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ReadBarcode(RasterImage,LogicalRectangle,BarcodeSymbology[]) Method


Read one barcode from an image with a symbology from a specified group and the default options.


WinRT C#
- (nullable LTBarcodeData *)readBarcode:(LTRasterImage *)image  
                            symbologies:(nullable NSArray<NSNumber *> *)symbologies  
                                  error:(NSError **)error 
public BarcodeData readBarcode( 
  RasterImage image,  
  LeadRect searchBounds,  
  BarcodeSymbology[] symbologies 
 function Leadtools.Barcode.BarcodeReader.ReadBarcode(RasterImage,LogicalRectangle,BarcodeSymbology[])(  
   image , 
   searchBounds , 


A RasterImage object that contains the image data. Must not be null (Nothing in VB).

A LogicalRectangle that specifies the region of interest area in the image where the barcode search and detection is performed. Specify LogicalRectangle.Empty to indicate that the search must be performed on the whole image.

An array of BarcodeSymbology enumeration members that specifies the barcode symbologies (types) to search for.

Return Value

An instance of BarcodeData or one of its derived classes that contains the symbology, data, location and any rotation angle of the barcode found. If no barcodes can be found, then this method will return null (Nothing in VB).


For more information on barcode reading, refer to BarcodeReader.

Use this method if you want to read a single barcode from a known group. For example, to read a barcode that can be of any UPC type, pass an array of BarcodeSymbology.UPCA and BarcodeSymbology.UPCE.

This method will use the default read options set in this BarcodeReader for all the items in symbologies.

LEADTOOLS barcode read engine is optimized for speed and can search for multiple similar symbologies at the same time. This method simply returns the first barcode that is detected correctly using the symbologies and current options.

The ReadSymbology event will occur before and after attempting to read any symbology. The read options being used whether the default or specified will be set in the BarcodeReadSymbologyEventArgs.Options property of the event data.

If symbologies is null (Nothing in VB), then this method will use all the currently available symbologies. If this parameter contains an empty array, then no barcode will be detected and null (Nothing in VB) will be returned.

The BarcodeReader provides the following barcode read methods:

Method Description
ReadBarcode(RasterImage image, LogicalRectangle searchBounds, BarcodeSymbology symbology) and ReadBarcode(RasterImage image, LogicalRectangle searchBounds, BarcodeSymbology symbology, BarcodeReadOptions options)

Read one barcode from an image with specified symbology and default or specific options. Use these methods if you want to read a single barcode from the image, for example, a QR symbol by specifying BarcodeSymbology.QR or if you want to read any barcode found regardless of its type by using BarcodeSymbology.Unknown.

ReadBarcode(RasterImage image, LogicalRectangle searchBounds, BarcodeSymbology[] symbologies) and ReadBarcode(RasterImage image, LogicalRectangle searchBounds, BarcodeSymbology[] symbologies, BarcodeReadOptions[] options)

Read one barcode from an image with a symbology from a specified group and default or specific options. Uses these methods if you want to read a single barcode from a known group. For example, to read a barcode that can be of any UPC type, pass an array of BarcodeSymbology.UPCA and BarcodeSymbology.UPCE.

ReadBarcodes(RasterImage image, LogicalRectangle searchBounds, int maximumBarcodes, BarcodeSymbology[] symbologies) and ReadBarcodes(RasterImage image, LogicalRectangle searchBounds, int maximumBarcodes, BarcodeSymbology[] symbologies, BarcodeReadOptions[] options)

Read multiple barcodes from an image with symbologies from a specified group and default or specific options. Use these methods if you want to read multiple barcodes of the same or multiple symbologies.


This example shows how to use this method to read any UPC barcode used to identify products from an image.

Silverlight C#
Silverlight VB
using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Codecs; 
using Leadtools.Forms; 
using Leadtools.Barcode; 
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing; 
public void BarcodeReader_ReadBarcodeExample3() 
   string imageFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Barcode1.tif"); 
   // Create a Barcode engine 
   BarcodeEngine engine = new BarcodeEngine(); 
   // Get the Barcode reader instance 
   BarcodeReader reader = engine.Reader; 
   using (RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs()) 
      using (RasterImage image = codecs.Load(imageFileName, 0, CodecsLoadByteOrder.BgrOrGray, 1, 1)) 
         // In the US, UPC barcodes are used to identity products. So, create an array of UPC symbologies 
         BarcodeSymbology[] upcSymbologies = 
         // Read the first UPC barcode from the image 
         BarcodeData barcode = reader.ReadBarcode(image, LogicalRectangle.Empty, upcSymbologies); 
         // Show its location and data if found 
         if (barcode != null) 
            Console.WriteLine("Found a {0} barcode at {1}, data:\n{2}", barcode.Symbology, barcode.Bounds, barcode.Value); 
            Console.WriteLine("Not found"); 
static class LEAD_VARS 
   public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images"; 
Imports Leadtools 
Imports Leadtools.Codecs 
Imports Leadtools.Forms 
Imports Leadtools.Barcode 
Imports Leadtools.ImageProcessing 
Public Sub BarcodeReader_ReadBarcodeExample3() 
   Dim imageFileName As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Barcode1.tif") 
   ' Create a Barcode engine 
   Dim engine As New BarcodeEngine() 
   ' Get the Barcode reader instance 
   Dim reader As BarcodeReader = engine.Reader 
   Using codecs As New RasterCodecs() 
      Using image As RasterImage = codecs.Load(imageFileName, 0, CodecsLoadByteOrder.BgrOrGray, 1, 1) 
         ' In the US, UPC barcodes are used to identity products. So, create an array of UPC symbologies 
         Dim upcSymbologies() As BarcodeSymbology = 
         ' Read the first UPC barcode from the image 
         Dim barcode As BarcodeData = reader.ReadBarcode(image, LogicalRectangle.Empty, upcSymbologies) 
         ' Show its location and data if found 
         If Not IsNothing(barcode) Then 
            Console.WriteLine("Found a {0} barcode at {1}, data:\n{2}", barcode.Symbology, barcode.Bounds, barcode.Value) 
            Console.WriteLine("Not found") 
         End If 
      End Using 
   End Using 
End Sub 
Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS 
   Public Const ImagesDir As String = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images" 
End Class 
using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Codecs; 
using Leadtools.Forms; 
using Leadtools.Barcode; 
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing; 
using Leadtools.Examples; 
public void BarcodeReader_ReadBarcodeExample3(RasterImage image) 
   // Create a Barcode engine 
   BarcodeEngine engine = new BarcodeEngine(); 
   // Get the Barcode reader instance 
   BarcodeReader reader = engine.Reader; 
   RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs(); 
   // In the US, UPC barcodes are used to identity products. So, create an array of UPC symbologies 
   BarcodeSymbology[] upcSymbologies = 
   // Read the first UPC barcode from the image 
   BarcodeData barcode = reader.ReadBarcode(image, LogicalRectangle.Empty, upcSymbologies); 
   // Show its location and data if found 
   if (barcode != null) 
      Console.WriteLine("Found a {0} barcode at {1}, data:\n{2}", barcode.Symbology, barcode.Bounds, barcode.Value); 
      Console.WriteLine("Not found"); 
Imports Leadtools 
Imports Leadtools.Codecs 
Imports Leadtools.Forms 
Imports Leadtools.Barcode 
Imports Leadtools.ImageProcessing 
Imports Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color 
Public Sub BarcodeReader_ReadBarcodeExample3(ByVal image As RasterImage) 
   ' Create a Barcode engine 
   Dim engine As BarcodeEngine = New BarcodeEngine() 
   ' Get the Barcode reader instance 
   Dim reader As BarcodeReader = engine.Reader 
   Dim codecs As RasterCodecs = New RasterCodecs() 
   ' In the US, UPC barcodes are used to identity products. So, create an array of UPC symbologies 
   Dim upcSymbologies As BarcodeSymbology() = {BarcodeSymbology.UPCA, BarcodeSymbology.UPCE} 
   ' Read the first UPC barcode from the image 
   Dim barcode As BarcodeData = reader.ReadBarcode(image, LogicalRectangle.Empty, upcSymbologies) 
   ' Show its location and data if found 
   If Not barcode Is Nothing Then 
      Console.WriteLine("Found a {0} barcode at {1}, data:" & Constants.vbLf & "{2}", barcode.Symbology, barcode.Bounds, barcode.Value) 
      Console.WriteLine("Not found") 
   End If 
End Sub 


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