MedicalViewer Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by MedicalViewer.

Public Constructors

Name Description
MedicalViewer Initializes a new instance of the MedicalViewer class.

Public Methods

Name Description
canMerge Checks whether the selected cells can be merged.
explode Explodes or implodes the specified cell.
invalidate Redraws the medical viewer.
layoutCells Refreshes the cell layout.
mergeSelected Merges the selected cells into one larger cell.
onAfterCellExploded Raises the AfterCellExploded event.
onBeforeCellExploded Raises the BeforeCellExploded event.
onDragCompleted Raises the DragCompleted event.
onDragDelta Raises the DragDelta event.
onDragStarted Raises the DragStarted event.
onSizeChanged Raises the SizeChanged event.
refreshReferenceLine Recalculates the reference line positions.
removeKey Removes the previously synchronized studies group.
renderViewer Repaints the viewer, in particular the grid splitters.
synchronizeSeries Synchronizes all the series that have the same FrameOfReferenceUID as the cell specified.
synchronizeStudies Optional delegate method for additional processing.

Public Properties

Name Description
activeSeries Gets or sets the selected series in the medical viewer.
cellsArrangement Gets or sets the current arrangement of each cell inside the viewer.
divId Gets the id of the div that holds the medical viewer.
emptyCellColor Gets or sets the color of the empty cells.
emptyDivs Gets a collection of the empty cells inside the medical viewer.
enableSynchronization Gets or sets a value that determines whether series with the same FrameOfreferenceUID should be synchronized together.
exploded Gets whether the medical viewer is in explode view mode.
explodedCell Gets the exploded cell.
gridLayout Gets the class that controls the grid layout.
matchedCells Gets the cells that are matched.
multipleSelection Gets or sets a value that determines whether to allow the user to do multiple cell selection.
selectedSeries Gets a list of the selected series inside the medical viewer.
showFirstAndLastReferenceLine Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to display the potential first and last reference lines of this cell on other cells.
showReferenceLine Gets or sets the value that indicates whether to display the reference line of this cell on other cells.
totalCells Gets or sets the total number of cells (empty and series).

Public Events

Name Description
afterCellExploded Optional delegate method for additional processing.
beforeCellExploded Optional delegate method for additional processing.
selectionChanged Optional delegate method for additional processing.

Public Fields

Name Description
emptyCellClicked Optional delegate method for additional processing.
layout Gets the Layout that contains a list of cells included in the medical viewer.
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Leadtools.Controls.Medical Assembly
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