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Leadtools.Codecs Classes


Overview and description of Leadtools Codecs classes.

Class Description
CodecsAbcLoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading ABC images.
CodecsAbcOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving images using LEAD Advanced Bitonal Compression (ABC).
CodecsAbcSaveOptions Provides options specifically for saving ABC images.
CodecsAnzLoadOptions Provides options for loading ANZ (Analyze) images.
CodecsAnzOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving ANZ (Analyze) images.
CodecsAsyncCompletedEventArgs Base class for the CodecsGetInformationAsyncCompletedEventArgs, CodecsLoadAsyncCompletedEventArgs and CodecsSaveAsyncCompletedEventArgs classes.
CodecsDocLoadOptions Provides the options for loading Microsoft Word (DOCX) and Word 97-2003 (DOC) documents as raster images.
CodecsDocOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving Microsoft Word (DOCX) and Word 97-2003 (DOC) or files.
CodecsDocumentImageInfo Provides information specific to document images.
CodecsEcwLoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading ECW images.
CodecsEcwOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving ECW images.
CodecsEcwSaveOptions Provides options specifically for saving ECW images.
CodecsEnumGeoKeysEventArgs Provides data for the RasterCodecs.GeoKeyFound event.
CodecsEnumTagsEventArgs Provides data for the RasterCodecs.TagFound event.
CodecsEpsLoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading EPS images.
CodecsEpsOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving EPS images.
CodecsExtensionList Exif extension information.
CodecsFaxImageInfo Provides information specific to FAX images.
CodecsFpxLoadOptions Gets the options for loading FPX images.
CodecsFpxOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving FPX images.
CodecsGetInformationAsyncCompletedEventArgs Contains data for the RasterCodecs.GetInformationAsyncCompleted event.
CodecsGifImageInfo Provides information specific to GIF images.
CodecsGifLoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading GIF images.
CodecsGifOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving GIF images.
CodecsGifSaveOptions Provides options specifically for saving GIF images.
CodecsImageInfo Provides functionality for getting information about image files supported by LEADTOOLS.
CodecsJbig2LoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading JBIG2 images.
CodecsJbig2Options Provides extra options for loading and saving JBIG2 images.
CodecsJbig2SaveOptions Provides options specifically for saving JBIG2 images.
CodecsJbigLoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading JBIG images.
CodecsJbigOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving JBIG images.
CodecsJpeg2000LoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading JPEG 2000 and LEAD CMW images.
CodecsJpeg2000Options Provides extra options for loading and saving JPEG 2000 and LEAD CMW images.
CodecsJpeg2000SaveOptions Provides options specifically for saving JPEG and LEAD CMW images.
CodecsJpegImageInfo Provides information specific to JPEG and LEAD CMP images.
CodecsJpegLoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading JPEG and LEAD CMP images.
CodecsJpegOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving JPEG and LEAD CMP images.
CodecsJpegSaveOptions Provides options specifically for saving JPEG and LEAD CMP images.
CodecsLoadAsyncCompletedEventArgs Contains data for the RasterCodecs.LoadAsyncCompleted event.
CodecsLoadImageEventArgs Provides information for the RasterCodecs.LoadImage event.
CodecsLoadInformationEventArgs Provides information for the RasterCodecs.LoadInformation event.
CodecsLoadOptions Provides access to generic file load options.
CodecsLoadSvgAsyncCompletedEventArgs Contains data for the RasterCodecs.LoadSvgAsyncCompleted event.
CodecsLoadSvgOptions Provides the options used when loading documents as SVG.
CodecsOptions Provides access to all the specific file format load and save options supported by LEADTOOLS.
CodecsOverlayData Contains information about the overlay image found in the file.
CodecsPageEventArgs Provides information for the RasterCodecs.LoadPage event.
CodecsPcdLoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading PCD images.
CodecsPcdOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving PCD images.
CodecsPdfLoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading PDF, PS and EPS file options.
CodecsPdfOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving PDF images.
CodecsPdfSaveOptions Provides options specifically for saving PDF images.
CodecsPngLoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading PNG images.
CodecsPngOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving PNG images.
CodecsPngSaveOptions Provides options specifically for saving PNG images.
CodecsPsdChannelInfo Provides information about a specified channel in the PSD file.
CodecsPsdImageInfo Provides information specific to PSD images.
CodecsPsdLayerInfo Describes the layer position within a PSD file.
CodecsPstImageInfo Provides information specific to PST files.
CodecsPstLoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading Outlook PST, MSG and EML files.
CodecsPstOptions Provides extra options for loading Outlook PST, MSG and EML files.
CodecsPtokaLoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading PTOKA images.
CodecsPtokaOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving PTOKA images.
CodecsRasterizeDocumentLoadOptions Contains set options for loading a document file as a raster image (rasterization).
CodecsRasterizeDocumentOptions Provides support for loading or saving a document file.
CodecsRawOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving RAW Data images.
CodecsRawSaveOptions Provides options specifically for saving RAW Data images.
CodecsRedirectCloseEventArgs Information for the RasterCodecs.RedirectClose event.
CodecsRedirectOpenEventArgs Information for the RasterCodecs.RedirectOpen event.
CodecsRedirectReadEventArgs Information for the RasterCodecs.RedirectRead event.
CodecsRedirectSeekEventArgs Information for the RasterCodecs.RedirectSeek event.
CodecsRedirectWriteEventArgs Information for the RasterCodecs.RedirectWrite event.
CodecsRtfLoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading RTF files as raster images.
CodecsRtfOptions Provides extra options for loading RTF files as raster images.
CodecsSaveAsyncCompletedEventArgs Contains data for the RasterCodecs.SaveAsyncCompleted event.
CodecsSaveImageEventArgs Provides information for the RasterCodecs.SaveImage event.
CodecsSaveOptions Provides access to generic file save options.
CodecsTiffImageInfo Provides information specific to TIFF images.
CodecsTiffLoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading TIFF images.
CodecsTiffOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving TIFF images.
CodecsTiffSaveOptions Provides options specifically for saving TIFF images.
CodecsTxtLoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading TEXT files as raster images.
CodecsTxtOptions Provides extra options for loading TEXT files as raster images.
CodecsVectorImageInfo Provides information specific to vector images.
CodecsVectorLoadOptions Contains options for loading a vector file as a raster image (rasterization).
CodecsVectorOptions Provides support for loading or saving a vector image file.
CodecsVffLoadOptions Provides options for loading VFF (Sun TAAC Bitmap) images.
CodecsVffOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving VFF (Sun TAAC Bitmap) images.
CodecsWmfLoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading WMF images.
CodecsWmfOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving WMF images.
CodecsXlsLoadOptions Provides the options for loading Microsoft Excel (XLSX) and Excel 97-2003 (XLS) documents as a raster image.
CodecsXlsOptions Provides the options for loading or saving Microsoft Excel (XLSX) and Excel 97-2003 (XLS) documents.
CodecsXpsLoadOptions Provides the options for loading Open XML Paper Specification (XPS) documents as a raster image.
CodecsXpsOptions Provides the options for loading or saving an Open XML Paper Specification (XPS) document.
CodecsXpsSaveOptions Provides the options for saving a raster image as an Open XML Paper Specification (XPS) document.
RasterCodecs Provides support for loading and saving raster image files.
RasterImageTypeConverter RasterImageTypeConverter is a class that can be used to convert RasterImage objects from other data types.
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Leadtools.Codecs Assembly
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