
Data Binding
   Introduction: Database Interaction
   Using a Data Source
Data control
Data Controls
   Using a Data Source
   Using LEADTOOLS with Data Controls (C++ Builder)
   Using LEADTOOLS with Data Controls (Delphi)
Data Sources
Data Types
   Example Programs
   Introduction: Database Interaction
   Using LEADTOOLS with Data Controls (C++ Builder)
   Using LEADTOOLS with Data Controls (Delphi)
DataChanged property (Main Control)
DataField property (Main Control)
DataLoadBits property (Main Control)
DataSaveBits property (Main Control)
DataSaveFormat property (Main Control)
DataSaveQuality property (Main Control)
DataSource property (Main Control)
DblClick event (Main Control)
   Introduction: Printing
   Using the Windows API
DCX file format
   File Formats: PCX Formats (PCX and DCX)
   Multipage File Formats
Deinterlace method (Main Control)
DeleteBitmapListItems method (Main Control)
   Bitmaps and Bitmap Lists
   DeleteBitmapListItems method (Main Control)
   Implementing Annotations
DeleteItem method (TAnnMenu)
DeleteMarker method (Marker Control)
DeleteMarkerAt method (Marker Control)
DeletePage method (Main Control)
DeleteRgnHandle method (Main Control)
deleting a page
Deleting pages from annotation files
Delphi 2.0
Delphi 4.0
Delphi 4.0 examples
Desaturate method (Main Control)
Deskew method (Main Control)
   Deskew method (Main Control)
   Examining and Altering Bitmaps
Despeckle method (Main Control)
   Despeckle method (Main Control)
   Removing Noise
Detecting registration marks
Device context
   Introduction: Printing
   Using the Windows API
DiceEffect method (Main Control)
DICOM file format
   File Formats: DICOM Format (DIC)
   Multipage File Formats
Digital cameras
   File Formats: Kodak Digital Camera Format (KDC)
   File Formats: Kodak Professional Digital Camera Format (DCR)
   File Formats: Kodak Professional Digital Camera System Format (DCS)
DigitalSubtract method (Main Control)
DirectionEdgeStatistical method (Main Control)
DiscreteFourierTransformation method (Main Control)
Displayed image
   Concepts and Definitions
   Using Annotation Object Bitmaps
DisplayFourierTransformation method (Main Control)
Displaying Fax Images
Displaying images
   Thumbnail Browser
   Working with the ImageList Control
DisplayItemText property (ImageList Control)
Distributing an application
Dithered painting
DitherFlags property (Thumbnail Browser Control)
DJVResolution property (Main Control)
DjVu Format (DJVU)
DocCleanBitmap property (Main Control)
DocCleanSuccess property (Main Control)
Document/Medical Support and Licensing Requirements
DotRemove method (Main Control)
   BitmapXRes property (Main Control)
   BitmapYRes property (Main Control)
   LoadInfoXRes property (Main Control)
   LoadInfoYRes property (Main Control)
   PaintSizeUseDPI property (Main Control)
Drag and Drop
DrawEllipse method (Main Control)
   DrawEllipse method (Main Control)
   Drawing Simple Objects
DrawFillColor property (Main Control)
   DrawFillColor property (Main Control)
   Drawing Simple Objects
DrawFillStyle property (Main Control)
   DrawFillStyle property (Main Control)
   Drawing Simple Objects
   Cleaning Up 1-Bit Images
   Drawing Shapes and Text
   Drawing Simple Lines and Shapes (C++ Builder)
   Drawing Simple Lines and Shapes (Delphi)
   Drawing Simple Objects
   Drawing Three-Dimensional Shapes and Text
DrawLine method (Main Control)
   Drawing Simple Objects
   DrawLine method (Main Control)
DrawMode property (Main Control)
   Drawing Simple Objects
   DrawMode property (Main Control)
DrawPenColor property (Main Control)
   Drawing Simple Objects
   DrawPenColor property (Main Control)
DrawPenStyle property (Main Control)
   Drawing Simple Objects
   DrawPenStyle property (Main Control)
DrawPenWidth property (Main Control)
   Drawing Simple Objects
   DrawPenWidth property (Main Control)
DrawPersistence property (Main Control)
   Drawing Simple Objects
   Drawing Three-Dimensional Shapes and Text
   DrawPersistence property (Main Control)
DrawRectangle method (Main Control)
   Drawing Simple Objects
   DrawRectangle method (Main Control)
DrawShape method (Main Control)
   Drawing Three-Dimensional Shapes and Text
   DrawShape method (Main Control)
DrawStar method (Main Control)
DrawTextHeight method (Main Control)
DrawTextStr method (Main Control)
DrawTextWidth method (Main Control)
DriverName property (ISIS Control)
   DriverName property (ISIS Control)
   Using ISIS to Scan Images
DropAutoLoad property (Main Control)
DropFilesAllowed property (Main Control)
Dry method (Main Control)
DstClipHeight property (Main Control)
   Displaying an Image
   DstClipHeight property (Main Control)
DstClipLeft property (Main Control)
   Displaying an Image
   DstClipLeft property (Main Control)
DstClipTop property (Main Control)
   Displaying an Image
   DstClipTop property (Main Control)
DstClipWidth property (Main Control)
   Displaying an Image
   DstClipWidth property (Main Control)
DstHeight property (Main Control)
   Displaying an Image
   DstHeight property (Main Control)
DstLeft property (Main Control)
   Displaying an Image
   DstLeft property (Main Control)
DstTop property (Main Control)
   Displaying an Image
   DstTop property (Main Control)
DstWidth property (Main Control)
   Displaying an Image
   DstWidth property (Main Control)
Dynamic Link Libraries
DynamicBinary method (Main Control)

ECW file format
Edge detection
EdgeDetectEffect method (Main Control)
EdgeDetector method (Main Control)
EdgeDetectStatistical method (Main Control)
EffectDelay property (Main Control)
   EffectDelay property (Main Control)
   Using Special Effects When Painting
EffectGrain property (Main Control)
   EffectGrain property (Main Control)
   Using Special Effects When Painting
   Applying Artistic Effects
   Using Special Effects When Painting
Element property (Marker Control)
ElementCount property (Marker Control)
   Drawing Simple Lines and Shapes (C++ Builder)
   Drawing Simple Lines and Shapes (Delphi)
   Drawing Simple Objects
   Drawing Three-Dimensional Shapes and Text
Ellipse annotation object
Ellipse tool for annotations
Emboss method (Main Control)
   Applying Artistic Effects
   Emboss method (Main Control)
EnableFloater property (Main Control)
EnableISISEvent property (ISIS Control)
   EnableISISEvent property (ISIS Control)
   Using ISIS to Scan Images
EnableKeyboard property (ImageList Control)
EnableKeyboard property (Main Control)
EnableLoadInfoEvent property (Main Control)
EnableMethodErrors property (ImageList Control)
EnableMethodErrors property (ISIS Control)
EnableMethodErrors property (Main Control)
   Controlling events
   EnableMethodErrors property (Main Control)
EnableMethodErrors property (Thumbnail Browser Control)
EnableOLEDragMethod property (ImageList Control)
EnableOLEDragMethod property (Main Control)
EnableProgressEvent property (Main Control)
   Controlling events
   EnableProgressEvent property (Main Control)
EnableScroll property (Main Control)
EnableTwainEvent property (Main Control)
EnableZoomInRect property (Main Control)
   Capturing an Image from the Screen
   EnableZoomInRect property (Main Control)
Encapsulated PostScript file format
Encrypt annotation object
   Decrypt Metafile Dialog Box For Annotations
   Encrypt Annotation Object
   Encrypt Metafile Dialog Box For Annotations
Encrypt Tool for annotations
EncryptBitmap property (TAnnEncryptOptions)
Encryptor property (TAnnEncryptOptions)
Enhanced Compressed Wavelet file format
EnsureVisible method (ImageList Control)
EnumMarkers method (Marker Control)
EnumTags method (Main Control)
EPS file format
Error diffusion
Error property (Image List Control)
Error property (ISIS Control)
Error property (Main Control)
Error property (Marker Control)
Error property (Thumbnail Browser Control)
ErrorMsg property (Image List Control)
ErrorMsg property (ISIS Control)
ErrorMsg property (Main Control)
ErrorMsg property (Thumbnail Browser Control)
ESRI Shape (SHP)
   Controlling and Detecting events
   Controlling events
   Detecting events
   OnEnumTags event (Main Control)
Example programs
   Miscellaneous Examples (C++ Builder)
   Miscellaneous Examples (Delphi)
Exif file format
ExpandMultipage property (Thumbnail Browser Control)
ExportBitmapList method (ImageList Control)
ExtractMessage method (Main Control)

FaceNameColor property (TAnnNameOptions)
fade mask
FastFourierTransformation method (Main Control)
FastRotate method (Main Control)
   Examining and Altering Bitmaps
   FastRotate method (Main Control)
   Displaying Fax Images
   Technical Support
FAX Group 3 file format
FAX Group 4 file format
FAX transmission file format
   File Formats: TIFF CCITT and Other FAX Formats
   Introduction: Data Transfer
FeatherAlphaBlend method (Main Control)
FeatherAlphaBlendExt example for C++Builder
FeatherAlphaBlendExt example for Delphi
FeatherAlphaBlendExt method (Main Control)
FeedLoad method (Main Control)
   FeedLoad method (Main Control)
   Loading a Bitmap from Your Own Buffer
File comments
   DICOM File Comments
   Exif File Comments
   GIF File Comments
   IPTC Comments
   JPEG, J2K and LEAD File Comments
   PNG File Comments
   TIFF File Comments
   Types of File Comments
File formats
   Formats of Input Files
   Formats of Output Files
   Loading and Saving Large TIFF Files
   Summary of All Supported Image File Formats
File Formats: ABIC Format (ABIC, ICA)
FilePage event (Main Control)
Files and File Formats
Files in memory
FileSizeWritten property (Main Control)
Fill method (Main Control)
   Examining and Altering Bitmaps
   Fill method (Main Control)
Fill options for annotations
FillColor property (TAnnHandle)
FillColor property (TAnnHandleInfo)
Filter property (Thumbnail Browser Control)
   Introduction: Image Manipulation and Analysis
   List of Spatial Filters
   Loading Filters
   Using the RTF Filter in Windows 98
FirstVisibleItem property (ImageList Control)
FIT file format
FITS file format
Fixed Annotations
Fixed palette
   ColorRes method (Main Control)
   ColorResList method (Main Control)
   Introduction: Palette Handling
   Managing Palettes
   PaintPalette property (Main Control)
Flags for the ApplyMathLogic method
Flags property (TAnnEncryptOptions)
Flags property (TAnnHandle)
Flags property (TAnnNameOptions)
Flags property (TAnnPointOptions)
FlashPix file format
   File Formats: Kodak Formats (PCD and FPX)
   Implementing PhotoCD and FlashPix Features
   Multipage File Formats
Flexible Image Transport System
Flip method (Main Control)
   Examining and Altering Bitmaps
   Flip method (Main Control)
   Outlining, Dragging, and Pasting a Region (C++ Builder)
   Outlining, Dragging, and Pasting a Region (Delphi)
Floater property (Main Control)
FloaterDstClipHeight property (Main Control)
FloaterDstClipLeft property (Main Control)
FloaterDstClipTop property (Main Control)
FloaterDstClipWidth property (Main Control)
FloaterDstHeight property (Main Control)
FloaterDstLeft property (Main Control)
FloaterDstTop property (Main Control)
FloaterDstWidth property (Main Control)
FloaterHeight property (Main Control)
FloaterVisible property (Main Control)
FloaterWidth property (Main Control)
Floyd-Steinberg dithering
Font property (ImageList Control)
FontBold property (TAnnNameOptions)
FontItalic property (TAnnNameOptions)
FontName property (TAnnNameOptions)
FontSize property (TAnnNameOptions)
FontStrikeOut property (TAnnNameOptions)
FontUnderline property (TAnnNameOptions)
ForceRepaint method (Main Control)
ForceSize property (Thumbnail Browser Control)
ForeColor property (ImageList Control)
FPX file format
   File Formats: Kodak Formats (PCD and FPX)
   Implementing PhotoCD and FlashPix Features
FrameColor property (Main Control)
   Adding a Frame to the Control
   FrameColor property (Main Control)
FrameInnerHiliteColor property (Main Control)
   Adding a Frame to the Control
   FrameInnerHiliteColor property (Main Control)
FrameInnerShadowColor property (Main Control)
   Adding a Frame to the Control
   FrameInnerShadowColor property (Main Control)
FrameInnerStyle property (Main Control)
   Adding a Frame to the Control
   FrameInnerStyle property (Main Control)
FrameInnerThickness property (Main Control)
   Adding a Frame to the Control
   FrameInnerThickness property (Main Control)
FrameOuterHiliteColor property (Main Control)
   Adding a Frame to the Control
   FrameOuterHiliteColor property (Main Control)
FrameOuterShadowColor property (Main Control)
   Adding a Frame to the Control
   FrameOuterShadowColor property (Main Control)
FrameOuterStyle property (Main Control)
   Adding a Frame to the Control
   FrameOuterStyle property (Main Control)
FrameOuterThickness property (Main Control)
   Adding a Frame to the Control
   FrameOuterThickness property (Main Control)
FrameThickness property (Main Control)
   Adding a Frame to the Control
   FrameThickness property (Main Control)
FreeFourierTransformationData method (Main Control)
Freehand Hot Spot annotation object
Freehand Hot Spot for annotations
Freehand line annotation object
Freehand line tool for annotations
FreeHandShear method (Main Control)
FreeHandWave method (Main Control)
FreePlaneBend method (Main Control)
FreeRadBend method (Main Control)
FreeRgn method (Main Control)
FrequencyFilter method (Main Control)
FrequencyFilterMask method (Main Control)
FunctionalLight method (Main Control)
