments Not used
ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs.Results "colorCount": A number containing the count of unique colors in the image.

Example to count the number of unique colors in a canvas.

const myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
const context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
const imageProcessing = new lt.ImageProcessing(); 
imageProcessing.jsFilePath = "Scripts/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color.js"; 
imageProcessing.command = "ColorCount"; 
imageProcessing.imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); 
imageProcessing.completed.add(function(sender, e) { 
   const count = e.results["colorCount"]; 
   alert("The canvas contains " + count + " unique color(s)"); 


Applies color-leveling to an image. It changes the image shadows, midtones and highlights. Command parameters:

Member Values
ImageProcessing.Command "ColorLevel"
ImageProcessing.Arguments "flag": Flag that indicates the channel being leveled. 1 for Red Channel, and/or 16 for Green
Channel, and/or 256 for Blue Channel, and/or 4096 for Master Channel, or 4369 for All
"masterChannelColorLevelData": Color-leveling information Object for the master channel used in
the ColorLevel Command. Members are: minInput, maxInput, minOutput, maxOutput, and gamma.
(min/max Input-Output values: 0 - 255, gamma values: 1 to infinity)
"redChannelColorLevelData": Color-leveling information Object for the red channel used in the
ColorLevel Command. Members are: minInput, maxInput, minOutput, maxOutput, and gamma. (min/max
Input-Output values: 0 - 255, gamma values: 1 to infinity)
"greenChannelColorLevelData": Color-leveling information Object for the green channel used in the
ColorLevel Command. Members are: minInput, maxInput, minOutput, maxOutput, and gamma. (min/max
Input-Output values: 0 - 255, gamma values: 1 to infinity)
"blueChannelColorLevelData": Color-leveling information Object for the blue channel used in the
ColorLevel Command. Members are: minInput, maxInput, minOutput, maxOutput, and gamma. (min/max
Input-Output values: 0 - 255, gamma values: 1 to infinity)
ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs.Results Not used

Example to apply the ColorLevel command to the canvas.

const myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
const context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
const imageProcessing = new lt.ImageProcessing(); 
imageProcessing.jsFilePath = "Scripts/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color.js"; 
imageProcessing.command = "ColorLevel"; 
const myRedChannelColorLevelData = new Object(); 
myRedChannelColorLevelData.minInput = 20; 
myRedChannelColorLevelData.maxInput = 200; 
myRedChannelColorLevelData.minOutput = 50; 
myRedChannelColorLevelData.maxOutput = 150; 
myRedChannelColorLevelData.gamma = 300; 
imageProcessing.arguments["redChannelColorLevelData"] = myRedChannelColorLevelData; 
imageProcessing.arguments["flag"] = 1; 
imageProcessing.imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); 
imageProcessing.completed.add(function(sender, e) { 
  context.putImageData(e.imageData, 0, 0); 


Changes the Contrast/Brightness/Intensity values of the image. Command parameters:

Member Values
ImageProcessing.Command "ContrastBrightnessIntensity"
ImageProcessing.Arguments "contrast": The value representing contrast. Values range from -1000 to 1000
"brightness": The value representing brightness. Values range from -1000 to 1000
"intensity": The value representing intensity. Values range from -1000 to 1000
ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs.Results Not used

Example to change the Contrast/Brightness/Intensity values of the canvas.

const myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
const context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
const imageProcessing = new lt.ImageProcessing(); 
imageProcessing.jsFilePath = "Scripts/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color.js"; 
imageProcessing.command = "ContrastBrightnessIntensity"; 
imageProcessing.arguments["contrast"] = 500; 
imageProcessing.arguments["brightness"] = 500; 
imageProcessing.arguments["intensity"] = 500; 
imageProcessing.imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); 
imageProcessing.completed.add(function(sender, e) { 
  context.putImageData(e.imageData, 0, 0); 


Adjusts the intensity of colors in an image by changing the gamma constant that is used to map the intensity values. Command parameters:

Member Values
ImageProcessing.Command "GammaCorrect"
ImageProcessing.Arguments "gamma": The integer representing the gamma value. Range is 1 to infinity.
ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs.Results Not used

Example to apply the GammaCorrect command to the canvas.

const myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
const context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
const imageProcessing = new lt.ImageProcessing(); 
imageProcessing.jsFilePath = "Scripts/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color.js"; 
imageProcessing.command = "GammaCorrect"; 
imageProcessing.arguments["gamma"] = 1000; 
imageProcessing.imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); 
imageProcessing.completed.add(function(sender, e) { 
  context.putImageData(e.imageData, 0, 0); 


Converts a 1-bit, 4-bit, 8-bit, 16-bit, 24-bit, or 32-bit image to an 8-bit, 12-bit, or 16-bit grayscale image.

Member Values
ImageProcessing.Command "Grayscale"
ImageProcessing.Arguments "BitsPerPixel": The integer representing the Grayscale mode to use for conversion. The acceptable values are 8, 12, or 16 -bit grayscale image.
ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs.Results Not used

Example to apply the Grayscale command to the canvas.

const myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
const context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
const imageProcessing = new lt.ImageProcessing(); 
imageProcessing.jsFilePath = "Scripts/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color.js"; 
imageProcessing.command = "Grayscale"; 
imageProcessing.arguments["BitsPerPixel"] = 8; // Convert to 8-bit grayscale  
imageProcessing.imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); 
imageProcessing.completed.add(function(sender, e) { 
  context.putImageData(e.imageData, 0, 0); 


Linearizes the number of pixels in an image based on the specified color space. Command parameters:

Member Values
ImageProcessing.Command "HistogramEqualize"
ImageProcessing.Arguments "type": The type indicates which color space to equalize. 1 for RGB, 2 for YUV, or 4 for Gray
ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs.Results Not used

Example to apply the HistogramEqualize command to the canvas.

const myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
const context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
const imageProcessing = new lt.ImageProcessing(); 
imageProcessing.jsFilePath = "Scripts/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color.js"; 
imageProcessing.command = "HistogramEqualize"; 
imageProcessing.arguments["type"] = 1; 
imageProcessing.imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); 
imageProcessing.completed.add(function(sender, e) { 
  context.putImageData(e.imageData, 0, 0); 


Inverts the colors of the image. Command parameters:

Example to invert the colors of a canvas.

const myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
const context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
const imageProcessing = new lt.ImageProcessing(); 
imageProcessing.jsFilePath = "Scripts/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color.js"; 
imageProcessing.command = "Invert"; 
imageProcessing.imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); 
imageProcessing.completed.add(function(sender, e) { 
   context.putImageData(e.imageData, 0, 0); 


Stretches the histogram of the image. Command parameters:

Example to stretch the histogram of the canvas.

const myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
const context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
const imageProcessing = new lt.ImageProcessing(); 
imageProcessing.jsFilePath = "Scripts/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color.js"; 
imageProcessing.command = "StretchHistogram"; 
imageProcessing.imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); 
imageProcessing.completed.add(function(sender, e) { 
   context.putImageData(e.imageData, 0, 0); 


This file contains the following commands:


Increases or decreases the sharpness of the specified image. Command parameters:

Member Values
ImageProcessing.Command "AntiAliasing"
ImageProcessing.Arguments "threshold": A threshold value. Range is 0 to 255.
"dimension": A dimension value. Range is 1 to infinity.
"antiAliasingType": A value that indicates the type of anti-aliasing filter to use.
0 for Type1
1 for Type2
2 for Type3
3 for Diagonal
4 for Horizontal
5 for Vertical
ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs.Results Not used

Example to apply the AntiAliasing command to the canvas.

const myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
const context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
const imageProcessing = new lt.ImageProcessing(); 
imageProcessing.jsFilePath = "Scripts/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Effects.js"; 
imageProcessing.command = "AntiAliasing"; 
imageProcessing.arguments["threshold"] = 10; 
imageProcessing.arguments["dimension"] = 3; 
imageProcessing.arguments["antiAliasingType"] = 1; 
imageProcessing.imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); 
imageProcessing.completed.add(function(sender, e) { 
  context.putImageData(e.imageData, 0, 0); 


Imposes a binary filter on an image. Command parameters:

Member Values
ImageProcessing.Command "BinaryFilter"
ImageProcessing.Arguments "predefined": Integer that represents a predefined binary filter.
0 for ErosionOmniDirectional
1 for ErosionHorizontal
2 for ErosionVertical
3 for ErosionDiagonal
4 for DilationOmniDirectional
5 for DilationHorizontal
6 for DilationVertical
7 for DilationDiagonal
"maximum": A boolean value that indicates whether the filter is a maximum filter.
"matrix": An array of filter coefficients.
ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs.Results "dimension": The dimension value for the matrix.

Example to apply the BinaryFilter command to the canvas.

const myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
const context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
const imageProcessing = new lt.ImageProcessing(); 
imageProcessing.jsFilePath = "Scripts/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Effects.js"; 
imageProcessing.command = "BinaryFilter"; 
imageProcessing.arguments["predefined"] = 5; // Dilation Horizontal 
//setting predefined will override other arguments 
//imageProcessing.arguments["matrix"]  = [0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]; 
//imageProcessing.arguments["maximum"] = true; 
imageProcessing.imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); 
imageProcessing.completed.add(function(sender, e) { 
  context.putImageData(e.imageData, 0, 0); 
  alert("Filter dimension: " + e.results.dimension); 


Applies an emboss effect to an image, letting you specify the depth and direction of the effect. Command parameters:

Member Values
ImageProcessing.Command "Emboss"
ImageProcessing.Arguments "direction": Integer that represents the direction of the apparent light source. 0 for North, 1
for NorthEast, 2 for East, 3 for SouthEast, 4 for South, 5 for SouthWest, 6 for West, 7 for
"depth": The depth value. Range is 0 to 1000.
ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs.Results Not used

Example to apply the Emboss command to the canvas.

const myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
const context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
const imageProcessing = new lt.ImageProcessing(); 
imageProcessing.jsFilePath = "Scripts/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Effects.js"; 
imageProcessing.command = "Emboss"; 
imageProcessing.arguments["direction"] = 5; 
imageProcessing.arguments["depth"] = 500; 
imageProcessing.imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); 
imageProcessing.completed.add(function(sender, e) { 
  context.putImageData(e.imageData, 0, 0); 


Smooths or blurs an image by applying a Gaussian filter to the specified image. Command parameters:

Member Values
ImageProcessing.Command "GaussianFilter"
ImageProcessing.Arguments "radius": radius value. 1 to infinity.
ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs.Results Not used

Example to apply the GaussianFilter command to the canvas.

const myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
const context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
const imageProcessing = new lt.ImageProcessing(); 
imageProcessing.jsFilePath = "Scripts/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Effects.js"; 
imageProcessing.command = "GaussianFilter"; 
imageProcessing.arguments["radius"] = 10; 
imageProcessing.imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); 
imageProcessing.completed.add(function(sender, e) { 
  context.putImageData(e.imageData, 0, 0); 


Updates a range of entries in the lookup table, based on the specified mathematical function. Command parameters:

Member Values
ImageProcessing.Command "GetFunctionalLookupTable"
ImageProcessing.Arguments "lookupTable": The initial lookup table array. The user must set the first and the last element
of the lookup table manually.
"start": The index of the first entry in the lookup table to update.
"end": The index of the last entry in the lookup table to update.
"factor": A Value that indicates the factor to be applied in the function operation specified in
the flags parameter.
"flags": A flag that indicates the function used to update the lookup table. 0 for Exponential, 1
for Logarithm, 2 for Linear, 3 for Sigmoid.
ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs.Results "lookupTable": The updated lookup table array.

Example to apply the GetFunctionalLookupTable command to a lookup table array.

const imageProcessing = new lt.ImageProcessing(); 
imageProcessing.jsFilePath = "Scripts/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Effects.js"; 
imageProcessing.command = "GetFunctionalLookupTable"; 
imageProcessing.arguments["threshold"] = 10; 
imageProcessing.arguments["dimension"] = 3; 
imageProcessing.arguments["antiAliasingType"] = 1; 
imageProcessing.completed.add(function(sender, e) { 
   const new lookupTable = e.results.lookupTable; 

ImageProcessing.Arguments Flags

Flag Name Values
"predefined" Integer that represents a predefined spatial filter.
0 for EmbossNorth
1 for EmbossNorthEast
2 forEmbossEast
3 for EmbossSouthEast
4 for EmbossSouth
5 for EmbossSouthWest
6 for EmbossWest
7 for EmbossNorthWest
8 for GradientEdgeEnhancementNorth
9 for GradientEdgeEnhancementNorthEast
10 for GradientEdgeEnhancementEast
11 for GradientEdgeEnhancementSouthEast
12 for GradientEdgeEnhancementSouth
13 for GradientEdgeEnhancementSouthWest
14 for GradientEdgeEnhancementWest
15 for GradientEdgeEnhancementNorthWest
16 for LaplacianFilter1
17 for LaplacianFilter2
18 for LaplacianFilter3
19 for LaplacianDiagonal
20 for LaplacianHorizontal
21 for LaplacianVertical
22 for SobelHorizontal
23 for SobelVertical
24 for PrewittHorizontal
25 for PrewittVertical
26 for ShiftAndDifferenceDiagonal
27 for ShiftAndDifferenceHorizontal
28 for ShiftAndDifferenceVertical
29 for LineSegmentHorizontal
30 for LineSegmentVertical
31 for LineSegmentLeftToRight
32 for LineSegmentRightToLeft
"divisor" Divisor value. Range is from minus infinity to infinity, except 0.
"bias" Bias value. Range is from minus infinity to infinity.
"matrix" Array of weight factors.

Example to apply the SpatialFilter command to the canvas.

const myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
const context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
const imageProcessing = new lt.ImageProcessing(); 
imageProcessing.jsFilePath = "Scripts/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Effects.js"; 
imageProcessing.command = "SpatialFilter"; 
imageProcessing.arguments["predefined"] = 5; // EmbossSouthWest 
//setting predefined will override other arguments 
//imageProcessing.arguments["matrix"]  = [0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]; 
//imageProcessing.arguments["divisor"] = 1; 
//imageProcessing.arguments["bias"] = 128; 
imageProcessing.imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); 
imageProcessing.completed.add(function(sender, e) { 
  context.putImageData(e.imageData, 0, 0); 
  alert("Filter dimension: " + e.results.dimension); 


Increases or decreases the sharpness of the specified image. Command parameters:

Member Values
ImageProcessing.Command "Sharpen"
ImageProcessing.Arguments "sharpness": The sharpness value. Values range from -1000 to 1000.
ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs.Results Not used

Example to apply the Sharpen command to the canvas.

const myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
const context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
const imageProcessing = new lt.ImageProcessing(); 
imageProcessing.jsFilePath = "Scripts/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Effects.js"; 
imageProcessing.command = "Sharpen"; 
imageProcessing.arguments["sharpness"] = 5; 
imageProcessing.imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); 
imageProcessing.completed.add(function(sender, e) { 
  context.putImageData(e.imageData, 0, 0); 


Imposes a spatial filter on an image. Command parameters:

Member Values
ImageProcessing.Command "SpatialFilter"
ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs.Results "dimension": Matrix dimension value.
ImageProcessing.Arguments Refer to the "ImageProcessing.Arguments Flags" table below.


Smooths the rough edges in the image. Command parameters:

Member Values
ImageProcessing.Command "SmoothEdges"
ImageProcessing.Arguments "amount": The amount value. Range is 0 to 100.
"threshold": The threshold value. Range is 0 to 255.
ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs.Results Not used

Example to apply the SmoothEdges command to the canvas.

const myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
const context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
const imageProcessing = new lt.ImageProcessing(); 
imageProcessing.jsFilePath = "Scripts/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Effects.js"; 
imageProcessing.command = "SmoothEdges"; 
imageProcessing.arguments["amount"] = 50; 
imageProcessing.arguments["threshold"] = 10; 
imageProcessing.imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); 
imageProcessing.completed.add(function(sender, e) { 
  context.putImageData(e.imageData, 0, 0); 


Sharpens the image by applying the unsharp mask. Command parameters:

Member Values
ImageProcessing.Command "UnsharpMask"
ImageProcessing.Arguments "radius": The radius value. Values range from 1 to infinity.
"amount": The amount value. Values range from 0 to infinity.
"threshold": The threshold value. Values range from 0 to 255.
"colorType": The colorType value. 1 for RGB, 2 for YUV
ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs.Results Not used

Example to apply the UnsharpMask command to the canvas.

const myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
const context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
const imageProcessing = new lt.ImageProcessing(); 
imageProcessing.jsFilePath = "Scripts/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Effects.js"; 
imageProcessing.command = "UnsharpMask"; 
imageProcessing.arguments["radius"] = 3; 
imageProcessing.arguments["amount"] = 1000; 
imageProcessing.arguments["threshold"] = 128; 
imageProcessing.arguments["colorType"] = 2; 
imageProcessing.imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); 
imageProcessing.completed.add(function(sender, e) { 
  context.putImageData(e.imageData, 0, 0); 



Removes speckles from an image. Typically, this command is used to clean up scanned images (such as FAX images). Command parameters:

Example to apply the Despeckle command to the canvas.

const myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
const context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
const imageProcessing = new lt.ImageProcessing(); 
imageProcessing.jsFilePath = "Scripts/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.js"; 
imageProcessing.command = "Despeckle"; 
imageProcessing.imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); 
imageProcessing.completed.add(function(sender, e) { 
  context.putImageData(e.imageData, 0, 0); 


Erodes dark objects by the specified amount. Command parameters:

Member Values
ImageProcessing.Command "MaxFilter"
ImageProcessing.Arguments "dimension": A dimension value. Values range from 1 to infinity.
ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs.Results Not used

Example to apply the MaxFilter command to the canvas.

const myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
const context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
const imageProcessing = new lt.ImageProcessing(); 
imageProcessing.jsFilePath = "Scripts/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.js"; 
imageProcessing.command = "MaxFilter"; 
imageProcessing.arguments["dimension"] = 3; 
imageProcessing.imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); 
imageProcessing.completed.add(function(sender, e) { 
  context.putImageData(e.imageData, 0, 0); 


Dilates dark objects by the specified amount. Command parameters:

Member Values
ImageProcessing.Command "MinFilter"
ImageProcessing.Arguments "dimension": A dimension value. Values range from 1 to infinity.
ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs.Results Not used

Example to apply the MinFilter command to the canvas.

const myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
const context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
const imageProcessing = new lt.ImageProcessing(); 
imageProcessing.jsFilePath = "Scripts/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.js"; 
imageProcessing.command = "MinFilter"; 
imageProcessing.arguments["dimension"] = 3; 
imageProcessing.imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); 
imageProcessing.completed.add(function(sender, e) { 
  context.putImageData(e.imageData, 0, 0); 


Enhances the contrast on an image, its edges, and the density range, in a way that all relevant image features are rendered with an appropriate level of visibility. This view mode is commonly used in Computed Radiography (CR).

Member Values
"contrast" 0, 2000, 10000
"edgeLevels" 1, 4, 9
"edgeCoefficient" -1, 1, 2000
"latitudeLevels" 1, 5, 9
"latitudeCoefficient" -1, 8, 2000
"flags" None: 0x00000000
Edge Enhancement: 0x00000010
Latitude Reduction: 0x00000020
"type" Gaussian: 0, Resample: 1, Bicubic:2, and Normal: 3

Example to apply the MultiscaleEnhancement command to the canvas.

const myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
const context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
const imageProcessing = new lt.ImageProcessing(); 
imageProcessing.jsFilePath = "Scripts/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.js"; 
imageProcessing.command = "MultiscaleEnhancement"; 
imageProcessing.arguments["contrast"] = 2000; 
imageProcessing.arguments["edgeLevels"] = 4; 
imageProcessing.arguments["edgeCoefficient"] = -1; 
imageProcessing.arguments["latitudeLevels"] = 1; 
imageProcessing.arguments["latitudeCoefficient"] = -1; 
imageProcessing.arguments["flags"] = 0x00000000; // None: 0x00000000, Edge Enhancement 0x00000010, Latitude Reduction0x00000020 
imageProcessing.arguments["type"] = 0; // Gaussian: 0, Resample: 1, Bicubic:2, and Normal: 3 
imageProcessing.imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); 
imageProcessing.completed.add(function(sender, e) { 
  context.putImageData(e.imageData, 0, 0); 


Applies different kinds of algorithms on images to resize them into the desired size. Command parameters:

Member Values
ImageProcessing.Command "ResizeInterpolate"
ImageProcessing.Arguments "width": The new Image width.
"height": The new Image height.
"type": An integer that represents the algorithm type used in resizing the image. 5 for Triangle,
6 for Hermite, 7 for Bell, 8 for QuadraticBSpline, 9 for CubicBSpline, 10 for BoxFilter, 11 for
Lanczos, 12 for Michell, 13 for Cosine, 14 for Catrom, 15 for Quadratic, 16 for CubicConvolution,
17 for Bilinear = 17, 18 for Bresenham
ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs.Results "resultImage": The new Image after resizing. Members are: width(new Image width), height(new
Image height), and data(new Image pixel data)

Example to apply the ResizeInterpolate command to the canvas.

const myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
const context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
const imageProcessing = new lt.ImageProcessing(); 
imageProcessing.jsFilePath = "Scripts/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.js"; 
imageProcessing.command = "ResizeInterpolate"; 
imageProcessing.arguments["width"] = 1024; 
imageProcessing.arguments["height"] = 1024; 
imageProcessing.arguments["type"] = 17; // Bilinear 
imageProcessing.imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); 
imageProcessing.completed.add(function(sender, e) { 
  const resultImage = e.results.resultImage; 
  const canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); 
  canvas.width = resultImage.width; 
  canvas.height = resultImage.height; 
  const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); 
  const imgData = ctx.createImageData(canvas.width, canvas.height); 
  for (let i = 0; i < imgData.data.length; i += 4) { 
     imgData.data[i + 0] = resultImage.data[i + 0]; 
     imgData.data[i + 1] = resultImage.data[i + 1]; 
     imgData.data[i + 2] = resultImage.data[i + 2]; 
     imgData.data[i + 3] = resultImage.data[i + 3]; 
  ctx.putImageData(imgData, 0, 0); 
  const src = canvas1.toDataURL("image/png"); // now we get the new image in base64 form 



Represents the data needed by the window level interactive mode for adjusting the window level of the image. Command parameters:

Member Values
ImageProcessing.Command "WindowLevel"
ImageProcessing.Arguments "width", "center". Valid Range: 0-255
ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs.Results Not used

Example to apply the WindowLevel command to the canvas.

const myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
const context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
const imageProcessing = new lt.ImageProcessing(); 
imageProcessing.jsFilePath = "Scripts/Leadtools.Controls.Medical.js"; 
imageProcessing.command = "WindowLevel"; 
imageProcessing.arguments["width"] = 255; 
imageProcessing.arguments["center"] = 127; 
imageProcessing.imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); 
imageProcessing.completed.add(function(sender, e) { 
  context.putImageData(e.imageData, 0, 0); 

For further details, refer to the HTML5/JavaScript Leadtools.Controls.Medical library.

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