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DicomWaveformAnnotation Class


For a list of all members of this type, see DicomWaveformAnnotation members

Public Properties

Name Description
AnnGroupNumber Gets or sets the value of the "Annotation Group Number" (0040,A180) element.
CodedName Gets or sets the single item that is included under the "Concept Name Code Sequence" (0040,A043) in the "Waveform Annotation Module".
CodedValue Gets or set the single item that is included under the "Concept Code Sequence" (0040,A168) in the "Waveform Annotation Module".
MeasurementUnits Gets or sets the single item that is included under the "Measurement Units Code Sequence" (0040,08EA) in the "Waveform Annotation Module".
NumericValueCount Gets the number of values under the "Numeric Value" (0040,A30A) element.
TemporalPointCount Gets the number of values under the "Referenced Sample Positions" (0040,A132) element, the "Referenced Time Offsets" (0040,A138) element, or the "Referenced Datetime" (0040,A13A) element.
TemporalPointType Gets the type of values TemporalPointCount represents.
TemporalRange Gets or sets the value of the "Temporal Range Type" (0040,A130) element.
UnformattedTextValue Gets or sets the value of the "Unformatted Text Value" (0070,0006) element.
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