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Barcode1dStandardFlags Enumeration


Obsolete: Flags that identify the MSI barcode type, Code11 barcode type, and reading speed.


public enum Barcode1dStandardFlags   
Public Enum Barcode1dStandardFlags  
public enum class Barcode1dStandardFlags   


0x0Barcode1dCode11C Code 11(USD-8) type with C check digit only. Used with both Read and Write methods.
0x0Barcode1dCode128EncodeAuto Automatically encodes the barcode data using one or multiple Code 128 encoding tables. This encodes all Code 128 data. Used with Write method only for.writing Code 128 barcode.
0x0Barcode1dFast Fast barcode reading (recommended). It is suitable for most barcode qualities either good or poor. Used with Read method only.
0x0Barcode1dMsiModulo10 MSI (Modified Plessey) type with Modulo 10 check digit. Used with both Read and Write methods.
0x0Barcode1dTextAtBottom Write the barcode's text at the bottom of the barcode. This option is ignored for the following linear (1d) barcode types; Used with Write method only for.writing standard linear (1d) barcode.
0x1Barcode1dMsi2Modulo10 MSI (Modified Plessey) type with two Modulo 10 check digits. Used with both Read and Write methods.
0x2Barcode1dMsiModulo11 MSI (Modified Plessey) type with Modulo 11 check digit. Used with both Read and Write methods.
0x3Barcode1dMsiModulo11Modulo10 MSI (Modified Plessey) type with Modulo 11 and Modulo 10 check digits. Used with both Read and Write methods.
0x10Barcode1dCode11K Code 11(USD-8) type with C and K check digits. It is recommended to be used if the message is 10 characters or longer. Used with both Read and Write methods.
0x100Barcode1dNormal Fast but a little bit slower than the Barcode1dStandardFlags.Barcode1dFast option, suitable for very poor barcode quality. Used with Read method only.
0x200Barcode1dCode128EncodeA Use only Code 128 A table to encode the barcode data. If the barcode data have values not included in the standard Code 128 A table BarcodeExceptionCode.InvalidBarcodeString exception will be thrown. Used with Write method only for.writing Code 128 barcode.
0x400Barcode1dCode128EncodeB Use only Code 128 B table to encode the barcode data. If the barcode data have values not included in the standard Code 128 B table BarcodeExceptionCode.InvalidBarcodeString exception will be thrown. Used with Write method only for.writing Code 128 barcode.
0x600Barcode1dCode128EncodeC Use only Code 128 C table to encode the barcode data. it encodes only even number of digits. If the barcode data have values not included in the standard Code 128 C table or have an odd number of digits BarcodeExceptionCode.InvalidBarcodeString exception will be thrown. Used with Write method only for.writing Code 128 barcode.
0x800Barcode1dTextAtTop Write the barcode's text at the top of the barcode. This option is ignored for the following linear (1d) barcode types; Used with Write method only for.writing standard linear (1d) barcode.

You can use a bitwise OR ( ¦ ) to specify one flag from each group.


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