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PDF417BarcodeReadOptions Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by PDF417BarcodeReadOptions.

Public Constructors

Name Description
PDF417BarcodeReadOptions Initializes a new instance of the PDF417BarcodeReadOptions class with default values.

Public Methods

Name Description
Clone Creates an exact copy of this barcode write options.
CopyTo Copies the members of this options class to the specified object.
CopyTo (WinRT) For information about this method please see CopyTo.
GetSupportedSymbologies Returns the barcode symbologies supported by this class.
IsSupportedSymbology (WinRT) For information about this method please see IsSupportedSymbology.

Public Properties

Name Description
BackColor (WinRT) For information about this property please see BackColor.
EnableDoublePass Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable the double pass setting when reading PDF417 symbols.
EnableDoublePassIfSuccess Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable the double pass if success setting when reading PDF417 symbols.
EnableFastMode Gets or sets a value indicating whether fast PDF417 reading mode is enabled.
EnableNoIndicatorTrail Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to enable reading PDF417 symbols that have corrupted Indicators.
ForeColor (WinRT) For information about this property please see ForeColor.
FriendlyName Gets the friendly name of this class.
ReadMode Gets or sets a value that indicates the channel mode to use when reading PDF417 barcodes.
ReadOptionalMacro79AndAZField Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the optional macro '7 to 9 and A to Z' field is retrieved when reading PDF417 barcodes.
ReadOptionalMacroAddresseeField Gets or sets a value that indicate whether optional macro 'Addressee' field is retrieved when reading PDF417 barcodes.
ReadOptionalMacroChecksumField Gets or sets a value that indicates whether optional macro 'Checksum' field is retrieved when reading PDF417 barcodes.
ReadOptionalMacroFileNameField Gets or sets a value that indicates whether optional macro 'File Name' field is retrieved when reading PDF417 barcodes.
ReadOptionalMacroFileSizeField Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the optional macro 'File Size' field is retrieved when reading PDF417 barcodes.
ReadOptionalMacroSegmentCountField Gets or sets a value that indicates whether optional macro 'Segment Count' field is retrieved when reading PDF417 barcodes.
ReadOptionalMacroSenderField Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the optional macro 'Sender' field is retrieved when reading PDF417 barcodes.
ReadOptionalMacroTimestampField Gets or sets a value that indicates whether optional macro 'Time Stamp' field is retrieved when reading PDF417 barcodes.
ReturnCorruptedSymbolArea Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the engine returns the area where an un-readable PDF417 symbol is located.
SearchDirection Gets or sets a value that indicates the direction to use when searching for barcodes.
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