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AnnPrinter Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by AnnPrinter.

Public Constructors

Name Description
AnnPrinter Initializes a new instance of the AnnPrinter class.
RasterImagePrinter Initializes a new instance of the RasterImagePrinter class. (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)

Public Methods

Name Description
Print Prints the specified Leadtools.RasterImage and AnnContainer.

Protected Methods

Name Description
OnHorizontalAlignModeChanged Raises the HorizontalAlignModeChanged event. (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)
OnImageRectangleChanged Raises the ImageRectangleChanged event. (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)
OnPageRectangleChanged Raises the PageRectangleChanged event. (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)
OnPaintPropertiesChanged Raises the PaintPropertiesChanged event. (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)
OnSizeModeChanged Raises the SizeModeChanged event. (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)
OnUseDpiChanged Raises the UseDpiChanged event. (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)
OnUseMarginsChanged Raises the UseMarginsChanged event. (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)
OnVerticalAlignModeChanged Raises the VerticalAlignModeChanged event. (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)
Prepare Prepares this RasterImagePrinter object state for printing. (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)

Public Properties

Name Description
DestinationRectangle Gets the actual destination rectangle to print. (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)
HorizontalAlignMode Gets or sets a value to determine how to center the image horizontally in the print page. (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)
ImageRectangle Gets or sets the rectangle that specifies the portion of the image to print. (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)
PageRectangle Gets or sets the rectangular area that represents the total area of the page. (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)
PaintProperties Gets or sets the Leadtools.Drawing.RasterPaintProperties which control the print properties of this RasterImagePrinter. (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)
PrintDocument Gets or sets the System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument object associated with this print job (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)
SizeMode Gets or sets the size mode of this RasterImagePrinter (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)
UseDpi Gets or sets a value that indicates whether LEAD's automated scaling properties are used to account for the physical resolution of the image when printing FAX images. (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)
UseMargins Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to use the page margins when printing. (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)
VerticalAlignMode Gets or sets a value to determine how to center the image vertically in the print page. (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)

Protected Properties

Name Description
DestinationClipRectangle Gets the actual destination clip rectangle to print. (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)
SourceRectangle Gets the actual source rectangle to print. (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)

Public Events

Name Description
HorizontalAlignModeChanged Occurs when the value of the HorizontalAlignMode property changes. (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)
ImageRectangleChanged Occurs when the value of the ImageRectangle property changes. (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)
PageRectangleChanged Occurs when the value of the PageRectangle property changes. (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)
PaintPropertiesChanged Occurs when the value of the PaintProperties property changes. (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)
SizeModeChanged Occurs when the value of the SizeMode property changes. (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)
UseDpiChanged Occurs when the value of the UseDpi property changes. (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)
UseMarginsChanged Occurs when the value of the UseMargins property changes. (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)
VerticalAlignModeChanged Occurs when the value of the VerticalAlignMode property changes. (Inherited from RasterImagePrinter)
Help Version 19.0.2017.10.27
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Leadtools.Annotations Assembly