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DicomFillStyle Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by DicomFillStyle.

Public Constructors

Name Description
DicomFillStyle Constructs a new DicomFillStyle object,and performs initializations.

Public Methods

Name Description
Clone Creates an exact copy of this DicomFillStyle object.

Public Properties

Name Description
FillMode Gets or sets the value of the "Fill Mode" element (0070,0257) under one of the items under the "Fill Style Sequence" (0070,0233) in the "Graphic Annotation Module".
FillOptions Indicates whether to write optional tags writing DicomAnnotationFillOptions, or if optional tags are present when reading a DicomAnnotationFillOptions.
FillPattern Gets or sets the value of the "Fill Pattern" element (0070,0256) under one of the items under the "Fill Style Sequence" (0070,0233) in the "Graphic Annotation Module".
PatternOffColorCieLabValue Gets or sets the value of the "Pattern Off Color CIELab Value" element (0070,0252) under one of the items under the "Fill Style Sequence" (0070,0233) in the "Graphic Annotation Module".
PatternOffOpacity Gets or sets the value of the "Pattern Off Opacity" element (0070,0285) under one of the items under the "Fill Style Sequence" (0070,0233) in the "Graphic Annotation Module".
PatternOnColorCieLabValue Gets or sets the value of the "Pattern On Color CIELab Value" element (0070,0251) under one of the items under the "Fill Style Sequence" (0070,0233) in the "Graphic Annotation Module".
PatternOnOpacity Gets or sets the value of the "Pattern On Opacity" element (0070,0284) under one of the items under the "Fill Style Sequence" (0070,0233) in the "Graphic Annotation Module".
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