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The LEAD MCMW Decoder is a MediaFoundation transform for decompressing Video data compressed by the LEAD MCMW Encoder Filter.
Technical details for the transform are provided in the following table:
Resource Type | Description |
Transform Interfaces | ILMFDecMCMW |
Interface ID | IID_ILMFDecMCMW |
Input Media Types | Type: |
MFMediaType_Video | |
Subtypes: | |
Output Media Types | Type: |
MFMediaType_Video | |
Subtypes: | |
MFVideoFormat_RGB24 | |
Transform CLSID | CLSID_LMFDecMCMW{E2B7DFA1-38C5-11D5-91F6-00104BDB8FF9} |
Property Page CLSID | None. |
Executable | LMFDecMCMW.dll |
Transform category | MFT_CATEGORY_VIDEO_DECODER ("MediaFoundation Decoders"). |
Header | ILMFDecMCMW.h |
Win32, x64.