

Returns a pointer to the last item in the IOD Structure.


#include "Ltdic.h"

static pDICOMIOD LDicomIOD::GetLast(pIOD, bTree)



Pointer to a DICOMIOD structure within the IOD Structure. A pointer to the DICOMIOD structure that contains the last item in the IOD Structure will be returned.

L_BOOL bTree

Flag that indicates how the IOD Structure will be evaluated. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE Evaluate the IOD Structure as a tree.
FALSE Evaluate the IOD Structure as a list.


Value Meaning
!NULL A pointer to a DICOMIOD structure that contains the last item in the IOD Structure.
NULL The IOD Structure is empty.


If the IOD Structure is evaluated as a tree structure, this function returns the last item on the same level as pIOD with the same parent as pIOD.

NOTE: The numbering of the items in this illustration is arbitrary and does not imply order.

If the passed pointer points to The function returns a pointer to
Item 1 Item 2
Item 3 Item 4
Item 5 Item 5
Item 6 Item 7
NULL Item 2

If the IOD Structure is evaluated as a list, the last item in the list is returned.

NOTE: The numbering of the items in this illustration does indicate the order of the items when the IOD Structure is evaluated as a list.

If the passed pointer points to The function returns a pointer to
NULL Item 30
Item 12 Item 30
Item 14 Item 30
Item 22 Item 30
Item 25 Item 30

The following functions will also help you navigate the IOD Structure as either a tree or a list:

If you evaluate the IOD Structure as a tree, you can also use the following functions to navigate the tree:

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64

See Also




This example displays the name of the last item in the current level.

L_INT LDicomIOD_GetLastExample_1() 
   pDICOMIOD   pElement; 
   pDICOMIOD   pLast; 
   if (pElement != NULL) 
      pLast = LDicomIOD::GetLast(pElement, TRUE); 
      ::MessageBox(NULL, pLast->pszName, TEXT("Notice"), MB_OK); 
   return DICOM_SUCCESS; 
/* This example displays the name of the last item in the IOD table */ 
L_INT LDicomIOD_GetLastExample_2() 
   pDICOMIOD pLast; 
   pLast = LDicomIOD::GetLast(NULL, FALSE); 
   if (pLast != NULL) 
      ::MessageBox(NULL, pLast->pszName, TEXT("Notice"), MB_OK); 
   return DICOM_SUCCESS; 

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