Leadtools.Controls.Medical Enumerations


Overview and description of Leadtools Controls Medical enumerations.

Enumeration Description
CellMPRType Describes the type of the cell based on it is location and orientation in the 3D space.
CellsArrangement CellsArrangement that represents how the cells arrangement is handled.
ColorType Describes the color type of a pixel and whether it is gray or colored.
FrameArrangement FrameArrangement that represents how the frames arrangement is handled.
HorizontalAlignmentType Describes the horizontal alignment type of the cell.
MedicalViewerSizeMode MedicalViewerSizeMode represents the different size modes supported for the images inside the medical viewer.
MPRStatus MPRStatus enumeration that represents the cell eligibility to create MPR cells.
OverlayAlignment OverlayAlignment enumeration represents the placement of the overlay text displayed on top of each frame.
OverlayTextType OverlayTextType enumeration represents the type of the overlay text displayed on top of each frame.
PlayingDirection Describes the type of the cell based on it is location and orientation in the 3D space.
ProjectionOrientationType Describes the projection orientation of the patient, and whether it is face-to-face or face-to-back.
ScrollType Describes the scroll type and how the to handle scrolling though a grid layout of frames when using the mouse wheel.
SortOrder Describes the order of which sorting is used to arrange the images inside the cell.
SortType Describes the sorting method used to arrange the images inside the cell.
VerticalAlignmentType Describes the vertical alignment type of the cell.
WindowLevelPaletteType WindowLevelPaletteType enumeration that represents the different window level built-in palettes supported by the medical web viewer.
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Leadtools.Controls.Medical Assembly
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