ILMFAVolume Interface


Type Name Description
int Amplitude Sets or gets sound stream volume.
VARIANT_BOOL Mute Sets or gets mute volume option.
long NumChannels Number of audio channels of the current media format.


HRESULT SaveAttributes();


Writes transform settings to the registry. This method will force the transform to save its settings to the registry before its released.

If the transform has no settings to write to the registry, E_NOTIMPL is returned.


S_OK if successful, < 0 if an error occurred.

HRESULT ResetToDefaults();


Resets volume transform options values to the default values.


S_OK if successful, < 0 if an error occurred.

HRESULT LoadAttributes();


Loads transform settings from the registry. The Media Foundation transforms import the settings from the registry only at creation time. This method will force the transform to re-load its settings from the registry. If the transform has no settings to load from the registry, E_NOTIMPL is returned.


S_OK if successful, < 0 if an error occurred.

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