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DicomImageInformation Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by DicomImageInformation.

Public Constructors

Name Description
DicomImageInformation Constructs a new DicomImageInformation object.

Public Properties

Name Description
BitsAllocated Gets or sets the number of bits allocated for each pixel sample.
BitsPerPixel Gets or sets the number of bits per pixel.
BitsStored Gets or sets the number of bits stored for each pixel sample.
BlueBits Gets or sets the number of bits per entry in the Blue Palette Color Lookup Table.
BlueEntries Gets or sets the number of blue entries in the Blue Palette ColorLookup Table.
BlueFirst Gets or sets the first value in the Blue Palette Color Lookup Table.
Columns Gets or sets the number of rows.
Compression Gets or sets the type of compression used on the image.
FrameCount Gets or sets the number of frames.
GreenBits Gets or sets the number of bits per entry in the Green Palette Color Lookup Table.
GreenEntries Gets or sets the number of green entries in the Green Palette ColorLookup Table.
GreenFirst Gets or sets the first value in the Green Palette Color Lookup Table.
HighBit Gets or sets the highest (most significant) bit set.
IsGray Gets or sets the value that indicates that indicates whether it is grayscale.
IsLargestImagePixelValue Gets or sets the value that indicates that indicates whether the largest pixel value applies to the entire image or to one plane.
IsSmallestImagePixelValue Gets or sets the value that indicates that indicates whether the smallest pixel value applies to the entire image or to one plane.
LargestImagePixelValue Gets or sets the largest pixel value in the image.
PaletteEntries Gets or sets the number of palette entries.
PaletteFirst Gets or sets the smallest value of the first entries in the Red, Green and Blue Color Lookup Tables.
PhotometricInterpretation Gets or sets the Photometric type code.
PhotometricInterpretationName Gets or sets the Name of the photometric type.
PixelRepresentation Gets or sets the data representation of the pixels. Unsigned integers (0) or 2's complement (1).
PlanarConfiguration Gets or sets the planar configuration.
RedBits Gets or sets the number of bits per entry in the Red Palette Color Lookup Table.
RedEntries Gets or sets the number of red entries in the Red Palette ColorLookup Table.
RedFirst Gets or sets the first value in the Red Palette Color Lookup Table.
Rows Gets or sets the number of columns.
SamplesPerPixel Gets or sets the number of samples (or planes) in the image.
SmallestImagePixelValue Gets or sets the smallest pixel value in the image.
XResolution Gets or sets the x resolution.
YResolution Gets or sets the y resolution.
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