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CodecsJbig2SaveOptions Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by CodecsJbig2SaveOptions.

Public Properties

Name Description
EnableDictionary Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to enable the encoder to use the text symbol dictionary.
ImageGbatX1 Gets or sets the X location of the adaptive template pixel A1 for non-text area encoding.
ImageGbatX2 Gets or sets the X location of the adaptive template pixel A2 for non-text area encoding.
ImageGbatX3 Gets or sets the X location of the adaptive template pixel A3 for non-text area encoding.
ImageGbatX4 Gets or sets the X location of the adaptive template pixel A4 for non-text area encoding.
ImageGbatY1 Gets or sets the Y location of the adaptive template pixel A1 for non-text area encoding.
ImageGbatY2 Gets or sets the Y location of the adaptive template pixel A2 for non-text area encoding.
ImageGbatY3 Gets or sets the Y location of the adaptive template pixel A3 for non-text area encoding.
ImageGbatY4 Gets or sets the Y location of the adaptive template pixel A4 for non-text area encoding.
ImageQualityFactor Gets or sets the degree of loss in the compression process for non-text areas.
ImageTypicalPredictionOn Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to use typical prediction (TP) while encoding non-text area.
RemoveEofSegment Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to remove the End of File segment.
RemoveEopSegment Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to remove the End of Page segment.
RemoveHeaderSegment Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to remove the JBIG2 header segment.
RemoveMarker Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to remove the two bytes marker from generic region segment data.
TextDifferentialThreshold Gets or sets a value indicating the maximum difference allowed to map a text symbol to a dictionary symbol.
TextGbatX1 Gets or sets the X location of the adaptive template pixel A1 for text-area encoding.
TextGbatX2 Gets or sets the X location of the adaptive template pixel A2 for text-area encoding.
TextGbatX3 Gets or sets the X location of the adaptive template pixel A3 for text-area encoding.
TextGbatX4 Gets or sets the X location of the adaptive template pixel A4 for text-area encoding.
TextGbatY1 Gets or sets the Y location of the adaptive template pixel A1 for text-area encoding.
TextGbatY2 Gets or sets the Y location of the adaptive template pixel A2 for text-area encoding.
TextGbatY3 Gets or sets the Y location of the adaptive template pixel A3 for text-area encoding.
TextGbatY4 Gets or sets the Y location of the adaptive template pixel A4 for text-area encoding.
TextKeepAllSymbols Gets or sets a value indicating whether to keep all dictionary symbols.
TextMaximumSymbolArea Gets or sets a value indicating the maximum text symbol area.
TextMaximumSymbolHeight Gets or sets a value indicating the maximum text symbol height.
TextMaximumSymbolWidth Gets or sets a value indicating the maximum text symbol width.
TextMinimumSymbolArea Gets or sets a value indicating the minimum text symbol area.
TextMinimumSymbolHeight Gets or sets a value indicating the minimum text symbol height.
TextMinimumSymbolWidth Gets or sets a value indicating the minimum text symbol width.
TextQualityFactor Gets or sets the degree of loss in the compression process for a text area.
TextRemoveUnrepeatedSymbol Gets or sets a value indicating whether to remove unrepeated symbols from the dictionary.
TextTemplateType Gets or sets a value that specifies which template-based arithmetic encoder to use when encoding a text area.
XResolution Gets or sets the reference image X resolution which JBIG2 options were set according to it.
YResolution Gets or sets the reference image Y resolution which JBIG2 options were set according to it.
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