
RasterImageViewer Class Members

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Fields  Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by RasterImageViewer.

Public Constructors
RasterImageViewer ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Fields
AutoDisposeImagesPropertyIdentifies the AutoDisposeImages dependency property.  
ConvertFromSourceOptionsPropertyIdentifies the ConvertFromSourceOptions dependency property.  
ConvertToSourceOptionsPropertyIdentifies the ConvertToSourceOptions dependency property.  
ImagePropertyIdentifies the Image dependency property.  
Public Properties
AllowAutoDropGets or sets a value that indicates if the viewer handles drop events automatically. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
AspectRatioCorrectionGets or sets the manual aspect ratio correction value (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
AutoDisposeImagesIf this property is set to true the the RasterImage object will be disposed when the control unloads  
backgroundColorGets or sets the background color of the viewer. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
ColorFilterGets or sets the color filter for the image. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
ControlSizeGets the control size. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
ConvertFromSourceOptionsOptions to be used when converting the actual SourceImage object to RasterImage  
ConvertToSourceOptionsOptions to be used when converting the RasterImage object to the actual SourceImage  
CurrentScaleFactorGets or sets the current scale factor for the image display. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
CurrentXScaleFactorGets the actual value of the horizontal scale factor for the image display. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
CurrentYScaleFactorGets the actual value of the vertical scale factor for the image display. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
DefaultInteractiveModeGets or sets the ImageViewerInteractiveMode that the viewer control should use to process default input events. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
DefaultZoomOriginGets the origin of the default zoom point for current horizontal and vertical alignment, in control coordinates. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
delegateGets or sets the LTImageViewerDelegate delegate to listen to viewer events. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
dropShadowGets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether the viewer will draw a shadow around the the image. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
EnableDpiCorrectionGets or sets a value that indicates whether the viewer should view images with non-uniform DPI with the correct aspect ratio. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
FlipGets or sets a value which determines if the ImageViewer will display the image flipped vertically. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
HasImageGets a value that indicates if the viewer currently has an image. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
HorizontalScrollHeightGets the height of the horizontal scrollbar. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
ImageGets or sets the Leadtools.RasterImage to be displayed in this RasterImageViewer. This is a dependency property.  
imageGets or sets the LTImage(UIImage/NSImage) image object. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
imageBackColorGets or sets the background color of the viewer behind the image. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
ImageBitmapGets or sets the bitmap image object. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
imageBorderColorGets or sets the color of border drawn around image in the viewer. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
imageBorderThicknessGets or sets the thickness of border drawn around image in the viewer (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
ImageControlCenterGets the location of the center of the image, in control coordinates. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
ImageDpiXGets or sets the horizontal resolution in dots/inch (or DPI) of the image. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
ImageDpiYGets or sets the vertical resolution in dots/inch (or DPI) of the image. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
ImageHorizontalAlignmentGets or sets a value that indicates the horizontal alignment for the image in this control. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
ImageSizeGets or sets the size of the image in the viewer. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
ImageVerticalAlignmentGets or sets a value that indicates the vertical alignment for the image in this control. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
InteractiveModeCanvasGets the interactive mode canvas. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
InteractiveServiceGets or sets the InteractiveService for this viewer control. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
invertGets or sets a value that indicates whether to invert the image color. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
MaximumImageConversionHeightGets or sets the maximum image height value for coverting RasterImage to Android Bitmap.  
MaximumImageConversionWidthGets or sets the maximum image width value for coverting RasterImage to Android Bitmap.  
MouseWheelInteractiveModeGets or sets the ImageViewerInteractiveMode that the viewer control should use to process mouse wheel events. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
NewImageResetOptionsGets or sets a value that determines which properties to reset when a new image is set into the viewer. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
OwnerDrawGets or sets a value that indicates whether the viewer should draw an image on its canvas or not. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
PaintFlagsGets or sets the Paint flags. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
pinchInteractiveModeGets or sets the ImageViewerInteractiveMode that the viewer control should use to process pinch events. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
rasterImageGets or sets the LTRasterImage in the Viewer. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
RealImageSizeGets the real width and height of the image. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
RenderDisplayModeUse This property to set controls speed, quality, and style of rendering operations  
ResizeOnRotateGets or sets a value that indicates whether the viewer should change the size of the scrolling area when the image is rotated. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
RestrictHiddenScrollModeGets or sets a value that indicates whether scrolling or panning the image outside the maximum range is allowed. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
ReverseGets or sets a value which determines if the ImageViewer will display the image reversed horizontally. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
RotateAngleGets or sets the value of the rotation angle to use when displaying the image. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
ScaleFactorGets or sets the scale factor used to display the image. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
ScreenDpiXGets or sets the current screen horizontal resolution in dots per inch (or DPI). (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
ScreenDpiYGets or sets the current screen vertical resolution in dots/inch (or DPI). (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
ScrollModeGets or sets a value that determines how the control handles scrollbars when the current transformation results in the image being larger than the container. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
ScrollOffsetGets or sets the scroll offset value. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
ScrollRangeGets the size of the current maximum scroll area. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
SizeModeGets or sets a value that determines how the control displays the image and the adjusts the display automatically. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
SourceThe actual ImageSource image object (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
TouchInteractiveModeGets or sets the ImageViewerInteractiveMode that the viewer control should use to process touch input events. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
TransformGets the current transformation matrix used for displaying the image. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
UseDpiGets or sets a value that indicates whether the control must account for the physical resolution of the image when calculating the display properties. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
VerticalScrollWidthGets the width of the vertical scrollbar. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
WorkingInteractiveModeGets the ImageViewerInteractiveMode that the viewer control is currently using to process input events. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
Protected Properties
CanScrollGets a value that determines if the ImageViewer can obtain the value of the auto scrollbar location. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
CanUpdateGets a value that determines if the ImageViewer currently will update the image viewing transform and invalidate the display when changes are made to the control's properties or to the image. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
Public Methods
BeginUpdateStops the viewer from being updated if any change is applied. This is useful to increase the control's speed efficiency. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
CenterAtPointCenters the image display at the specified point. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
ConvertPointConverts the specified point from one CoordinateType to another. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
ConvertRectConverts the specified rectangle from one CoordinateType to another. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
EndUpdateUse this method to indicate that updates to the ImageViewer are complete. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
freeRasterImageFrees the LTRasterImage. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
GetMouseInteractiveModeGets the current ImageViewerInteractiveMode assigned to the specified MouseButton. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
GetTransformGets the current transformation matrix used for displaying the image with or without DPI scaling. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
ImageControlRectangleGets the location and size of the image in the viewer in control coordinates. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
ImageDrawListenerOccurs when the viewer is drawing the image. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
ImageViewerDrawListenerOccurs when viewer is drawing. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
InvalidateInvalidates the entire surface of the control and causes the control to be redrawn. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
OnImageChangedOverridden. Raises the RasterImageChanged event.  
OnTransformChangedRaises the TransformChanged event. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
ScrollByScrolls the image by the specified amount. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
scrollByScrolls the image by the specified amount. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
scrollToScrolls the image to the specified position. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
SetMouseInteractiveModeSets the current ImageViewerInteractiveMode for the specified MouseButton. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
updateImageFromBitmapConverts the Android Bitmap in the ImageViewer.ImageBitmap property to the Leadtools.RasterImage and set it as the Image  
UpdateImageFromSourceRe-creates the LEADTOOLS image object of this viewer from the Windows Runtime Source object.  
ZoomZooms or changes the size mode of the image inside the viewer. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
ZoomToRectZooms the image to the specified rectangle. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
Protected Methods
BeginScrollIndicates that the ImageViewer should stop obtaining the value of the auto scrollbar location. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
dispatchDrawDraws the child views of the ImageViewer. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
EndScrollStarts the ImageViewer obtaining the value of the auto scrollbar location again. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
OnImageErrorRaises the ImageError event. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
onLayoutMeasures the ImageViewer and its content to determine the measured size. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
onMeasureMeasures the ImageViewer and its content to determine the size. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
onPostDrawImageRaises the the ImageDrawListener postDraw event. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
onPostDrawViewerRaises the ImageViewerDrawListener postDraw event. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
onPreDrawImageRaises the ImageViewerDrawListener preDraw event. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
onPreDrawViewerRaises the ImageViewerDrawListener preDraw event. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
OnPropertyChangedRaises the PropertyChanged event. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
onPropertyChangedRaises the PropertyChanged event. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
OnScrollChangedRaises the ScrollChanged event. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
onSizeChangedOccurs when the ImageViewer size is changed. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
OnWorkingInteractiveModeChangedRaises the WorkingInteractiveModeChanged event. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
Public Events
ImageChangedOccurs when the image in the viewer changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
ImageErrorOccurs if any error occurred inside the actual ImageSource object. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
PropertyChangedOccurs when a property value in this ImageViewer changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
RasterImageChangedOccurs when the raster image value in the viewer changes.  
ScrollChangedOccurs when the value of ScrollOffset changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
TransformChangedOccurs when the Transform property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
WorkingInteractiveModeChangedOccurs when the WorkingInteractiveMode property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer)
See Also


RasterImageViewer Class
Leadtools.Controls Namespace



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