Version 12.1

Version 12.1 is the first version of the LEADTOOLS COM Object. The LEADTOOLS COM Objects support the following:

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS now supports the J2K and JP2 JPEG 2000 file formats. (JPEG 2000 Plug In only)

image\sqrblit.gif New properties, methods, and events for Raster imaging provide support for the following:

Bitmap Handling

Viewing Bitmaps

Bitmap Processing.

Input and Output Functionality

image\sqrblit.gif New properties, methods, and events let you create and maintain Raster annotations. In addition, there is support for the following:

Annotation Menu

Annotation Toolbar

image\sqrblit.gif New properties, methods, and events for Raster database processing provide support for the following:

Using ODBC Functionality

Using OLEDB Functionality

image\sqrblit.gif New properties, methods, and events for Raster Twain scanning are provided.

The following is a list of the new methods, properties, and events:

JPEG 2000 Plug in Features

J2KROIControl property

J2KROIHeight property

J2KROILeft property

J2KROITop property

J2KROIWidth property

J2KUseROI property

For Bitmap Handling

Bitmap property

BitmapAlpha property

BitmapBits property

BitmapDelay property

BitmapDisposalMethod property

BitmapEnableTransparency property

BitmapHeight property

BitmapLeft property

BitmapList property

BitmapListCount property

BitmapListIndex property

BitmapPalette property

BitmapTop property

BitmapTransparentColor property

BitmapWidth property

BitmapXRes property

BitmapYRes property

Capture method

ColorResList method

Copy method

CreateBitmap method

DeleteBitmapListItems method

DeleteRgnHandle method

FreeRgn method

GetBitmapDC method

GetDDB method

GetDIB method

GetDIB2 method

GetMinMaxBits method

GetMinMaxVal method

GetPicture method

GetRgnArea method

GetRgnHandle method

HasRgn property

InsertBitmapListItem method

IsGrayscale property

IsPtInRgn method

IsSupportLocked method

LevelHighBit property

LevelLUT property

LevelLUTLength property

MaxBit property

MaxVal property

MinBit property

MinVal property

OffsetRgn method

Paste method

Pixel property

PolygonSize property

PolygonX property

PolygonY property

RefBitmap property

ReleaseBitmapDC method

RefBitmapList property

RgnHeight property

RgnLeft property

RgnTop property

RgnWidth property

LevelHighBit property

LevelLUT property

LevelLUTLength property

MaxBit property

MaxVal property

MinBit property

MinVal property

OffsetRgn method

Paste method

Pixel property

PolygonSize property

PolygonX property

PolygonY property

RefBitmap property

ReleaseBitmapDC method

RefBitmapList property

RgnHeight property

RgnLeft property

RgnTop property

RgnWidth property

SetDDB method

SetDIB method

SetPicture method

SetRgnColor method

SetRgnColorHSVRange method

SetRgnColorRGBRange method

SetRgnEllipse method

SetRgnHandle method

SetRgnMagicWand method

SetRgnPolygon method

SetRgnRect method

SetRgnRoundRect method

UnlockSupport method

WindowLevelFillLUT method

For Viewing Bitmaps

AboutBox method

Animate event

AnimationBackColor property

AnimationBitsPerPixel property

AnimationEnable property

AnimationHeight property

AnimationLoop property

AnimationPalette property

AnimationWidth property

Appearance property

AutoAnimate property

AutoAnimationLoop property

AutoPan property

AutoRepaint property

AutoRubberBand property

AutoScroll property

AutoSetRects property

AutoSize property

BackColor property

BackErase property

BitmapToClient method

BitonalScaling property

BorderStyle property

Click event

ClientToBitmap method

ConvertX property

ConvertY property

DblClick event

DstClipHeight property

DstClipLeft property

DstClipTop property

DstClipWidth property

DstHeight property

DstLeft property

DstTop property

DstWidth property

EffectDelay property

EffectGrain property


EnableMagGlassEvent property

EnablePaint property

EnableZoomInRect property

Floater property

FloaterDstClipHeight property

FloaterDstClipLeft property

FloaterDstClipTop property

FloaterDstClipWidth property

FloaterDstHeight property

FloaterDstLeft property

FloaterDstTop property

FloaterDstWidth property

FloaterHeight property

FloaterVisible property

FloaterWidth property

ForceRepaint method

ForePalette property

FrameColor property

FrameInnerHiliteColor property

FrameInnerShadowColor property

FrameInnerStyle property

FrameInnerThickness property

FrameOuterHiliteColor property

FrameOuterShadowColor property

FrameOuterStyle property

FrameOuterThickness property

FrameThickness property

GetClientDC method

GetFloaterHandle method

GetPalette method

GradientEndColor property

GradientStartColor property

Window property

IsPtInFloater method

KeyDown event

KeyPress event

KeyUp event

MagGlassExt event

MagGlassFlags property

MagGlassMask property

MagGlassMaskCount property

MouseDown event

MouseIcon property

MouseMove event

MousePointer property

MouseUp event

OLEDropAllowed property

OLEDropFile event

Paint event

PaintContrast property

PaintDither property

PaintEffect property

PaintGamma property

PaintIntensity property

PaintEffectMaxPasses property

PaintEffectPass property

PaintTransitionMaxPasses property

PaintTransitionPass property

PaintNotification event

PaintNotificationDelay property

PaintPalette property

PaintRgnOnly property

PaintROP3 property

PaintScaling property

PaintSizeMode property

PaintSizeUseDPI property

PaintZoomFactor property

PanWin event

PanWinBitonalScaling property

PanWinCursor property

PanWinHeight property

PanWinIcon property

PanWinPaintDither property

PanWinPaintPalette property

PanWinPaintScaling property

PanWinPointer property

PanWinRectColor property

PanWinSysMenu property

PanWinTitle property

PanWinWidth property

PanWinX property

PanWinY property

PatternBackColor property

PatternForeColor property

PatternStyle property

PrintEnd method

PrintNewPage method

PrinterScaleHeight property

PrinterScaleWidth property

PrintStart method

Raster property

ReleaseClientDC method

Render method

RepaintRect method

Resize event

RgnFrameColor property

RgnFrameType property

RgnMarkingMode property

RubberBand event

RubberBandHeight property

RubberBandLeft property

RubberBandTop property

RubberBandVisible property

RubberBandWidth property

Scroll event

SetDstClipRect method

SetDstRect method

SetFloaterDstClipRect method

SetFloaterDstRect method

SetRubberBandRect method

SetSrcClipRect method

SetSrcRect method

ShowPanWin method

SrcClipHeight property

SrcClipLeft property

SrcClipTop property

SrcClipWidth property

SrcHeight property

SrcLeft property

SrcTop property

SrcWidth property

StartMagGlass method

StopMagGlass method

TransitionDelay property

TransitionEffect property

TransitionStyle property

UpdateMagGlass method

UpdateMagGlassShape method

WandSize property

WindowLevel method

ZoomIn method

ZoomInDone event

ZoomToRect method

For Bitmap Processing.

AddNoise method

AutoTrim method

Average method

BinaryFilter method

BorderRemove event

BorderRemove method

ColorMerge method

ColorPlanes property

ColorSeparate method

Combine method

ContourFilter method

Contrast method

Deskew method

Deskew2 method

Despeckle method

DocCleanSuccess property

DotRemove event

DotRemove method

Emboss method

FastRotate method

Fill method

Flip method

GammaCorrect method

GetColorCount method

GetHistogram method

GetHistogramGray method

Grayscale method

Halftone method

HistoContrast method

HistoEqualize method

HistogramTable property

HistogramGrayTable property

HistogramGrayTableSize property

HolePunchRemove event

HolePunchRemove method

HSV_HfromRGB method

HSV_SfromRGB method

HSV_VfromRGB method

HTable property

Hue method

HdocCleanRgn property

Intensity method

IntensityDetect method

Invert method

InvertedText event

InvertedText method

LineRemove event

LineRemove method

MaskTable property

MaxFilter method

Median method


Mosaic method

Oilify method

Picturize method

Posterize method

RemapHue method

RemapIntensity method

RemapTable property

Reverse method

Rotate method

Saturation method

Sharpen method

Shear method

STable property

Size method

Smooth event

Smooth method

Solarize method

SpatialFilter method

StretchIntensity method

Trim method

Underlay method

UserPalette property

VTable property

WindowLevel method

For Input and Output Functionality

ClientSizeX property

ClientSizeY property

DrawEllipse method

DrawFillColor property

DrawFillStyle property

DrawFontColor property

DrawLine method

DrawMode property

DrawPenColor property

DrawPenStyle property

DrawPenWidth property

DrawPersistence property

DrawRectangle method

DrawShape method

DrawText method

DrawTextHeight method

DrawTextWidth method

DstBottom property

DstLeft property

DstRight property

DstTop property

Font property

InfoViewPerspective property

IOPalette Property

SaveOffset Method

SavePad4 property

ScaleMode property

ShapeBackgroundStyle property

ShapeBorderThickness property

ShapeHeight property

ShapeInnerBandHiliteColor property

ShapeInnerBandShadowColor property

ShapeInnerBandStyle property

ShapeInnerBandThickness property

ShapeLeft property

ShapeOuterBandHiliteColor property

ShapeOuterBandShadowColor property

ShapeOuterBandStyle property

ShapeOuterBandThickness property

ShapeTop property

ShapeWidth property

SrcBottom property

SrcLeft property

SrcRight property

SrcTop property

TextAngle property

TextHeight property

TextLeft property

TextTop property

TextWidth property

FileSizeWritten Property

PDFDisplayDepth property

PDFGraphicsAlpha property

PDFSaveLowMemory property

PDFSaveUseDPI property

PDFTextAlpha property

PDFUseLibFonts property

PDFXResolution property

PDFYResolution property

RasterizeViewMode property

RasterizeViewportHeight property

RasterizeViewportWidth property

For Annotation

AnnAutoDrawEnable property

AnnAutomation property

AnnAutoMenuEnable property

AnnContainer property

AnnCopy method

AnnCreate method

AnnDataPath method

AnnDefine method

AnnDestroy method

AnnEnumerate event

AnnEnumerate method

AnnFlip method

AnnGetAutoMenuItemEnable method

AnnGetAutoText method

AnnGetHyperlinkParam method

AnnGetHyperlinkString method

AnnGetHyperlinkType method

AnnGetLocked method

AnnGetObjectFromTag method

AnnGetPointCount method

AnnGetPointX method

AnnGetPointY method

AnnGetSelectCount method

AnnGetSelectList method

AnnGetTag method

AnnGetType method

AnnGetVisible method

AnnGroup method

AnnHyperlinkMenuEnable property

AnnInsert method

AnnLoad method

AnnLoadArray method

AnnLoadMemory method

AnnLock method

AnnMove method

AnnPaste method

AnnPasteReady property

AnnRealize method

AnnRectHeight property

AnnRectLeft property

AnnRectTop property

AnnRectWidth property

AnnReverse method

AnnRotate method

AnnSave method

AnnSaveArray method

AnnSaveMemory method

AnnSaveTag method

AnnSetAutoDefaults method

AnnSetAutoMenuItemEnable method

AnnSetAutoText method

AnnSetHyperlinkMsg method

AnnSetHyperlinkString method

AnnSetSelected method

AnnSetTag method

AnnSetUser method

AnnSetVisible method

AnnShowLockedIcon property

AnnTool property

AnnUngroup method

AnnUnlock method

AnnUnrealize method

AnnUserMode property

SetMousePos method

For Annotation Menu

AnnUndoEnable property

AnnUndoDepth property

AnnAutoDialogFontSize property

AnnSetGrouping method

AnnGetGrouping method

AnnAddUndoNode method

AnnUndo method

AddItem method

GetSubMenu method

ToolBarhWnd property

ItemChecked property

ItemEnabled property

ItemID property

ItemString property

ItemType property

SetAnnMenu method

For Annotation Toolbar

ButtonBitmapDown property

ButtonBitmapUp property

ButtonColumns property

ButtonCount property

ButtonMenuText property

ButtonMenuTextID property

ButtonMenuTool property

ButtonRows property

ButtonTool property

ButtonToolCount property

ButtonToolTipText property

ButtonToolTipTextID property

ButtonVisible property

Count property

Create method

DeleteItem method

Tool property

Visible property

Using ODBC Functionality

DbAddNew method

DbCanAppend property

DbCanRestart property

DbCanScroll property

DbCanUpdate property

DbClose method

DbCurrentRecord property

DbDelete method

DbEdit method

DbEditMode property

DbIsBOF property

DbIsDeleted property

DbIsEOF property

DbIsOpen property

DbLoadBits property

DbLockingMode property

DbMove method

DbMoveFirst method

DbMoveLast method

DbMoveNext method

DbMovePrev method

DbOpen method

DbRecordCount property

DbRequery method

DbUpdate method

Using OLEDB Functionality

AnnContainer property

DataDirty property

DataField property

DataLoadBits property

DataLoaded event

DataMember property

DataSaveBits property

DataSaved event

DataSaveFormat property

DataSaveQuality property

DataSource property

For Twain Scanning

EnableTwainAutoFeed property

EnableTwainEvent property

EnableTwainFeeder property

EnableTwainDuplex property

EnableTwainFileFormatEvent property

EnableTwainFileEvent property

IsTwainAvailable method

TwainAcquire method

TwainAcquireFile method

TwainAppAuthor property

TwainAppFamily property

TwainFile event

TwainAppName property

TwainBits property

TwainCloseSession method

TwainContrast property

TwainDuplex property

TwainEnumSources method

TwainFlags property

TwainFileFormat event

TwainFrameHeight property

TwainFileFormatStatus property

TwainFrameLeft property

TwainFrameTop property

TwainFrameWidth property

TwainIntensity property

TwainMaxPages property

TwainPage event

TwainPixelType property

TwainRealize method

TwainRes property

TwainSelect method

TwainSourceCount property

TwainSourceList property

TwainSourceName property

JPEG 2000 Plug in Feature

J2KCBS_ErrorResilienceSymbol property

J2KCBS_PredictableTermination property

J2KCBS_ResetContextOnBoundaries property

J2KCBS_SelectiveACBypass property

J2KCBS_TerminationOnEachPass property

J2KCBS_VerticallyCausalContext property

J2KCodBlockHeight property

J2KCodBlockWidth property

J2KCompressionControl property

J2KCompressionRatio property

J2KDecompLevel property

J2KDerivedBaseExponent property

J2KDerivedBaseMantissa property

J2KDerivedQuantization property

J2KGuardBits property

J2KProgressOrder property

J2KSetDefaults method

J2KTargetFileSize property

J2KUseColorTransform property

J2KUseEPHMarker property

J2KUseSOPMarker property

J2KXOsiz property

J2KXTOsiz property

J2KXTsiz property

J2KYOsiz property

J2KYTOsiz property

J2KYTsiz property