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DicomModalityLutAttributes Class


For a list of all members of this type, see DicomModalityLutAttributes members

Public Properties

Name Description
EntryBits Gets or sets the third value in the "LUT Descriptor".
FirstStoredPixelValueMapped Gets or sets the second value in the "LUT Descriptor". Specifies the first input value mapped.
IsModalityLutSequence Gets or sets the Flag that indicates whether a "Modality LUT Sequence" (0028,3000) exists in the DICOM dataset or not.
IsRescaleSlopeIntercept Gets or sets the flag that indicates whether Rescale Intercept(0028,1052) and Rescale Slope(0028,1053) exist in the DICOM dataset or not.
LutExplanation Gets or sets the Value of the "LUT Explanation" (0028,3003) element under the "Modality LUT Sequence" (0028,3000).
LutType Gets or sets the value of the "Modality LUT Type" (0028,3004) element under the "Modality LUT Sequence" (0028,3000).
NumberOfEntries Gets or sets the first value in the "LUT Descriptor".
RescaleIntercept Gets or sets the Value of the "Rescale Intercept" (0028,1052) element.
RescaleSlope Gets or sets the value of the "Rescale Slope" (0028,1053) element.
RescaleType Gets or sets the value of the "Rescale Type" (0028,1054) element.
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