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CodecsJpegSaveOptions Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by CodecsJpegSaveOptions.

Public Properties

Name Description
CmpQualityFactorPredefined Gets and sets the pre-defined QFactor value when saving LEAD CMP compressed images.
DisableMmx Enables or disables use of MMX optimized instructions when saving JPEG and LEAD CMP images.
DisableP3 Enables or disables use of PIII optimized instructions when saving JPEG and LEAD CMP images.
FixedPaletteStamp Gets and sets a value which indicates the type of palette to use when saving stamp images that are 8-bit.
JpegStamp Gets and sets a value indicating the compression to use when saving EXIF stamp images.
Passes Gets and sets the number of passes when saving progressive JPEG and LEAD CMP images.
QualityFactor Gets and sets the Quality Factor (QFactor) to use when saving JPEG, LEAD CMP and other compressed images that support Quality Factor.
SaveOldJtif Enables or disables saving of old style JTIF files.
SaveWithoutTimestamp Enables or disables saving the image file with a time stamp.
SaveWithStamp Enables and disables saving stamp images when saving JPEG and LEAD CMP compressed images.
StampBitsPerPixel Gets and sets the bit depth for the stamp image.
StampHeight Gets and sets the height for the stamp image.
StampWidth Gets and sets the width for the stamp image.
YccStamp Gets and sets a value indicating the color space to use when saving EXIF stamp images.
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