Using LEAD ISO Media Source

The LEAD ISO Media Source can be used in any media foundation topology by two different methods. The method used depends on whether the LEAD Media Foundation toolkit is being used.

If the LEAD Media Foundation toolkit is being used

Call IltmfPlay::SetPreferredMediaSourceHandler or IltmfConvert::SetPreferredMediaSourceHandler to select the preferred media source handler.

Specifically, to select the LEAD ISO Media source handler call these methods with the MediaSourceHandlerType parameter set to ltmfPlay_PreferredMediaSourceHandler_ISO or tmfConvert_PreferredMediaSourceHandler_ISO. The Val parameter should be set to ltmfMediaSourceHandler_LEADDefault or ltmfMediaSourceHandler_LEAD_ISO.

If the LEAD ISO Media Source is NOT being used with the LEAD Media Foundation toolkit

  1. Open the Windows registry and look at the "Software\\LEAD Technologies, Inc.\\Windows Media Foundation\\ByteStreamHandlers" registry location. The supported media type extensions should be found under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key. If the media extension is available, then the GUID of the LEAD ISO Media Source handler should be there.
  2. Use that value to create an instance of the handler.
  3. Open the media file by calling the BeginCreateObject method.

See Also

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