Changes from Version 10 to Version 11 (11.5)

Version 11 of the LEADTOOLS ActiveX has changed from version 10 as follows:

Changed or removed Properties, methods or events

The following functions have been changed from the previous version of LEADTOOLS or removed:

Old Name

New Name

DimensionCount property

LoadResolutionCount property

EnumDimensions method

ReadLoadResolutions method

SetDimension method

SetLoadResolution method

GetDimension method

GetLoadResolution method

DimensionWidth property

LoadResolutionWidth property

DimensionHeight property

LoadResolutionHeight property

Rotate method (takes a new parameter)

DlgHelp event (takes a new parameter)

The rest of this topic lists the new properties, methods and events in version 11.

Duplex Scanning

TwainDuplex property

EnableTwainDuplex property

Annotations (Express only)

AnnToolChecked event

AnnToolDestroy event

AnnMouseDown event

AnnMouseMove event

AnnMouseUp event

AnnMenu event

AnnDestroy method

AnnCreate method

AnnInsert method

AnnDefine method

AnnSetAutoDefaults method

SetMousePos method

AnnSetUser method

AnnSetVisible method

AnnGetVisible method

AnnSetSelected method

AnnGroup method

AnnUngroup method

AnnGetObjectFromTag method

AnnSetAutoMenuItemEnable method

AnnGetAutoMenuItemEnable method

AnnToolbar property

AnnRectLeft property

AnnRectTop property

AnnRectWidth property

AnnRectHeight property

Visible property

Tool property

AutoSetTool property

ButtonCount property

ButtonColumns property

ButtonRows property

hWnd property

Create method

ButtonVisible property

ButtonTool property

ButtonToolCount property

ButtonMenuTool property

ButtonMenuTextID property

ButtonMenuText property

ButtonBitmapDown property

ButtonBitmapUp property

ButtonToolTipTextID property

ButtonToolTipText property

ItemString property

ItemID property

ItemType property

ItemChecked property

ItemEnabled property

DeleteItem method

AddItem method

GetSubMenu method

Working with byte arrays

LoadArray method

SaveArray method

AnnLoadArray method

AnnSaveArray method

DICOM Control

Communication Support (11.5)

Accept method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

AddPresentation method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

AddTransferSyntax method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

AddUserInfo method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

Close method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

Connect method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

CreateAssociate method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

DefaultAssociate method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

DeletePresentation method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

DeleteTransferSyntax method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

DeleteUserInfo method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

EnableMethodErrors property (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

FindPresentationAbstract method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

FreeAssociate method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetApplication method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetAssociate method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetCalled method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetCalling method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetClient method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetClientCount method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetExtendedData method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetExtendedDataLength method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetHostAddress method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetHostPort method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetImplementClass method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetImplementVersion method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetInvokedOperationsCount method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetMaxLength method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetPeerAddress method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetPeerPort method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetPerformedOperationsCount method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetPresentationAbstract method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetPresentationCount method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetPresentationID method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetPresentationResult method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetProviderRole method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetSendQueueSize method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetServer method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetTransferCount method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetTransferSyntax method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetUserInfoCount method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetUserInfoData method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetUserInfoLength method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetUserInfoType method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetUserRole method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

GetVersion method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

hNet property (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

hPDU property (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

InfoCommand property (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

InfoRequest property (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

IsActivated method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

IsAssociated method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

IsAsyncOperations method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

IsConnected method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

IsImplementClass method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

IsImplementVersion method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

IsMaxLengthEnabled method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

IsRequest method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

IsRoleSelect method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

IsSupportLocked method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

Listen method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetAccept event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetClose event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetConnect event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceive event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveAbort event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveAssociateAccept event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveAssociateReject event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveAssociateRequest event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveCCancelRequest event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveCEchoRequest event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveCEchoResponse event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveCFindRequest event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveCFindResponse event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveCGetRequest event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveCGetResponse event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveCMoveRequest event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveCMoveResponse event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveCStoreRequest event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveCStoreResponse event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveData event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveNActionRequest event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveNActionResponse event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveNCreateRequest event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveNCreateResponse event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveNDeleteRequest event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveNDeleteResponse event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveNGetRequest event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveNGetResponse event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveNReportRequest event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveNReportResponse event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveNSetRequest event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveNSetResponse event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveReleaseRequest event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveReleaseResponse event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetReceiveUnknown event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetSend event (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

NetworkTempPath property (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

RequestAttributeCount property (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

RequestAttributes property (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

ResetAssociate method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendAbort method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendAssociateAccept method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendAssociateReject method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendAssociateRequest method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendCCancelRequest method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendCEchoRequest method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendCEchoResponse method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendCFindRequest method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendCFindResponse method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendCGetRequest method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendCGetResponse method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendCMoveRequest method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendCMoveResponse method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendCStoreRequest method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendCStoreResponse method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendData method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendNActionRequest method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendNActionResponse method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendNCreateRequest method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendNCreateResponse method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendNDeleteRequest method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendNDeleteResponse method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendNGetRequest method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendNGetResponse method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendNReportRequest method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendNReportResponse method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendNSetRequest method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendNSetResponse method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendReleaseRequest method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SendReleaseResponse method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SetApplication method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SetAsyncOperations method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SetCalled method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SetCalling method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SetCommandSet method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SetExtendedData method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SetImplementClass method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SetImplementVersion method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SetMaxLength method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SetPresentationAbstract method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SetPresentationID method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SetPresentationResult method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SetRequest method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SetRoleSelect method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SetTransferSyntax method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SetUserInfo method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

SetVersion method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

ShutDown method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

StartUp method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

UnlockSupport method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

File Format Support

IncludeVolatile property (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp)

DeleteKey method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp) (11.5)

FindFirstKey method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp) (11.5)

FindLastKey method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp) (11.5)

FindNextKey method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp) (11.5)

FindPrevKey method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp) (11.5)

GetInfoCS method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp) (11.5)

GetKeyValue method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp) (11.5)

hDicomDS property (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp) (11.5)

InitCS method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp) (11.5)

InsertDS method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp) (11.5)

InsertKey method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp) (11.5)

MoveChildKey method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp) (11.5)

MoveFirstKey method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp) (11.5)

MoveLastKey method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp) (11.5)

MoveNextKey method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp) (11.5)

MoveParentKey method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp) (11.5)

MovePrevKey method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp) (11.5)

MoveRootKey method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp) (11.5)

SaveExtDS method (Refer to Ltdicocxn.hlp) (11.5)

Multimedia Control

RefBitmapList property (refer to Ltvidocxn.hlp) (11.5)

MPEGAspectratio property (refer to Ltvidocxn.hlp)

MPEGBitRate property (refer to Ltvidocxn.hlp)

MPEGChromaFormat property (refer to Ltvidocxn.hlp)

MPEGConstrained property (refer to Ltvidocxn.hlp)

MPEGFieldPic property (refer to Ltvidocxn.hlp)

MPEGFrameRate property (refer to Ltvidocxn.hlp)

MPEGFramesGOP property (refer to Ltvidocxn.hlp)

MPEGIntraDcPrec property (refer to Ltvidocxn.hlp)

MPEGLevelID property (refer to Ltvidocxn.hlp)

MPEGProfileID property (refer to Ltvidocxn.hlp)

MPEGUserInfo property (refer to Ltvidocxn.hlp)

MPEGVideoFormat property (refer to Ltvidocxn.hlp)

ImageList Control

PaintScaling property (ImageList Control) (11.5)

AllowSelection property (ImageList Control)

Appearance property (ImageList Control)

BackColor property (ImageList Control)

BitonalScaling property (ImageList Control)

BorderColor property (ImageList Control)

BorderStyle property (ImageList Control)

Clear method (ImageList Control)

Click event (ImageList Control)

ColumnCount property (ImageList Control)

Count property (ImageList Control)

CurrentPage property (ImageList Control)

DblClick event (ImageList Control)

DisplayItemText property (ImageList Control)

EnableKeyboard property (ImageList Control)

EnableMethodErrors property (ImageList Control)

EnsureVisible method (ImageList Control)

Font property (ImageList Control)

ForeColor property (ImageList Control)

HitTest method (ImageList Control)

Insert method (ImageList Control)

InsertAt method (ImageList Control)

InsertFromBitmapList method (ImageList Control)

IsSupportLocked method (ImageList Control)

Item property (ImageList Control)

ItemBackgroundColor property (ImageList Control)

ItemHeight property (ImageList Control)

ItemHorizontalSpacing property (ImageList Control)

ItemSelected event (ImageList Control)

ItemVerticalSpacing property (ImageList Control)

ItemWidth property (ImageList Control)

KeyDown event (ImageList Control)

KeyPress event (ImageList Control)

KeyUp event (ImageList Control)

LoadFromFile method (ImageList Control)

MouseDown event (ImageList Control)

MouseIcon property (ImageList Control)

MouseMove event (ImageList Control)

MousePointer property (ImageList Control)

MouseUp event (ImageList Control)

PageCount property (ImageList Control)

PaintDither property (ImageList Control)

Remove method (ImageList Control)

Resize event (ImageList Control)

RowCount property (ImageList Control)

SaveToFile method (ImageList Control)

ScaleHeight property (ImageList Control)

ScaleLeft property (ImageList Control)

ScaleMode property (ImageList Control)

ScaleTop property (ImageList Control)

ScaleWidth property (ImageList Control)

Scroll event (ImageList Control)

ScrollItems method (ImageList Control)

ScrollStyle property (ImageList Control)

SelectAll method (ImageList Control)

SelectionColor property (ImageList Control)

SelectionStyle property (ImageList Control)

Sort method (ImageList Control)

UnlockSupport method (ImageList Control)

Window property (ImageList Control)

Thumbnail Control

BrowseDir method (Thumbnail Browser Control)

ContinueBrowse property (Thumbnail Browser Control)

DitherFlags property (Thumbnail Browser Control)

EnableMethodErrors property (Thumbnail Browser Control)

ExpandMultipage property (Thumbnail Browser Control)

ForceSize property (Thumbnail Browser Control)

IncludeSubDirectories property (Thumbnail Browser Control)

InfoBits property (Thumbnail Browser Control)

InfoCompression property (Thumbnail Browser Control)

InfoFormat property (Thumbnail Browser Control)

InfoHeight property (Thumbnail Browser Control)

InfoPage property (Thumbnail Browser Control)

InfoSizeDisk property (Thumbnail Browser Control)

InfoSizeMem property (Thumbnail Browser Control)

InfoTotalPages property (Thumbnail Browser Control)

InfoWidth property (Thumbnail Browser Control)

InfoXRes property (Thumbnail Browser Control)

InfoYRes property (Thumbnail Browser Control)

IsSupportLocked method (Thumbnail Browser Control)

LoadStamp property (Thumbnail Browser Control)

MaintainAspect property (Thumbnail Browser Control)

MaxSizeDisk property (Thumbnail Browser Control)

MaxSizeMem property (Thumbnail Browser Control)

PaletteFlags property (Thumbnail Browser Control)

Resample property (Thumbnail Browser Control)

Filter property (Thumbnail Browser Control)

StopOnError property (Thumbnail Browser Control)

ThumbnailBackgroundColor property (Thumbnail Browser Control)

ThumbnailBitsPerPixel property (Thumbnail Browser Control)

ThumbnailEvent event (Thumbnail Browser Control)

ThumbnailHeight property (Thumbnail Browser Control)

ThumbnailWidth property (Thumbnail Browser Control)

UnlockSupport method (Thumbnail Browser Control)


SaveFormats property (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

SaveFormatCount property (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

SubTypeIndex property (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

DlgFont property (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

GetDlgString method (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

SetDlgString method (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

GetContourFilter method (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

ContourThreshold property (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

ContourDeltaDirection property (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

ContourMaximumError property (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

ContourOption property (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

ContourOptionFlags property (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

Vector File Format Support

AmbientLight property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

Appearance property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ApplyTransformation method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ArraySize method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

AutoRepaint property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

AutoScroll property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

BackColor property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

BackErase property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

BorderStyle property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

CameraDlgPhi property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

CameraDlgTheta property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

CameraDlgZoom property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

CameraPhi property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

CameraTheta property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

CameraZoom property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

Click event (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ConvertFromEMFHandle method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ConvertFromEMFPicture method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ConvertFromWMFHandle method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ConvertFromWMFPicture method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ConvertToEMFHandle method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ConvertToWMFHandle method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ConvertToEMFPicture method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ConvertToWMFPicture method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

CurrentObject property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

DblClick event (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

DeleteObjects method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

Dlg3DOptionsAmbientLight property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

Dlg3DOptionsPolygonMode property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

Dlg3DOptionsUseLights property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

EnableMethodErrors property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

EnumObjects method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

EnumVertices method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

FeedLoad method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ForceRepaint method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

Free method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

GetObjectParallelogram method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

GetObjectRect method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

HitTest method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

Is3D method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

IsAnObjectSelected method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

IsSupportLocked method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

KeyDown event (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

KeyPress event (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

KeyUp event (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

Load method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

LoadArray method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

LoadMemory method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

LogicalToPhysical method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

MouseDown event (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

MouseIcon property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

MouseMove event (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

MousePointer property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

MouseUp event (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ObjectParallelogramLeftTopX property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ObjectParallelogramLeftTopY property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ObjectParallelogramLeftTopZ property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ObjectParallelogramRightBottomX property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ObjectParallelogramRightBottomY property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ObjectParallelogramRightBottomZ property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ObjectRectHeight property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ObjectRectLeft property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ObjectRectTop property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ObjectRectWidth property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

PanX property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

PanY property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

PhysicalX property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

PhysicalY property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

PolygonMode property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

Realize method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

Reset method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

Resize event (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

RotationDlgX property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

RotationDlgY property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

RotationDlgZ property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

RotationX property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

RotationY property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

RotationZ property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

Save method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

SaveArray method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

SaveMemory method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ScaleDlgX property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ScaleDlgY property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ScaleDlgZ property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ScaleHeight property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ScaleLeft property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ScaleMode property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ScaleTop property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ScaleWidth property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ScalingX property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ScalingY property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ScalingZ property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

SelectAllObjects method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

SetRotation method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

SetScaling method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

SetTranslation method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

Show3DOptionsDlg method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ShowCameraDlg method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ShowRotateDlg method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ShowScaleDlg method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ShowTranslateDlg method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

StartFeedLoad method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

StopEnum property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

StopFeedLoad method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

TranslateDlgX property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

TranslateDlgY property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

TranslateDlgZ property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

TranslationX property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

TranslationY property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

TranslationZ property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

UnlockSupport method (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

UseDoubleBuffer property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

UseLights property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

Vector property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

VertexBindMode property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

VectorEngine property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

VectorObjects event (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

VectorVertices event (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ViewMode property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ViewportHeight property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ViewportLeft property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ViewportTop property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)

ViewportWidth property (Vector Control) (refer to Ltvecocxn.hlp)


EnablePaint property (11.5)

LoadCompressed property (11.5)

PaintScaling property (11.5)

PanWinPaintScaling property (11.5)

RefBitmapList property (11.5)

AutoPan property

PrinterScaleWidth property

PrinterScaleHeight property

SaveLSB property

SavePageNumberTag property

ContourFilter method

WindowLevelFillLUT method

ProgressStatus event(OLE)

EnableProgressEvent property(OLE)